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At the hospital we found out Bella has a minor concussion. She also sprained her wrist. She was freezing and needed to be kept warm to get her back to normal body heat. She was released a few hours later. "Get your rest and tomorrow let's talk about everything" Sam said. I gave a nod. I got into my truck and drove to dads. As soon as I got there I got changed into my pjs and went immediately to bed. I fell asleep and for once I slept through the night. The next morning I got up and took a shower. I got dressed and began my morning routine. Shortly after that I headed over to my house. As soon as I walked in the guys attention snapped towards me. "I'm assuming you want to know what I am" I said. They gave a nod. "I am a witch and a spiritual warrior. That's also why I am one of the best marines" I explained. "That's fucking awesome." Jake exclaimed. "I am assuming we have the same hate towards one particular supernatural being" I said. "Our only enemies are" Sam stated to say. "Vampires" we said at the same time. They looked at me shocked. "Honestly did you guys think that Victoria was staying away for shits and giggles" I said. "You've been keeping Victoria away" Sam asked. "She knows I can destroy her with just one ritual. All she has to do is be close enough to me" I said. "That's fucking awesome" Jarred explained. "So you guys turn into giant furry wolves" I said. "Yeah it runs in the tribe blood. Our fathers were the protectors before us. Now it's our turn to protect the tribe. We know there is more who will join us." Sam explained. "Also there is a thing we do called imprinting. Its like the gravity isnt holding us down anymore, its who ever we imprint on" he continued. "You sound like you know the feeling" I said. "I do. We can be their friend, protector or lover" he continued. "Why are you telling me this" I asked him. "Because you are my imprint" he said. "Well damn. You really are stuck with me arent you" I said teasingly. "Yeah and I will love every minute of it" he said smiling at me. The guys gagged. "Hey none of that, go get started on what you are supposed to be working on" I told them. They got up and went to their separate locations of my house. "So what do you want us to be" he asked me worriedly. "Lovers. It would probably end up as lovers anyways" I said. He smirked and kissed my cheek. "Come on. We need to work. You only have a few short months before winter kicks in" he said. We got most of my house prepped. My pipes, electrical, heater and water tank were all good so I didnt need to replace them. We figured out the load supporting walls and marked them. We blew out any other walls that werent needed. We patched up the holes in the walls. We also tore up the carpet before deciding that was enough for one day. "By the way the appliances will be arriving in 2 days" I told them. "So we have to work on the kitchen tomorrow" Sam said. "Yes" I said. "The new counter tops will arrive after the appliances." I said. "I'm trying to figure out if I want to replace the washer and dryer too" I said. "If you can do it, do it" Paul said. "Ok tomorrow I'll go down and pick some out" I said. "We can come with you" they all said. I giggled. "Ok we should also go figure out some furniture too. Seeing how my house is probably going to be the hang out place I need it to be comfortable for you guys too" I said.

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