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Graduation was long. Once it was over with I immediately stood up. "Are you going to the Cullens party?" Dad asked me. "Yes" I said. "Can I talk to you about something? In private" he asked. I looked at Sam and he gave a nod. I walked away with my dad. "Has she come into her powers yet" he asked. "Yes and I've trained her." I said. "Good. I didnt want any mishaps" he said. We walked over to where Sam and Leah were. Bella ran over and kissed Leah softly. "What the hell?" Dad asked. "Not here" I said sternly. He gave a nod. "We will be talking about this" He told Bella. Billy and Jake left after congratulating Bella. Bella and Leah got into Sam's truck and we drove over to dads. "What the hell was that?" Dad yelled as we got inside his house. "Dad you know the wolves right" I asked. "Yes, Billy told me the Sam is the alpha" he said. "Wolves do this thing called imprinting. The gravity isnt holding you down anymore instead its them." I said. "So like soulmates" he asked. I nodded. "Sam imprinted on me. Leah imprinted on Bella. You cant help who you imprint on" I said. Dads face got so red. "When you calm down and accept it. You know where I live" I said calmly. We left his house and went over to the Cullens. "Thank you" Bella and Leah said. "I told you, I will stick up for you two. No one is going to torment you, hurt you, or try to keep you 2 apart as long as I'm around" I said. We walked into the Cullens. "Eva it's so nice to see you again" Alice said happily as she pulled me into a tight hug. "Alice leave the poor girl alone" Jasper said pulling Alice off of me. The party began and I was tense for some reason. "Alice what are you seeing?" Bella asked. The wolves and vamps ended up meeting upstairs. "Theres an army of newborns coming. The volturi will come to stop it but wont make it in time" Alice said. "We will have to fight." Carlisle said. "We will fight" Jake said. "That's not your call to make" Paul said. "Sam" Carlisle said. "We will fight" he finally said. "Bella and I will fight too" I said. "Ok we will begin training as soon as possible" Jasper said. I gave a nod.

Time skip

"This should be interesting, 2 military soldiers" Emmett said. Jasper and I were going to spar. "Let's go" I said. I actually ended up pinning Jasper to the ground. "You're good" he said. "Thanks" I said. I helped him up and the others began to spar. That's how the next couple of months went. "We have a day off of training, go get into something nice" Sam said one day. "Ok?" I said going upstairs. I put on a dress and some heels before fixing my makeup. I went back downstairs to see him waiting for me. He helped me into his truck and soon we were off to a mystery place. He took us to a nice restaurant in port Angeles. We had a lovely dinner. After dinner we went for a walk and ended up at a gazebo. "Eva" he said. I turned my attention towards him. He was down on one knee. "Eva when I first saw you I knew you were my imprint. As we spent months together I fell more and more in love with you. I dont know how I could possibly live without you. You mean the whole world to me. Marry me? And become Eva Uley" he asked. "Yes!" I yelled happily. He put the ring on my ring finger, stood up and gave me a passionate kiss.

The next day when everyone found out I was tackled into a group hug. "Our pack mom is getting married" they yelled as I giggled. "Alice has already started wedding planning" Bella told me. "No. If anyone is helping me plan my wedding it is you, Leah, Kim and Rosalie" I said. "Ok but just remember Alice always gets her way" Bella warned me. Somehow I got roped into going to the Cullens house that night. "Please" Alice begged for the 50th time. "No" I said. "But I've already seen it and you love it" she said. "Your point" I asked her. "My point is let me make it perfect for you" she said. I crossed my arms and stared at her. "Jasper come get your wife before I throw her out of the window" I said. She gasped as my girls giggled. "Alice hun, back off a little" Carlisle said. "Thank you" I said. I sat back down next to Rosalie. "But" Alice said. "I dont care if you've seen it and I love it. I dont want you to make it perfect. I want to plan it because it is my wedding" I said. "I'm really glad we kinda adopted you" Rosalie said. I smirked at her. We went back to looking at wedding dress styles. "That's not the right style you choose" Alice said. I sighed. "Do you girls want to go to the diner to plan" I asked them. "Fine, fine I'll leave you alone" Alice said. "Thank you" Leah and Kim said. Alice huffed and walked away. "Ok so dad is walking you down the aisle." Bella asked. "That depends on if hes still upset over you and Leah." I said. "Cause if not I'll have Jasper or Emmett walk me down" I said. "Dibs" Emmett said. "Absolutely not, if I'm a bridesmaid, you are walking with me." Rosalie said. "Maybe next time" Jasper said smirking. "So we have Kim and Jarred walking down together, Leah and Paul, Bella and Jake, Rosalie and Emmett. Am I missing anyone?" I asked. "Claire as your flowergirl and Dillon as your ring bear" Leah said. "I almost forgot about little Claire and Dillon" I said. "Well my cousin doesnt come up here often so its understandable" Leah said. "Cousin?" Alice asked. "Emily Young, well now its Emily Rosica. She has a daughter named Claire and a son named, Dillon." Leah said. "How come I cant see her?" Alice asked confused. "Because shes mated to a wolf" Leah said in a duh tone.

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