Special Pt.2: Ode to fanfiction, With AUs and x Reader-s, I got nothing, man

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I looked at Tamaki, eager to see his reaction only to find him between shock and heartbreak. He quickly strode to where Haruhi was standing and gave her a hug telling her to never do it again since strangers were dangerous. Of course, I took advantage of that moment and got my phone out, which was somehow with me in the dream, to take a photo of an affectionate moment between the couple because it's a moment that wasn't in the anime and you gotta do what you gotta do.

My phone, however, didn't want me to go undetected so it decided to take the photo with flash, even though there was plenty of light in the room. This, of course, drew the attention of everyone in the room, causing Kyoya to sneak up from behind me and grab it out of my hands.

"Hey! Give it back!" I yelled at him, which made him simply inspect it while holding it at arm's length above both our heads. This was obviously a problem for me considering he was taller. I jumped up a few times trying to grab it, but the attempts were in vain.

"What a peculiar device. It looks like one of the mobile phones my family has been developing in secret to wipe out other companies in the phone industry and to take the market by storm." He said, a suspicious look settling on his face. "May I ask you, miss, how did you manage to get your hands on one of these? They are still in the development stage and I haven't heard of any model being produced. In fact, I remember the design being a lot bulkier than this."

Oh... oh! Of course, they were using the flip phones in the anime, they wouldn't know about touch screens, yet. Thinking of an excuse quickly, I say the first thing that came into my mind. "Oh, um, I-uh, actually m-made it myself. I like to, um, tinker with technology to, uh, make more advanced devices, and this is something new that I came up with! Uh, yeah!" I bluffed my way through this.

Kyoya's expression only changed slightly, but it was clear that he didn't entirely believe me. Regardless, he gave me back my phone and after a few seconds of seemingly debating with himself whether to believe me or not, a look of realisation came about his face. "Uhuh... Well, in that case, excuse me. I must make an important call to inform my father of the newly found competition for our phone design." He said quickly, looking clearly worried and uncomfortable, and left. I expect because his father will not be pleased. I mean, I don't blame him; if I were him, I wouldn't want another one of those slaps on my face from that one episode... Ouch.

Looking at the picture that I took, I let out a pleased sigh. "Ah, yes, pure TamaHaru content. I want to keep this, I'm going to be so upset when I wake up..." I talk to myself, without realising that Honey is standing next to me, and heard what I was saying.

"Wake up? (Y/N)-chan, what are you talking about?" He asked, as innocent as ever.

"Oh, I was saying how I was going to, uh, miss you guys when I wake up. You know, since this is a dream?" I said, trying to cover my fangirl moment, and not caring at the same time because it was a dream and I was going to wake up soon anyway.

"Dream? Don't be silly, (Y/N)-chan, this isn't a dream. It's just your first time in the host club, it's not that fascinating." He replied simply.

"Why, of course, it's a dream, my princess. However, you will never have to wake up from this one." Tamaki cut in and posed strangely so that one hand was extended towards me while the other was placed roughly near his heart, his head looking sideways towards me.

"Uhhh, thank you? But seriously, I've enjoyed this, but I've got to face the facts. This is a dream. I have to wake up and deal with reality. And I can't keep any of the cute pictures of Tamaki and Haruhi. Although, this will make a great plot to write about in my fanfic." I stated, hesitantly at first but having a more fed up tone towards the end.

"What are you talking about?" I turn around and see that Kyoya looks confused and slightly weirded out. He must have just come in and heard what I said."

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