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2 weeks later and my house was finished. The pack hung out at my house every day. Bella, Embry and Jarred showed up at the house. "Wolfs out of the bag" Jarred said. "Let me guess, Paul and Jake" I questioned. "Yeah" he said. Embry was telling Bella all about the pack and Jarred wacked the back of his head. "Here you guys go. Save some for your brothers" I said putting the muffin on the kitchen table. I went back to cooking lunch. "You guys arent the first monsters I've met" Bella said which caught my attention. "Oh yeah the blood suckers" Jarred said. "They're fast" Bella said. "Oh yeah well we are faster" Embry said smirking. "Scared yet?" Jarred asked. "Not really" Bella said. "Jake's right. You are good with weird" Sam said coming in. A smile slipped on my face. He came over and covered my face with kisses. I giggled at him. "Sorry" Paul said with a smirk. Bella walked out of the house with Jake. An hour later Jake came in looking like a lost puppy dog. Bella came in after him with a broken wrist. "You are a witch and a spirit warrior?" Bella asked. I responded by smacking Jake on the head. "Yes but it wasnt his secret to tell. Come on let's go fix your wrist" I said sighing. She followed me through my house to my room that held all my supplies. I mixed together a potion and gave it to her. She looked at me like I was nuts. "Drink it. You'll feel better" I said. She hesitantly drank it. 5 minutes later her wrist was back to normal. "Wow that's freaky" she gasped out. I rolled my eyes. "But dating a vampire isnt" I asked. She flinched at the word vampire. "No it is" she said softly. She followed me through my house again. "Put this on. Itll protect you from Victoria" I said handing her a necklace. She put it on. "Good now maybe I'll be able to catch the bitch and get rid of her" I said. "Wait you've been tracking her too?" She questioned. "Yes she was only staying away before because she knew I could destroy her with one ritual" I said. "Thank you for continuing to protect me" Bella said. "Come on I'm sure lover boy is waiting" I said. We began to walk to the kitchen when I stopped. "If you ever get a chance to be imprinted on. Pick the wolf over the vamp" I said in my prophecy voice. "Eva are you alright" Bella asked. "Yes why" I asked her. "You just changed your voice and went perfectly straight" Bella said. "Oh you got a prophecy. You are a lucky one" I said as I continued to walk towards the kitchen. "Well it definitely was interesting" she said. Once we got back to the kitchen Sam, Jake and Paul were the only ones here. "Embry, Jarred go on patrol" I questioned. "Yes" Sam said. I closed my eyes and imagined their wolf forms. "Keep them safe, keep them sound, keep them protected from any harm, as I will it so mote it be" I said putting a protection spell over them. I went back to cooking while Jake and Paul talked to Bella. "What are you looking at" I asked Sam teasingly. "The most beautiful women on the planet" he responded immediately. He came over and wrapped his arms around me. I giggled at him. I leaned into his warmth and continued to do what I was doing. "Does dad know?" Bella asked. "Not yet. We are telling him at the bonfire on Friday" I said. "Bonfires are cool" Bella mumbled. Sam chuckled at her. "You are invited too. You just found out before your dad did" Sam said. Bella perked right up. A little while later Bella had to leave. "Jake I'm not going to give you hope. But she is destined to be with a wolf" I said. "I know shes not my imprint but I would love to have her as a sister just like you are my sister" Jake said. The next day Jarred showed up at my house early with some girl. "Jarred give me 5 minutes and I'll be ready" I called down. I quickly got dressed. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I brushed my hair before I threw it into a ponytail. I went downstairs and saw a pretty girl. She was tanned with brown hair and you could see her emotions through her eyes. "This is Eva the pack mom. Eva can you tell her what you are?" Jarred asked. "I am a witch and a spiritual warrior" I explained. "And also a marine. Thank you for your service." Kim said shyly. "Jarred make sure you treat her right. Honey if he does anything out of line you come to me ok? I'll put him in his place" I said. Kim giggled as Jarreds face paled. "5 minutes here and shes already more protective over you" Jarred said. "Jarred who's this" Sam asked walking in. "This is Kim my imprint" Jarred said proudly. "Nice to meet you Kim" Sam said. "Kim this is Sam, my alpha" Jarred introduced. "Nice to meet you Sam" Kim said. "Nice to meet you too" Sam said. "Guys I'm sorry to break up this happy meeting but something is happening at the Clearwaters" Paul said coming in. His face held worry. "Let's go" Sam said. We went outside and they went into the woods. "What are we doing" Kim asked. "We are going to ride on their backs to the clearwaters" I said. She nodded her head. Sam and Jarred came out of the tree line. I climbed up on Sam and Kim did the same to Jarred. "Hold on tight" I told her. She gave me a nod. Soon the pack was flying through the forest. "Where the hell is Jake" I asked outloud. At the Clearwaters. We found out Harry had a heart attack. Seth was already in wolf form whining. Leah began to shake. I grabbed her and threw her out the door. Where seconds later she shifted into a wolf. Everyone gasped. "A female shifter is rare" Billy said. "Sam. She jumped off a cliff. Victoria jumped after her. Go to the cliffs" I told him as I had a vision. Sam gave me a nod and took off. "What's happening now" Paul asked. "Bella jumped off a cliff and Victoria followed her." I explained. "No offense Eva but your sister kinda is a magnet for trouble" Paul said. "Trust me I know" I said. I began working on Leah as Paul helped with Seth. "Careful Eva. New shifters have a hard time controlling their anger. Plus shes Sam's ex" Jarred explained. "I got this. You just make sure Kim stays out of harms way." I said. "Leah" I said cautiously. "Honey I know that this is a difficult time but you need to think about happy times"  I said. She growled at me. "Ok I'll give you a few minutes to get your bearings and I'll be back with clothes" I said. I went inside and asked Sue where Leah's room was. Once I got Leah clothes, I went back outside where Sam and Leah were having a growl off. "SAM ENOUGH. YOU ARE NOT HELPING" I ordered. Everyone was shocked when Sam listened to my order. "Now Leah. Think about happy times. When you were with your friends and had a stomachache laugh time. When you spent a day with your family just enjoying the day. When you got to go to the mall. When you accomplish one of your goals." I said. A few minutes later she was back as a human. I quickly covered her up. "Here are some clothes. Take your time" I said. She gave me a nod and retreated more into the woods. She came back a minute later fully clothed. "Thank you" she said softly.

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