Chapter 1

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Jasmine's pov

I walked down Diagon Ally hoping to get my school supplies. When I was six, I had my first bout of accidental magic and my Aunt, Uncle and cousin chased me out. I found my way inside the Leaky Cauldron armed with nothing but a name change. I changed my sir name from Potter to Rosewood. In the Leaky Cauldron, I learned about the wizarding world and about my parents, Lily and James Potter. I learned how to be a metamorphogis so I can change my hair color from red to chocolate brown. I thought about changing my eye color, but I loved the emerald green color. I walked into Gringotts. "Jasmine Rosewood here to see my vaults." "Welcome back Miss. Rosewood. Griphook!" The goblin who manages my account walked over. "Hello Miss. Rosewood, which vault would you like to proceed to?" "School savings please." "Of course. May we proceed." "We may." I followed Griphook to the underground trolly and we rode all the way down to the vaults. "Vault 927, place a bit of blood on the lock." I designed my vaults with Griphook so that there is no key. There is a lock, but the doors can only be activated with my blood. I walked in with a bottomless bag and filled it with galleons. I grabbed a thick tome called Potions For The Ages and walked back out with Griphook. We rode back up to to the main bank where we saw a lumbering half giant talking to the head goblin. He turned around to see us. "Ah, Griphook. Jus the goblin I was lookin' fer. Who's your friend?" "Hello, sir. I'm Jasmine Rosewood." "Pleasure to meet ya. Call me Rubeus Hagrid." "Alright Hagrid." I turned to Griphook. "May your vaults flow with gold." "And may your enimies die at your feet." I walked out of the bank and looked at my Hogwarts list. As much as it pains me, they wrote Potter instead of Rosewood. I sighed and walked to Madam Malkins Robes for all Occasions. I walked in and saw the little old witch taking the measurements of a dark skinned boy with black hair. "Welcome dearie. What can I get you?" "I'm a first year going to Hogwarts, I need the standard first year robes." "Sure thing sweetheart. Just stand on the stool so I can take your measurements." I stood on the stool and let her take the measurements. As I waited I pulled out my copy of Potions For The Ages. "Hello. My names Blaise Zambini. What may your name be?" "Not interested. Save friend making in school, and don't bother me in the process. If you want my name you can wait until the sorting. Considering your status in the wizarding world, you would be in Slytherin, and I presume that is the house you want, so I wish you the best of luck." I stepped off my stool and took my robes from Madam Malkins. "How much?" "Five galleons and thirteen sickles." I gave her six galleons and walked out. I decided to get my books so I walked into the bookstore. I saw a family of redheads, I assumed they were the Weasley family, I walked over to them. "Excuse me, I would to get my books." "Wait your damn turn." My eyes flared red to scare him. "May I get my books." He quickly moved to the side and my eyes changed back to green. I gathered the books I needed and walked to the front. I paid for my books, and started walking to the pet shop. I walked in and saw a very rare animal.

 I walked in and saw a very rare animal

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It was an Ice Phoenix. I walked over to her cage and stroked her beak. Ice Phoenixs are like normal phoenixs in the immortal catagory, but are more rare. They are said to "die" by shattering into bits of ice shards and come out of the shards as a new baby. "Would you like to become my familiar, Lady Phoenix?" She nodded she head. I let her out of her cage. She flew to me and perched herself on my left shoulder. "I'll name you, Frost." I bought her and a some mice for her to eat. I left the store and walked into Ollivanders. "Hello Miss. Potter." I spun around to see a very old man holding a wand case. "My name is Jasmine Rosewood. I am not a Potter. They died out I'm afraid." "My apologies Miss. Rosewood. You'll have to forgive these old eyes of mine. Now, wand arm." I gave him my right arm. "Veela hair, Black Pine wood, supple yet firm." I took the wand and green and blue spark flew out of the tip. "That'll be fifteen galleons." I gave him the money and bought a right handed wand holster that strapped onto my right thigh. I walked out and walked into the Leaky Cauldron. "Tom, can I rent a room for the night?" "Of course Jasmine dear. Excited for Hogwarts tomorrow?" "Very much so yes." "Thats good to hear. The room is five galleons." I gave him the money and walked up to my room. I opened the window for Frost. I flopped on the bed and went to sleep.

Jasmine Rosewood Aka Jasmine PotterWhere stories live. Discover now