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The day of the battle came quickly. Bella and I stood at the ready. The cullens and wolves were on either side of the field. "They are here" I said. The battle began. It happened in slow motion. Leah went after the last newborn and it was winning against her. Jake stepped in and the newborn smashed his ribs. The pack quickly tore the new born apart. Jake shifted back and was moaning in pain. "Jake!" I yelled. The pack picked him up. "I'll be over after the volturi comes." I said to Sam. "Be careful" he said. Then they left with Jake. The volturi came. "Bella, I see you have your sister." One of them said. "Aro, dont" Carlisle warned. "Jane I'm sure you can take care of this human" The leader said. A girl with bright red eyes and blonde hair in a bun stepped forward with a grin. She locked eyes with me. "Pain" she muttered. I smirked and reflected it back to her. She fell to the ground screaming. "How extraordinary" one of them said. She immediately stood up and locked eyes with me again. She tried to make me fly backwards. "Nice try bitch" I said smirking at her. "Aro please, Jane will only hurt herself. Eva is not a human" Alice said. "You stupid vamp, it's not your secret to tell" I yelled. Alice looked at me wide eyed. She went flying backwards. "Eva" Bella scolded. "Dont test me right now. One of my family members just got hurt. Instead of going to heal them I'm here dealing with mr. Mcfucking fancy pants" I said. Rose and Emmett held back a laugh. "Aro if I may speak now" Carlisle said. The attention went back on him. "We did not create this army. It was victoria. All of them are taken care of now" Carlisle said. "What about the one hiding in the woods?" Jane asked. "Shes mine, bitch" I snapped. "It seems the Cullens have extended their family." Aro said. "We adopt her as ours. We will teach her the vegan ways" Esme said. "I Unfortunately cant let you have her" Aro said. Jane smirked and headed off towards the young girl. The cullens, Bella and I stood in Jane's way. "Move" Jane ordered. "Make me, oh wait you cant" I said smirking. She growled and lunged at me. I easily took her down. "Enough, it seems like we have nothing to do here. Come let's go" Aro ordered. I smirked and waved towards Jane as they retreated into the woods. "Keep your promise. Teach her the vegan ways" I told them strictly. Rose and Emmett held on to her. "We will" they said. "I am assuming she trusts Rose and Emmett. They will end up being her parents" I said. "Now I have a pack member that is injured, so bye" I said. "Wait, I can help" Carlisle said. "Then let's go." I said. We arrived at the Blacks house. Everyone was outside looking worried. "Dont worry Billy, we will heal him" I said. "I know sweetheart" he said. "Leah feels guilty" he mumbled. "Have her take a walk with Bella. Now we are heading in" I said. We went inside and saw Jake on his bed. "Hey Jake" I said. "Hi Eva" he groaned out. "Dont worry will we fix you up in no time" I said. Carlisle had to rebreak his bones and properly set them. I did spell after spell to keep him from hurting too much. I kept muttering healing spells when Carlisle was done. "Eva, you need to rest. I am going to set up a morphine drip." He said. I ignored him and continued to chant spells. He sighed and left. A half hour went by and he was back. He set up the drip and Jake began to fight with the him. "Jake I'm sorry" I said. He looked at me confused. I did a spell to knock him out. "Will he be ok through the night?" I asked. "Yes, dont you dare do another spell. You need to rest" he said. Sam must have agreed with him because he came in and picked me up. "Come on let's go home. We will check on Jake in the morning" Sam said. We went home and he held me all night comforting me. The next morning I woke up super early and got ready for the day. I made a crap ton of food. "Babe what are you doing?" Sam asked worriedly. "I am making food. I know Jake is going to be super hungry and I know the pack will get hungry through the day." I said. He smiled at me. "You are such a pack mother" he said. "I know" I said. He hugged me and helped me cook. We finished around 10 and immediately went over to the blacks. Jake was awake. "Jake" I said. "Eva, thank you for everything last night" he said giving a small smile. "Its not a problem" I said. "Sam and I made you and Billy food" I said. "Thank you and wow the alpha cooking, that's a shock" he said jokingly. "Carlisle came this morning to check on me. He said I'll be all healed in 3 days" Jake said. "That's good" I said. "Jake I am so so sorry" I heard Leah said. "Leah chill. I know you would've done the same thing for me. Shush" Jake said. "Still I am sorry, I feel really bad about you getting hurt" she said. "Leah stop. It's all good. I'm alive and I'll be healed in 3 days. But I am pushing you off the cliff when we go cliff jumping" he said with a cheeky smile. "Sounds fair" she said giggling. The whole pack showed up at the Blacks. Jake spent the day laughing and joking around.

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