|16|Snowflakes melt

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Sam x Bucky

There was a bit of tension throughout the week, both Sam and James were frustrated, you could say. The more Sam flirted with James the worse it got, in no way was it bad; it was just frustrating.

  It was a Friday night when they went out to the bar, both Sam and Bucky had to much to drink. They were drunk, so they called a cab and headed home.

"Help me, sammyyyy,"Bucky whined and he leaned into Sam. He didn't want to walk, so he decided to make Sam carry him.

"Sam-hiccup-carry me,"he said with a pout and held his arms up; why?, he had know idea.

"Nah, I can't. Your too heavy, now c'mon it's c-cold,"Sam answered him, he was cold and his teeth were starting to chatter. Bucky didn't listen he sat in the snow while Sam tried to pay the cab(he couldn't find his wallet), "H-here, sir."

The cab drove away, Sam stood next to Bucky as he sat pouting in the snow.

"Carry me, pretty please,"Bucky said and extended the 'e' sound in please. The snow was covering his hair, and he was starting to get cold.

"No, your a grown man, Jamie. Get up, your gonna get sick,"Sam tried to reason, but he was ignored.

Sam ended up carrying Bucky, the while time he whispered unintelligible things, and something that sounded vaguely like I love you.

"S-...Sammy, d'you love me?"

"Uh..yeah,"Sam answered without thinking, well to be honest their state of mind was debatable, they were drunk and the both of them weren't thinking.

The looked at eachother from where they sitting, Bucky on one end of the couch and Sam on the other. Bucky crawled over to Sam,"Reallly?"

He laid down on Sam's chest, his ear right next to his heart.

"Sam-Sammy, you're pretty, y'know? Heh hee, why's your heart beetinf so fast? Sammmy, are you gonna die?"

Bucky's eyes watered and he looked up at Sam, trying to see if anything was wrong with him,"Sammy?"

"M'fine, James,"Sam answered, surprised at Bucky's sudden emotional change.

"Then why's your heart beatin' so fast? Huh? Cause your dyin' that's why."

Bucky hit the center if his chest with his index finger, giving him a accusatory look. Sam laughed at his friend,"James, I'm not gonna die, shut up."

Bucky didn't realize just how close he was until he realized he was basically straddling Sam. They were both flushed and hot, they both blamed it on the alcohol, but they knew that wasn't it. Bucky hands rested on Sam's chest as Sam placed his hands on Bucky's hips.

"S-sam, you love me?"

"Mmhm,"Sam nodded and unconsciously tightened his hands.

"S-so-hiccups-does that mean..you like me?", Bucky said and leaned into Sam's face.

Sam didn't answer him with words, but with a small kiss. Sam wrapped his arms around Bucky and leaned closer. Bucky arms hanged loosely around Sams neck. The kiss was slow and lazy, they moved with one another with no rush. They parted and sighed.

"S'that mean you like me?"

"Yes,"Sam answered then went back to connect their lips, but Bucky was smiling to much.

"Sam, I..I love you, too," Bucky said through his smile. He leaned into Sam and buried his face on Sam's neck. Bucky turned his head and placed small kisses on Sam, Sam looked down and tilted Bucky's head towards him to give him another kiss this time it was more needy and eager.

Bucky accepted, his eyes closed and he melted into the kiss. His body relaxed in Sam's arms, he widened his mouth and Sam immediately reacted to that. Their mouths were hot and moist, but that wasn't the only thing getting hot. Bucky was getting a little too hot, so naturally, he pushed his hips down and onto Sam's.

"..want you, sammy,"Bucky whimpered into the kiss. He wiggled his hips more, his hands felt tight, and he wanted to feel Sam's skin on his. Sam pushed Bucky down and flipped their positions, so he was on top. Their lips were still on one another, as they kissed Sam's hand went to unbucle his  and Bucky's belt.

Bucky held Sam's shoulder and pulled him closer,"S-sammy, hurry."

"I'm goin' s'fast as I can, sweetheart,"Sam said as he moved his lips from Bucky's, and started kissing up and down Bucky's neck.

Sam suck the slightest bit in the small kisses, but it was enough for Bucky. He felt great, his head leaned back so Sam could give him more kisses. Finally, both of their pants were off, and the only thing separating them now was a thin layer of cotton.

"Sammy, touch me."

Bucky looked up at Sam breathlessly with a blushy face, his eyes were glossy, and his lips were pink from kissing. Bucky felt Sam shift,"mhm."

"How about we go to the bed?"

Sam carried Bucky as they disappeared into the room. Bucky waited at the bed as Sam shut the door and went to get some stuff from the bathroom. 

Sam stripped himself from the remainder of his clothes when he saw Bucky nude waiting for him. Bucky blushed, his whole body heat up at the sight of Sam. Once Sam got on the bed, Bucky laid back and got comfortable. By then they were both tipsy, Sam and Bucky moved closer to each other. Bucky blushed and awkwardly leaned into Sam,"Kiss me."

Lips met lips, Bucky whined into it and pulled Sam close, their hands roamed eachothers body. Sam grinded down onto Bucky.

"S-sam,"Bucky gasped.


  Sam woke up with Bucky on his arms, Bucky's head resting on his chest. He smiled at the sight of Bucky, he looked at the bruises that were on both of them, and realized; well, he remembered what happened last night. Sam's head hurt, but he didn't want to move. He'd rather lay there with a headache, than disturb Bucky. So, he fell back asleep, and neither of them woke up for the next few hours.

 So, he fell back asleep, and neither of them woke up for the next few hours

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