Who Broke It? (Short)

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Everyone was standing around a table, with a broken coffee maker infront of them all.

"So... Who broke it?" Gramma asked.

Everyone looked around the room, either annoyed or worried.

"I'm not mad, I just wanna know." Gramma said.

Bill looked around nervously, and spoke up.

"I did it, I Brok-!" Bill started, but was interrupted by Gramma.

"No! No, you didn't." Gramma said.

Gramma then turned over to Tilly.

"Tilly?" Gramma asked.

"Don't look at me... Look at Cricket." Tilly Replied, pointing to Cricket.

"What? I didn't break it." Cricket replied.

"Hm, that's weird, how'd you know that it was broken?" Tilly Asked.

"...Because it's sittin' here, and it's broken..." Cricket replied.

"Hm... Suspicious." Tilly Replied, giving Cricket a suspicious look.

"No, it's not." Cricket replied.

Suddenly, Nancy spoke up.

"If it matters... Probably not, but, Gloria was the last one to use it." Nancy said.

"Liar! I don't even drink that crud!" Gloria said.

"Oh, really? Then what were you doing by the coffee maker earlier?" Nancy asked.

"I had to grab the moP that was right beside of it!" Gloria replied.

"Okay, let's not fight. I broke it, let me pay for it, Mom." Bill called out.

"NO! Who broke it?!" Gramma exclaimed.

Then, it was quiet for a whole minute.

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"Gramma... Remy's been awfully quiet." Cricket called out.

"Really?!" Remy said.

"Yeah, really!" Cricket replied.

"Oh. my. gosh!" Remy said.

Then, everyone around the table argued and argued, talking over eachother at once, as they angrily disagreed with mostly everyone in the room, except Gramma, who smiled and walked out of the room.

"I broke it. It burned my hand, so I punched it." Gramma said, smirking.

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