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A week later Bella came back and brought all the cullens with her. I showed up at their house with Sam. "Who's this?" Someone asked. "That is Eva, my older sister" Bella said. "I can tell we are going to be great friends" A pixie looking vamp said. "Yeah I dont think so" I said. She pouted and another girl laughed. "Wow Rosalie isnt being a bitch for once" Edward said. "I like her. Shes like me" The one called Rosalie said. "Which reminds me. Edward can I speak to you outside" I asked. He raised an eyebrow but followed me outside. I threw a punch at him and heard the satisfaction of his face crack. He gasped. "No human can hurt a vampire" he said. "That's where you are wrong. I'm not human" I snapped. I went inside and he followed me. Everyone but the big vamp, Rosalie and Sam gasped. "Eva heal him" Bella ordered. "Nah I dont feel like it." I said. "I like her" the big vamp said. "She definitely has military training" one said with a southern accent. "Who the fuck is who" I asked. "I'm Emmett" the big vamp said. "Im Jasper" the one with the southern accent said. "I'm Carlisle and this is my wife Esme. And that is Alice" The blondie said. "What are you" Esme asked. I smirked. "I am a marine. I am a witch and a spiritual warrior" I said. "I definitely like her" Jasper, Embry and Rosalie said. "Anyways we came here to explain that Leah has been beside herself. Bella you fucked up" I said. "Why does this matter to Leah?" Alice asked confused. "Leah imprinted on Bella" Sam said. You could see everyone in the room freeze. "I wasnt lying to you guys" Bella said. "Well that's ok. If it's ok with Leah we would still love to have you as part of our family." Esme spoke up. "We still want to throw you a graduation party and help you out as best as we can" Carlisle said. "I will talk to Leah" Bella said. "Wait you can still be with me" Edward said. "No I cant. I dont have feelings for you anymore. Leah has became my whole world." Bella said. "I respect your decision" Edward said. Bella left with us shortly after that. Once we got to the pack house, Leah came running out. She looked Bella over. "Ok now that I know you arent hurt, what the hell were you thinking?" Leah yelled. Bella flinched. "I didnt want to carry the guilt of him dying because he thought I was dead. He knows I have no feelings towards him. He knows and respects my decision to be with my imprint" Bella explained. "Good" Leah said. "Carlisle and Esme would like to know if it's ok with you, if they can still be the adopted family to me" Bella added softly. "Yes but anytime you go over there I want you to keep me updated." Leah said. "They actually want to meet you" Bella said shocking Leah. "Why I'm their enemy" Leah asked. "They arent like normal vampires, they want to meet their other sister" Bella said with a small smile. "Fine, we will go see them tomorrow" Leah said. Sam and I were smirking at them. "What are you smirking about?" Bella and Leah asked. "Nothing" we said heading into my house. "Bullshit" They said. Sam and I chuckled at them. "You're just acting like a couple that's all" I called out. I began making lunch as Sam talked to the guys. Leah and Bella came in blushing a half hour later. "Awe" I said embarrassing them. "Dont you dare say anything" Leah told the guys. "Hey we werent going to stay anything besides congrats on your first kiss" Paul and Jarred said as they took off for patrol. "Eva" Bella said softly. "Yes" I said. "I was meaning to talk to you about something that happened in Italy" she said. "What about it" I asked concerned. "The kings were letting a vampire named Jane torture Edward. I did something" she trailed off. "What did you do?" I asked. "I flung her backwards without even touching her" Bella said. I gasped. "Sam take this out in 15 minutes." I said as I dragged Bella outside. "What's going on" she asked. "I'm going to test you" I said. "Ok?" She said confused. "I'm giving you the same test mom gave me." I said. "Mom" she questioned. "I'll explain later." I said. "Trust your intuition" I warned her. She gave a nod. I threw a rock at her. She stopped it mid air and flung it in a different direction. "What the hell is happening?" She asked confused and scared. "Bella calm down and trust yourself" I said. I made daggers out of the water and threw them at her. She froze them in place and let the water drop to the ground. "Interesting" I said. I made a fireball and threw it. She grabbed it and flung it to the water. "Congrats sis. Your powers have come in" I said. "Wait what?" She asked. "You are a different kind of warrior. You are a elemental warrior. Meaning air, water, fire, earth are your weapons." I explained. "Why the hell didnt mom explain this" she yelled. "You arent allowed to speak about it unless you notice someone coming into their powers." I said. "So what do I do" she asked. "You keep the mundanes safe. Vampires are one of our enemies but there are alot more out there then just vampires" I explained. "Ok but why did I protect Edward?" She asked. "Your bond. You may not have romantic feelings for him anymore but you still have a bond with him that will eventually turn into a brother/sister bond" I explained. "Ok" she said. "Come on let's go eat. Once you've thought this over and get it sorta settled in your mind, I'll train you" I explained.

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