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Eva Swan was serving in the military when she was honorably discharged. She decides to go live with Charlie and Bella until finding her own place.

Eva's POV

I got off the bus and began my long journey to my dads house. Once I saw his house, a huge grin came across my face. I hurried my pace until I was at the front door. I knocked on the door and heard movement almost immediately. Dad opened the door and went into shock. "Hey dad" I said softly. "Eva" he said in a whisper. I pulled him into a tight hug. "You're back?" He asked. "Yeah, if you'll let me" I said. "Of course, come on in. We will get you settled and then we need talk" he said happily. I followed him inside and up the stairs. He helped me get mostly settled before we went back downstairs. We sat on the couch and he looked like he was trying to figure out what to say. "Honorable discharged" I said softly. "What happened?" He asked. "Basically I was kidnapped, tortured and starved until my team came and got me. My commanding officer decided it was time for me to go home." I said. "Are you ok now?" He asked me. "I am ok, I do have PTSD and I will probably always carry a gun on me until I die" I said. "Ok" he said softly. "Anyways wheres Bella?" I asked. "She is out with her boyfriend. Edward Cullen" he said bitterly. "You must not like this Edward Cullen" I said. "No I dont. His parents are pretty nice though" he said. "Anyways you want to go visit Billy" he asked me. "Is that even a question?" I asked excitedly. He chuckled and grabbed his keys for the cruiser. We made small talk about how life has been as we traveled towards la plush. Once we pulled into the driveway, people looked out the window. Dad got out of the cruiser and then I did. He went up and knocked on the door. Billy answered it and his face lit up. "Eva!" He said happily. "Are you back 100%" he asked me. "Yes I am. Honorable discharge" I said proudly. "That is amazing" he said. "Anyways come in" he said. I followed my dad inside and saw a crap ton of shirtless men. "Eva meet the la plush protectors" Billy introduced me. One of them stared me down. I snapped my eyes towards him and made sure he knew I wasnt going to submissive towards him. "Paul knock it off" I heard someone order. The guy broke eye contact. I looked towards the man that gave the order. He stiffened under my gaze. I looked around. "Jakey you got buff" I said. "Damn Eva the marines did you good" he replied back with his cheeky smile. "Damn right they did" I said smirking. "So when did you get back" he asked. "I got back into the USA 3 months ago. I was in the hospital for a good portion of that time. As soon as I got cleared by the doctors and my commanding officer decided to discharge me, I got on a bus and headed here." I said. "What happened? If you dont mind telling us" Billy asked. "I was basically kidnapped, tortured and starved until my team came and got me" I explained. "Thank you so much Eva for your service" Jake said. "No problem Jake. I would gladly serve my country again" I said. "So anyways Billy do you know where the VA is?" I asked. "Yes." He said. He wrote down the address and gave it to me. "Thank you. Jake you up for a job" I asked. "Depends on what it is?" He said. "Help me fix my truck" I said. "Hell yeah, I'll help what needs to be done on it?" He asked. "Well I need the brakes done and an oil change. Maybe new tires" I said. "Oh yeah you were stationed in North Carolina werent you he asked. "Yeah definitely need new tires." I said. He chuckled at that. "We will go get your truck tomorrow" Dad told me. "What about work?" I asked him. "I'm sure the guys at the station can handle the calls for one day" he said. "Alright" I said. "By the way, is there any openings at the station?" I asked. "Yes actually there is. Why you thinking about joining our team" he asked. "Absolutely. Let's keep putting my skills to good use." I said winking at him. "Besides if I have to carry a gun on me for the rest of my life, I better being doing something good with it" I said. "Looks like you're going to settle down here" Billy said. "This is home." I said. "No matter where I went in the world, Forks and La plush has always been my home." I stated. "Eva do you still know how to cook?" Jake asked. "Jake duh" I said. "Will you cook for us?" He asked. "Billy what do you have in your cupboards?" I asked. He chuckled at me. "You'll have to look. These guys eat a ton" he said. I went into the kitchen and began looking around. "So what age were you when you enlisted" I got asked. "18. That summer I was shipped off to the boot camp." I said as I continued to look in the cupboards. I pulled out some ingredients and then got the pots and pans. "Why did you enlist?" He asked. "Wanted to make my dad proud" I said. I began cooking. As I waited for the water to boil I turned away and finally saw it was the man who froze under my gaze who was taking to me. "How long have you been in the military?" He asked. "This was my 5th year. I was in the reserves for 2 years and active duty for 3 years. I'm 23 now" I said. "5 years in the military. Wow that's awesome" he said genuinely. "Thanks" I said. I turned around and continued cooking. 15 minutes later the food was done. "Boys, food" I called out. They came running in like wild animals. Billy and Charlie entered while chuckling. Once they all were sitting down and eating it was quiet. Once they finished they piled their plates in the sink. Jake kissed my cheek. "Thank you Eva" He said. "No problem Jake." I said. "Shes a good cook" I heard someone say. "Wow Paul your not being an ass" Jake said jokingly. "Shut it Black" he snapped jokingly. "Alright well we should probably get home. I've been up since 6 this morning. Your girl wants sleep" I said. "I'm glad your home now" Billy said. "I'm glad to be home" I said hugging him goodbye. "I'll be over tomorrow around noon to help with your truck" Jake said. "Alright I'll have lunch ready" I said. He hugged me goodbye and then dad and I left. Bella was passed out when we got home.

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