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"So dad" I started off saying as we ate pizza. "Yeah" he said. "I wanted to tell you and the guys something" I said. "Ok I'm all ears" he said. "You know how you wanted to know what happened?" I asked him. He gave a nod. "Well I'm going to tell you all" I said. They all looked at me. "When I was kidnapped, tortured and starved it took my team 2 months to track me down and another 2 to get me out. I was in the hospital in recovery for 3 months. I got told that the people who kidnapped me are still out there looking for me. So with that being a factor and what I went through my commanding officer gave me a honorable discharge. The military will being doing monthly check ins with me to make sure I am still safe. PTSD was doing good. I didnt have an episode until today when Bella found out what happened to me. I got told loud noises especially yelling triggers the episodes." I explained. They all sat there in complete silence. "My baby girl. You went through so much" he said whispered with tears getting welled up in his eyes. I hugged him tightly. "Dont you worry, we will protect you." He said. I giggled at that. "Dont worry dad, I got this" I said. "My commanding officer didnt want to discharge me. He said I was one of his best marines." I said. "So about joining the team" he asked me. "I want to be an as needed officer." I said. "Ok we can make that happen" he said. "You really arent the little Eva, I grew up with. You became a freaking badass" Jake said making everyone chuckle. "Thank you" I said. "By the way dad. I scared Bella because I had an episode. So I sent her off with Edward to keep her mind occupied" I said. "Ok." He said. "Oh and Billy said there is a house near the beach that is for sale. It's a fixer upper but I think it would be perfect for you" he said. "I'll go check it out tomorrow" I said. "If you decide to buy it, we can help you fix it up" Sam said. "Thank you" I said. "No problem" he said. The rest of the night went by peacefully. Around 10 they left and I went upstairs to take a shower. After my shower, I got into pjs and laid in my bed. Why do I feel a strange pull towards Sam? Why did I trust the guys so easily? I just tossed and turned all night. I finally dozed off around 2 in the morning. I was awake by 6. I got up and dressed. I pulled my boots on and grabbed my jacket. I went downstairs and ate a banana. I grabbed my keys and left the house before anyone else got up. I went over to the blacks. Billy was awake and let me in. I made small talk with him and then asked for the address to the house for sale. I left the blacks a few minutes after getting the address. I went to the house and instantly knew I wanted it. I called up the owner and said I wanted it. He gave me a pretty good deal on it too. He met me at the house to seal the deal. I wrote him a check and thanked him again. "Thank you for your service. We all appreciate you" he said before leaving. I took the keys and went inside. I looked around and noted everything that would be need to get done. I made a list on my phone. I went out to the back yard where I knew I was definitely putting a garden. "Thought you would be here" I heard Sam say. "You're the first one to see my brand new home." I said. "That is awesome! When do you want to start working on it?" He asked. "As soon as possible" I said excitedly. He got the guys together and we made a list of supplies needed. "All the carpeting needs to go. I hate carpet. We definitely need to patch some holes in the wall, primer and paint. New counters, oven, microwave, dishwasher and sink. I need someone to check the pipes. I dont know if they were winterized. I'm definitely going to need to make sure the heater and water tank work. The electrical needs to be checked too." I stated. "Damn she knows everything" Paul said. "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, I got a degree in interior design." I said. "I need to figure out what walls are load bearing walls. I definitely want as open concept as possible." I said. "I just think you want us around for awhile" Jake said. "If it's too much for you Jakey. I can definitely do this by myself" I said. "No no, we can definitely help you." He said. Then a man I didnt know rushed into the house. "Eva I'm Old Quil. Billy sent me over to tell you and the guys a message. Dont freak out ok" he said. "Just tell me" I said. "Bella is missing" he said. I rushed outside and got into my truck. I did well over the speed limit to get to dads. I hopped out of my truck and walked over to Billy, Harry and my dad. "We think that she might be in the woods." Billy said. "Alright give me a walkie talkie and a flashlight. I'll find her" I said. "Are you sure" dad asked me. "Dad this was my job" I said. He handed me a walkie talkie and a flashlight. "Eva" Billy called out. I turned and looked at him. "Be careful the woods have creatures in them" he said. I gave a nod and headed into the woods. I found Bellas footprints and followed them. I found her surrounded by giant wolves. I grabbed my gun and raised to kill when something happened that made me go into shock. The black wolf transformed into Sam. "Eva calm down" Sam said. "Calm down?!" I yelled. "You guys are fucking wolves!" I yelled. "Yes we are. We are the tribe protectors" he said. "So theres other supernatural beings out there that isnt me" I said in shock. "What do you mean?" Sam asked. "Not now. We will meet at my house tomorrow night and I'll explain everything. By the way guys, put on some pants" I said. I could tell that were embarrassed. They quickly slid on some shorts. I pulled out the walkie talkie. "Hey dad" I said. "Yes" he said frantically. "We got her. Make sure the emts are ready" I said. "Ok" he said. Sam picked her up and began our way back to the crowd. Dad rushed over to grab Bella. He took her inside where the emts were waiting. They tried to get a response from her. "Here let me try" I said. They got out of my way. "He left me." She repeated. "Did you say the Cullens left town" I asked out loud. "Yeah they left today, why?" Jake asked. "Dont you make the connection" I asked everyone. Everyone shook their heads. "Well it's simple. They got out of school around 2 right?" I asked. Dad nodded his head yes. "They came back here. Edward told her they needed to talk. So they take a walk into the woods. He tells her he is moving away. She freaks out. He leaves her in the woods. We all know Bella is clumsy. She tried to run after him tripped and fell. When she fell she hit her head. Shit we have to get her to a hospital" I said. The emts instantly got her on a gurnee. "You are one hell of a marine" Harry said. I gave a smile. I followed everyone to the hospital.

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