Cricket the Furry (Short) (Part 2)

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Bill was humming happily, as he was washing the dishes.

"Hmm-Hm-Hmmm-Hmm!" He hummed, smiling.

He had washed almost all of the dirty dishes, until Cricket peered around the corner, wearing his Furry Cat-Suit.

Moments later, Bill put the last clean dish, a Cup, with the others, as he unplugged the sink.

"Ah! Nothin' like clean dishes!" Bill said.

Bill walked over to put the old rag away, when he turned around, Cricket was on the counter, tilting his head.

"Wha-? Cricket, ya scared me, son!" Bill said.

Cricket tilted his head.

"Still in the 'Cat Game' eh? You've been playing for nearly two days, you should probably wash that old cat suit." Bill replied.

"Meow." Cricket, meowed.

He then crawled over to the dishes, then looked over to Bill.

"...What are ya doin'?" Bill asked.

Cricket didn't answer, just took his paw, and slid the cup off the counter, causing it to fall and smash.

"Wha-?! CRICKET!" Bill yelled, in anger.

Cricket then took his paws, then slid off all of the other plates, bowls, and cups off the counter, with them all smashing and leaving glass everywhere.

"CRICKET!" He exclaimed.

"Meow." He meowed.

Bill am girly tried to grab him, but he jumped pver him and dodged him, landing on his head, and jumping to the floor, crawling off.


Cricket, however, didn't go back, but instead, left the mess for his father to clean. He was very mad, he was about to go chase down his son, but he KNEW he had to clean up the mess first.

Moments later, Gramma, who was watching TV and knitting, was in her room, as her TV wasn't so loud, or quiet.

"You... you ARE my long lost love!" A woman said.

"...What?!" A man replied.

"Oohh, Juicy!" Gramma said.

Cricket then sneakily crawled in her room, without her noticing, as she was watching TV. He hopped on Gramma's bed... which was VERY off limits, and started to lick his paw.

After a few moments, he quickly stopped, as his eyes caught something... Gramma's sword.

"Mreow?" He meowed, curiously.

He then hopped off her bed, not before leaving some fur from the cat-suit on the bed. He crawled over to the sword, which was right beside of Gramma, and clicked a button in his suit, which drew sharp claws  and he started to scratch the Sword, with an agonizing sound.

"AAACK! WHAT THE-?" Gramma asked.

She turned to see Cricket scratching her sword, and she gasped in shock.

"NOOOO! MY SWORD!" Gramma cried.

She quickly grabbed the sword, and brought it to her bed.

"Medical equipment, STAT!" She yelled.

She reached from under her bed, and took a hidden medical kit, she slammed the kit on her bed, only for further to fly everywhere, causing her to sneeze.

"Ah-Ah-Ah-ACHOOOOO!" She sneezed.

Her sneezed caused the sword to drop, and split in half.


As she quickly tried to fix her sword, Cricket crawled out of the room, shaking the fur that flew off his suit off.
He crawled off to the hallways, where he was off to Tilly, who was in the bedroom having a tea party with Saxton, and other dolls.

Tilly being an Animal lover, liked that her brother was playing as a Cat, since he rarely got dressed up.

"Would you like some sugar with your tea?" Tilly asked, holding a small cup with sugar inside.

Saxton stood still, and quiet, which caused Tilly to smile.

"Just the way ya always like it! Sour." Tilly said.

She then put the cup of sugar down, and grabbed her own tea cup, then took a sip.
It didn't take her a long time to stop after a few sips, only to toast tea cups with Saxton

"Here's to Our 1 year Friendship anniversary!" Tilly cheered,

She then closed her eyes, as she took another long sip of her tea.
After a few long seconds, she finally stopped drinking, then turned her attention back to The other dolls.

"So, how is everyone enjoyin'-?!" She started.

She quickly stopped in her tracks, gasping in shock.
Cricket we using the claws to tear up his dolls, quite quickly.

"FancyPants! NOOOO!" Tilly cried.

Cricket finished destroying the doll by taking his buck-teeth and ripping the head off with his teeth.

"Cricket! Stop!" Tilly yelled.

Cricket turned over to Tilly, only to hiss.

"HIISSSS!" He hissed.

Moments later, he turned around, and ran out the door, leaving Tilly dumbfounded by the sight of her destroyed doll.

"S-Saxton!" She cried.

Cricket then crawled out, and shook his fake fur.

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