|43| Beg

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Satan!Sam x Human!Bucky
Beg: Part one

  " You poor, poor unfortunate soul..so sweet..what to do. What. To. do,"he muttered to himself, as he circled the passed out man. The man before him was quite a sight with pink lips and curly locks. Who wouldn't want him?; the unconscious man was a gift of sorts that was bestowed upon by a formal enemy-turned-ally, but that wasn't the point. As he examined the body, he couldn't help but smirk to himself, he was more than satisfied. The small silent moment he shared with the beautiful man ended when the familiar wails of the damned resonated off the walls of their cells and into his personal chamber, and the otherwise silent room was filled with laments from condemned souls. He turned his head towards the noise, the door was opened, and he was met with a demon.

"Forgive me, Samael, but Michael wishes to speak with you."

  Samael grimaced, speaking with Michael was dreary, all work and no play. He waved  the subordinate away, following his leader, the demon leaves quickly and the heavy door shuts out all the moans of his prisoners. He picked the man up, his movements were quick and he moved with ease. If he wasn't such a powerful being, he would've had trouble carrying the human man. Samael placed his new toy in a chair, but this chair was unlike the others. It had shackles on the legs and armrests, made to hold someone in and to never be let go.

  "Hmm, sweet dreams,"Samael commanded as caressed the man's jaw, his dark skin contrasted greatly against the pale flesh. The human's cheek was tinged red as it was quite warm where they were, Samael fingers traced the man's lips, they twitched the slightest bit. He backed away, keeping his eyes on the man, his eyes gleamed with excitement. Remembering his prior commitments, he leaves with a satisfied smile and the image of a lovely man with locks on his wrists. 

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  "What is it now, Michael, oh holy one,"Samael mockingly said as he sat down at the head of the long wooden table. He chuckled,"C'mon, what's the topic of today's discussion?"

Still without an answer, Samael fingers when over the grooves and dips of the engraved wood, he was always somewhat bored. Upon hearing Michael clear his throat, he leaned back in the seat and his arms at his side on the armrests. He looked like a disinterested teenager,"Yes?"

"They're back,"Michael finally said, his tone annoyed and irritated. 

"That's your doing,"Samael said equally as exasperated as his counterpart. He pushed the chair out,"She isn't my problem to solve anymore, à dieu vous commant*."

(*I commend you to god)

"Don't you say that ...can't you do something about it?!"

"No, it's seems that I have my own troubles to think about. Besides, you're the one who got with my ex."


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  As the Samael and Michael debated about what to do with their uninvited guest, the new arrival slept restricted to a chair. He was out of it, the two words whispered to him setting him off into a dream that wasn't so sweet. The images that filled his mind were rather excessive in the sexual scenarios that ranged from simple things to the most raunchiest things he never thought of, some were arousing while others frightened the life out of him. He thought it was real, it felt real. The words that tempted him into sinister acts, whether it be about the smallest sin a man can make to the motherload of immoral acts. The words kept repeating, echoing in the depths of his mind persuading him to do what they said. As hard as he tried it wasn't enough, he gave in and what happened next was truly unholy, and honest to god he didn't mind it one bit.

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