|1|I'm here

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Sam x Bucky

I'm here

  Why did you leave? We were supposed to be together forever,'til the end of the line. Bucky was heartbroken. Steve didn't love him like that anymore. This broke Bucky more than he already was. After waking up, Bucky decided to confront Steve about their relationship, what ever was left of it anyways. The conversation between the both of them ended badly, Steve rejecting Bucky and Bucky feeling absolutely destroyed. He didn't know what to do, but Bucky knew he needed to leave. He didn't want to see his face anymore. He left the Avengers' compound and wandered aimlessly, until a certain person came by.

Sam Wilson, the Falcon.

Bucky was surprised how nice Sam was being towards him, granted it was probably because Sam wanted to keep him away from the public while he was in a an emotional state. So, Bucky ended up on Sam Wilson's couch, that had a fluffy white blanket on it. He gladly took it. It was awkward, but somehow they both were okay with that. "Sooo, what happened?"

Bucky hiccupped,"S-steve's an..he's an asshole." Bucky let go of the blanket from around his shoulders and pressed the palms of his hands to his face, he was trying to force himself to stop crying. It was weak, stop crying, soldier. "Hey, stop that..it's okay to cry," Sam realized how much Steve was affecting Bucky. Sam decided to comfort him, the feeling of empathy outweighing his hesitancy. As soon as he pulled his arms around Bucky's shoulders, he started to cry again. Sam's shirt was wet with tears, but he didn't pull away, it's not like he could. Bucky latched onto him like newborn baby to his mother. The pair ended up laying on the sofa, Sam's back against the arm rest with his legs under Bucky, while Bucky's upper body curled onto Sam's torso.

Sam felt Bucky's fingers start to pull at the back of his shirt, bunching up the clothes in his hand and holding tightly. As if Sam would disappear if Bucky let go of him. Bucky calmed down a bit, but you could still hear his irregular breaths he let out every time he felt Sam move. Seeing Bucky so torn up made Sam feel something, it didn't sit right with him. He just stayed there, running his hands up and down Bucky's back every so often. As much as he didn't want to move Bucky, his back was starting to hurt and he was pretty sure Bucky would want more room, too.

"Hey, Jamie..let's put you in bed, alright?"

Bucky let go of his shirt and pulled himself of Sam,"okay." He stilled stayed close to Sam, pulling his hand into his own and intertwining their fingers. Sam didn't mind, he just pulled him towards his room. Sam shut the door behind them and switched on the lights,"Go take your shoes off, get comfortable." Bucky listened to him and sat on the floor of the bed, and took his shoes off along with his jacket. Sam also slipped of his shoes and shirt. The super-soldiers gripp indirectly ruining the t-shirt. Bucky crawled to the center of the bed sitting criss-crossed waiting for Sam. Sam flipped the light switch and it was dark.

They both went under the covers. Bucky was a bit sad that he wouldn't have anything to hold since Sam took his shirt off, but the small tinge of sadness went away when Sam pulled him close and clasped their hands together. Sam's chest was on his back and his arms were wrapped around him. Bucky pulled their joined hands to his chest and sighed. He felt Sam's breath on the back of his head, the warmth air giving him chills. Soon, they were both asleep and Sam held Bucky the while night.

 Soon, they were both asleep and Sam held Bucky the while night

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