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Its been a month. Bella has finally accepted that she is a elemental warrior. We have been training everyday. "Tomorrow is my graduation. Do you think Sam will allow you and the rest of the pack to come to the Cullens for the party" she asked. I sighed. "We will finish training later." I said. "Eva" she said. "You'll have to talk to Sam" I said. "Speak to me about what" he asked as we walked inside. "Tomorrow is my graduation. I wanted to know if you would allow Eva and the pack to come to the party" she asked. "Yes but someone will need to be on guard." Sam said. "I volunteer" Jarred said. "Ok that was quick" Sam said. "I have an imprint, I dont need horny teenagers rubbing up against me." Jarred explained. "You actually have. a brain" Paul asked. Jarred scowled and smacked the back of his head. "Guys behave or else no food" I threatened. They apologized. "Ok so they have to wear shirts" Bella said. "Not a problem" Embry said. "Where is Leah and Jake?" Bella asked. "Training Quil" Sam said. "Quil joined" Bella asked. "Yeah he shifted like a week ago. We are making sure his anger is in check before we bring him here" Sam said. "Gotcha" Bella said. "So far hes the only who was excited to join the pack. Hes happy to have his friends back" I said. "I'm sure he is. He looked a little depressed 2 weeks ago." Bella explained. A few minutes passed and we head people joking around. "Sam hes good." Jake said. "Like we are being dead serious, hes no threat" Leah said. "Alright Quil, come on in" Sam said. Quil entered the house with a giant smile on his face. "So I officially get to see my brothers and sisters in their human form" Quil said. "Let's see how good he is at figuring out who is who" Jake said. "Obviously I know who you are Jake, that's Leah. I already know Bella. Eva is at the stove. Sam is the one sitting the closest to her. Hi Embry. Paul is sitting to the right of Sam and Jarred is the only one left" Quil said. "Hes good" Bella said. "Well come on, sit down. You are apart of the family." Sam said. "Ok you guys know the drill. Ladies first" I said putting down lunch. Bella and I got our food, then Leah. "Guys you are allowed to go to the Cullens tomorrow for the party but you have to wear a shirt" Sam said. After Lunch Bella and I went back to training. "Wow, Bella is actually a badass" Quil said. "What is that supposed to mean" Leah yelled. "When I first met her she was clumsy, now she looks like she is dancing to her own song" Quil said. "That's because she found out the family secret" I said still focused. "What's the family secret" Quil asked. "You dont have to tell me, I'm just curious" he added. We giggled at him. "Quil you are apart of the family now. I am a spiritual warrior and a witch. Bella just found out our family has different kinds of warriors. She is a elemental warrior." I explained. "Ohhhh. That's fucking awesome" he said. "Thank you" we said. We went back to training. An hour later we finally finished the training. "I'm using your shower" Bella called out. "Ok?" I said confused. "I'm taking her on a date" Leah explained. I squealed. "I'm so excited for you guys. Ok I'll stop now" I said. Leah giggled at me. "Can you let her know I'll be back in 2 hours?" Leah asked. "Yes" I said smiling. She smiled back and left the house. "What are you so happy about?" Sam asked. "They are finally going on a date" I said. "I see. Your just happy for them" Sam said. We spent the night watching TV. There was a knock on the door. I got up and opened the door. "Sargent Swan" a marine asked. "Yes sir" I said. "We spotted them. They are at the same place where you were kidnapped. We are getting together a team and taking them down. We will keep you updated" he said. "Thank you" I said. "You're welcome" he said. Then he left. "What was that about" Sam and Bella asked. "Theyve spotted them. They are getting a team and going after them." I explained. "That's good" She said. "Are you going to be ok?" Bella asked. "Yes. Go have fun on your date" I said as Leah showed up. Bella smiled and left with Leah. I shut the door and went to sit on the couch. Sam grabbed me and made me sit on his lap. "Are you sure you are ok" he asked. "No. What they dont know is my kidnappers are not mundane" I said. "Which means they can't be killed by bullets etc" he said. "Yes." I said. We just stayed there cuddling. Eventually I got up and headed to the bedroom. Sam followed me. "I wont let anything happen to you" he said. "I know" I said. I grabbed some pjs and went into the bathroom. I did my night routine and exited the bathroom. I pulled Sam on to the bed. He chuckled at me. He held me all night long.

The next morning Bella came in and woke us up. "I'm graduating today. Get up" she yelled. Then she closed the door quickly. "My sister is something" I said. "Yes she is" Sam said. I got up and took a shower. After my shower, I dried off and got into a nice dress. I did my hair and makeup before adding accessories. I exited the bathroom to see Sam smirking at me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing" he said. He went into the bathroom. I grabbed my heels and purse before going down stairs. "No breakfast?" Paul asked like a little puppy. "Yes there is. It's at Sue's. She offered to cook this morning due to Sam and I having to go to the graduation." I said. "Ok we will see you at the party" they said as they ran our of the house. "Come on" Sam said from behind me. I smiled at him. Instead of immediately going to the school we stopped at a diner. "Its going to be a long day, so we need to eat breakfast" he said. I smiled at him.

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