I'm on a roll now; Burned, Rejected, Confused; Hot girl? Why not?

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*Lowkey pretends I didn't disappear for months* (Gosh I'm starting to feel like EroldStory)

Previously on The Shadow King's Other Side:


"It's clear you like him so don't try to deny it. And I've never seen Kyoya so unsure about someone in my life. Normally he either likes you or hates you, but you (Y/N) have made him question his feelings towards you. You should be proud," He kept rambling on and I couldn't help feel some of what he said was true. I mean that would explain the voice in my head, right?

"Okay, you win," I said, defeated.


First Person Point Of View:-

"Yaaaayyy! So what's the plan?" Tamaki shouted and gave me a hug. All the hosts had moved to another part of the room by that point so no one could resque me from his death grasp.

"First of all, lower your voice, you're too loud. Second of all, we're not gonna do anything rash. So let's try talking to Kyoya first about all of this. He's reasonable, he'll know what to do. I mean, surely he won't trust her immediately. It took you guys some time to trust Haruhi and I so it should be the same for Renge, right?"

"What? No, that's stupid. Kyoya's going to be all like 'leave her alone, be courteous to her, bla bla bla' you know, all the boring stuff!" Tamaki imitated Kyoya.

"Well, he has a point..." I said, rethinking my decision to work with Tamaki.

"No, shush, no negativity here!" Tamaki slammed his hand on the table we were sitting next to. "Anyway, when's your next lesson with Kyoya?"

"Umm, tomorrow, I'm pretty sure. We're supposed to have one every day... But he's going to probably cancel in because he has to take care of Renge, right?"

"Wrong again! Carpe diem! Seize the moment! We need Kyoya to AVOID Renge!" Tamaki clenched his first dramatically.

"Um, carpe diem means seize the day, but anyway, how do you intend on separating our Kyoya from his Calypso?" I corrected him.

"Who's Calypso?" Tamaki looked at me blankly.

"... I- Tamaki..." I lift my hands in a prayer stance to my lips contemplating my life choices. "Never mind, scrap that. Just what do you think I should do if Kyoya DOES show up to our sessions."

"Okay so Kyoya has been criticizing your hosting, right? The best way to get his attention is to impress him by how much you've improved," Tamaki made sense for once.

"But I haven't," I bluntly said.

"Yes, but you will have by tomorrow," Tamaki tapped the side of his head. "After the club and school finishes, go home, get changed into something boyish. I'm taking you to a cafe to pick up girls."

"Uh, I don't think that's a good idea..." I thought about all the ways it could go wrong, with Tamaki leaving me in the middle of nowhere to go on a date with some random girl he met.

"But it's the only way to get you improve!" He said, voice deafeningly loud. 

"Fine, but please, nothing too extreme. Just no kissing!" I begrudgingly agreed.

"That's oddly specific but okay..." He looked weirded out for a second but luckily my panicked comment went right over his head. Hey, you can't blame me! I didn't want my first kiss to be meaningless. 

"Where do you live then? I'll come pick you up," he asked.

"Tamaki, we're going to a cafe. Not fancy dining. No fancy clothes. Just 'commoner' coffee, as you would call it," I gave him my address, begging him not to rock up in front of the door in a limousine. Let's hope this doesn't blow up in my face.

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