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Time skip by 3 weeks.

My house was close to being done. I was right. The guys made my house the meet up spot, I call it the pack house. They are always over here. Bella went into serve depressive and hardly does anything now a days. Jake has been banned from seeing her, which he hasnt been taking so well.

"Eva" I heard Jarred yell through my house. "What?" I called back. "Paul stole the remote" he called back to me. "Well did you guys do what I asked you to do?" I asked them. I heard them groan and leave the livingroom. I put a smirk on my face. "Eva please tell Sam it's ok to see her" Jake said as he entered my house. "Sorry Jake but I agree with Sam on this one. Bella needs to do her own thing and you still need to learn control." I explained. He groaned and sat at the kitchen table. I continued to cook. The day went by quickly. We were sitting down at the table eating in silence. "I just dont understand why I cant go see her" Jake finally said. "Because I ordered you not to" Sam said sternly. It went back to being silent. After dinner they went home and Sam helped me clean up. "I cant wait to see this place done" I said. Sam gave me a smile. "It will be beautiful" he said hugging me. "I know" I smiled up at him. "I have a check in with the marines tomorrow" I said softly. "Ok we will be on our best behavior" he said winking at me. I giggled. "Thank you" I said. "No problem baby" he said. I just snuggled into him. We stood in a peaceful silence. A few minutes later I released the hug. "What's wrong?" He asked. "The air shifted. Somethings going to happen in the next couple of weeks" I said. "We will be prepared for it" he said. I calmed down again and we hugged each other goodbye. I locked up my house and drove to Charlie's. "Hey dad" I said. "Hey Eva. How did today go?" He asked. "Pretty good we are so close to getting done with my house" I said. "Well that's exciting" he said. "Has Bella been over to your place yet?" He asked. "No" I said. "Maybe take her over tomorrow" he suggested. "Sorry dad but no. I have a check in tomorrow" I said. "Oh gotcha" he said. "Well I'm tired so I'm going to head to bed" I said. "Goodnight" he said. "Goodnight" I replied. I went upstairs and picked out some pjs. Then I went and took a shower. After I did my night routine I headed back to my room. I stopped dead infront of Bellas door. I heard whispering. I slowly opened her door. Bella and Jake froze in place. "Better not get caught by Sam" Is all I said. "Sam ordered him to stay away from me" Bella asked. "In a way yes" I said. "Well it's none of Sam's business." She said. I gave a dry chuckle at that. "If only you knew" I said leaving her room. A half hour later Jake jumped into my room. "You're not telling Sam about this, are you?" He asked me worriedly. "I have no idea what you are talking about? Jake I'm sure Billy is worried about you. Go home and get some rest before tomorrow" I said. He gave me a smile and jumped back out of my room. I laid back down and fell asleep. The next morning I got dressed in my military pants, a white tee and my boots. I pulled my hair into a ponytail. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Soon I was heading out the door and going to my place. Once I arrived it was a funny sight to see. The guys were all lined up and standing like they were on guard. I let out a giggle as I exited my truck. They broke their stern faces and smiled. "We thought this would make you happy" Sam said. "It did." I said. An hour later 2 marines showed up. They knocked on my door and I allowed them in. "Sergeant Swan we are here for your monthly check in. Update on the men who kidnapped you. There have been no sights, stay on guard." One of them said. "Thank you Sargeant Jones and Sargeant Davis" I said. "Yes ma'am enjoy your day" they said. They left my house and got into their vehicle. Once they were out of my driveway I let out a deep breath. "Whats wrong" Sam asked. "They still haven't found them" I said. He understood why I was upset. Just then Bellas truck pulled in. "Where is he?" She asked. "Hes not here" Sam said. "Bullshit. Billy said he wasnt home so where is he?" Bella argued. "Bella go home" I ordered. "No" she said. "Sam meet me at my dads" I told him. I grabbed Bella and forced her into her truck. I started it up and drove her to dads. She stayed silent and kept her arms crossed. "Eva, Bella? What's going on" dad asked. "Bella showed up to my house. 5 minutes after my check in" I stated. Dads eyes went huge. "Bella I told you not to go over there" Dad scolded. "I didnt know you had a check in" Bella said softly. "I will be heading out now. I still have things to do at my house" I said. Dad gave me a nod and frowned at Bella. Sam met me in the forest. "Ride on my back?" He asked me. I smiled and nodded at him. He shifted and I climbed up on his back. Soon we were flying through the forest. I felt so free. We continued to work on my house.

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