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The next day I went downstairs and saw a freakishly beautiful man. "Uh who are you" I asked. "I'm Edward Cullen. Who are you?" He asked me. "I'm Eva Swan" I said. "Dad said you were back. I thought he just dreamed it" I heard Bellas voice say. I turned around and saw her standing there. Tears welled up in her eyes as she rushed over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm back for good now" I told her softly. "I was so scared" she said softly. "Dont be. I am a strong person. I healed" I said. "I know but 3 months. You were in the hospital for 3 months and we werent allowed to visit you" she said. "What actually happened? Charlie wouldnt tell me" Bella said. "I will tell you later. I dont want to ruin your day with your boyfriend" I said. "Go have fun but not too much fun" I said. She giggled at that. I went into the kitchen as they left. I cooked myself breakfast and ate it quickly. I heard the front door open and close again. I grabbed my gun and snuck through the house. I had my gun ready to fire when I saw the guy from yesterday. "Woah. Calm down. Charlie sent me to help you get your truck today. An emergency came up and he had to go handle it" he explained. I gave a nod and put my gun back into my holster. "By the way I'm Sam Uley. I never properly introduced myself to you" he said. "Nice to meet you. I'm Eva" I said. "Shall we get going to get your truck" he asked. "Yeah let me go grab a jacket and put on some shoes" I said. I ran up to my room and grabbed my jacket and wallet. I slid on my boots and then went back down stairs. We left my house and I locked the door before getting into his truck. We rode in silent for a few minutes. "So your the la plush protector? What actually do you do?" I asked. "I help out people who go through a hard time. Paul, Jarred and Jake all became brothers to me. I helped them out and now we help the tribe out by doing whatever we can do. Odd jobs. Going grocery shopping. Helping people out" he explained. "That's nice" I said. "Do you really want to join the police force?" He asked me. "Honestly I think I might become an as needed officer." I said. "I dont really need the job but I want to do my part to protect this area" I said. We made small talk until we got to the VA. I had to give my ID to the officer. "Here to pick up your truck" he asked me. "Yes sir." I said. "Why didnt they send it to the base?" He asked. "No clue sir" I said. "Well anyways it's out in the parking lot. Here's your keys" he said. "Oh and the military will be sending people out to do monthly check ins with you" he said. "Ok sir" I said. I grabbed my keys and headed out of the building. "What was that about" Sam asked. "I dont know what you are talking about" I said. "They dont do check ins with every discharged person. So what's going on" he asked. "You remember how I said I was kidnapped, tortured and starved" I asked. He gave a nod. "Well those people are still on the look out for me" I said. "Does Charlie know" he asked. "No and I'd prefer to keep it that way" I said. "He deserves to know" he said. "I'll tell him eventually. I just want him to get used to me being around" I said. "Ok but promise me you'll eventually tell him" he said. "I promise" I said. "Ok let's get your truck hooked up" he said. A few minutes later my truck was hooked up to his. We began our journey to forks. "So is that why you have to carry a gun on you" he asked. "Yes" I said. We rode in silent after that. We arrived at my house and all the guys were there. "So the guys like your cooking" Jake said. "So I know Sam and Paul. Who are you" I asked. "I'm Jarred" he said. "Nice to meet you." I said heading inside. "Jake get started on jacking my truck up while I start on lunch" I said. I went inside and to the kitchen. I washed my hands and began making maple butter chicken and rice. Once it was done, I call them inside. "Sam please keep her" Paul mumbled. What hell did he mean by that. "You ready Jake" I asked. "Hell yeah just like old times" he said following me outside. We worked on my truck for hours with the help of Paul, Jarred and Sam. A silver volo pulled into our driveway. "She hooked up with a rich dude?" I questioned outloud. Edward and Bella got out of a vehicle and headed towards us. The guys and Edward glared at each other. "Can you tell me what happened to you now" Bella asked. "Later I promise you. We are almost done with my truck." I said. "Eva" she said in a tone. I sighed. "You guys got this" I asked them. "Yeah" Sam said as he didnt break his glare at Edward. I took Bella inside. "I was basically kidnapped, tortured and starved until my team came and got me. It took them about 2 months to track me down and another 2 to get me out." I explained. "Oh my God" Bella said in shock. "Bella are you ok" I asked her softly. "No I am not ok. I almost lost my big sister! That's why mom and Charlie were freaking out. It all makes sense now" she screamed. "Calm down please" I said worried that I would have an episode. "No I just got told what happened to you!" She screamed again sending me into flashbacks. I heard Bella scream. Someone with warm arms held on to me. "Its ok. Eva you are safe in forks Washington. You are in your home" I heard someone say softly. I blinked a few times before realizing what happened. "Is-is everyone ok?" I asked. "Bella didnt know you had PTSD. You went into a episode. Shes fine just a little shooken up." He said. "God damnit. I was doing so good" I said pissed at myself. "Hey dont be too hard on yourself. You did what lots of people couldn't have done" Sam said. It went into a peaceful silence. "You can let me go now." I said. He let me go and I went outside where the guys looked at me worriedly. Edward had Bella near his car. I ran over to her and pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm sorry I scared you. I have PTSD and go into episodes when it gets too loud" I explained. "My father might be able to help you" Edward spoke up. "How" I asked. "Hes a doctor" he explained. "Your point? I've been to many doctors." I said. "What I'm saying is he might have other ways to help you out. Instead of taking pills maybe theres other things you could do" he said. "Ok I'll go see him later" I said. I could've sworn I heard someone growl. "You want to take her to get something to eat or do something to keep her mind occupied" I asked him. He gave me a nod and they got back into his car. They drove off and I sighed knowing I would have to face the 4 guys behind me. I turned and saw them looking at me. "Ok ask the questions you want to ask" I said. "What the hell?" Paul spluttered out. "Uh that's not really a question" I said. "It took them 4 months to get you out of that situation" Sam exploded. "Yes" I said. "What can we do to help you" Jake asked softly. "Honestly I got told loud noises especially yelling triggers me. I worked with a doctor to get it under control but obviously I still dont have control. Normally I just have really bad nightmares." I explained. "You are one strong girl" Jarred said. "Thank you. Can we continue working on my truck now?" I asked them. They looked at each other and gave a nod. Another 2 hours later and my truck was completely fixed minus getting new tires. "Hey Eva, guys" Dad said as he got out of the cruiser. "Hey dad" I said. "I need to talk to you later" I said. Sam gave me a nod of approval. "Ok you want me to order Pizza" he asked. "That sounds like a plan" I said with a small smile. "You guys staying for dinner" Charlie asked. "That's up to Eva?" Jake asked. "Yeah you guys can stay" I said.

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