|57| Accident

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Sam x Bucky
Who am i?: Part 2

Bucky messed with the thin sheets that covered him, he grew more anxious as he watched the clock tick, any minute now and his husband would be here. He heard some muffled speaking from outside his door, he's here.

Bucky heard the footsteps against the floor, he looked up and saw what he thought to be the handsomest man he's seen. Even though he knew they were married, he still didn't know who this man was.

"Bucky, Baby,"Sam was more than happy to see Bucky awake, he frowned a little when he saw the bruises and stitches on Bucky's face; his depressed state was replaced with happiness, but with an equal amount of anger at the driver than hit them because they were above the posted speed limit. He noticed Bucky was a bit tense, maybe from the accident but he couldn't help thinking that it was for some other reason. He moved closer, taking a seat in the chair that was already by the bed because of his previous visits. 

"How're you?"

Bucky couldn't look up at the man he still had yet to remember the name of,"I'm..I'm as good as I can be, I guess."

Bucky tried his best, he really did, except he couldn't think of anything. Bucky looked up,"How are you?"

Sam chuckled,"Bucky you're the one in the hospital, forget about me."

"I'm fine, really,"Bucky winced, his own body exposing the truth. He started to take note of just how bruised and beaten up he was. Bucky wrapped his arms around his waist,"Ow."

Sam smiled,"Take it easy, we were in an accident you know."

Something about those words clicked in his mind, he remembered the sound of the siren from the ambulance and the smell of gasoline. Bucky's eyes teared up,"I know."

Sam suddenly regretted ever speaking, he might've blocked out the accident, but Bucky was only remembering. He took Bucky's hand,"I'm sorry..I couldn't..sorry."

Full tears rolled down Bucky's face,"Its okay, I'm not dead, I could be,"he chuckled l, Bucky was feeling a mix of emotions, he also still didn't know the name of his husband, and in the midst of his crying he admitted it. 

"You don't remember my name? What about me?"

Bucky hiccuped,"Don't make fun of me, and I remember you but if you keep this up I'll divorce you."

Sam smiled with glossy eyes,"Well, I'm sorry but this is what you married."

Bucky punched him lightly,"You ass."

He wiped away his tears,"So, what's your name?"

"Sam, Sam Barnes-Wilson."

Bucky thought again about the fact that he was married, his demeanor changed with the thought; he couldn't even remember getting married. With his sudden change in attitude Sam was quick to try and cheer his partner up. 

"Don't worry, it'll get better. I know what it's like not to remember, it's gonna take a bit,"Sam said reassuringly. Bucky was tired, physically and mentally,"I wanna sleep."

"Sleep,"Sam said without a thought, he could care less about himself right now. Bucky, even in his tired state was still conscious enough to take account of how Sam was,"You need sleep too y'know."

Sam didn't answer him, like he was trying to think of the perfect thing to say so Bucky couldn't retaliate,"I'll sleep once you've fallen asleep."

Bucky just sighed, he leaned back and closed his eyes but he couldn't sleep; Bucky could feel Sam's gaze on him. 

"Stop staring."

Bucky didn't need to open his eyes to know that Sam was smiling, he could hear it in his talk,"Why would I wanna do that when I can look at you."

Bucky choked on his spit, caught off guard by Sam's compliment and opened his eyes to look at him. 

"Are you flirting with me?"

"We're married, Baby."

"I am in the hospital,"Bucky said in embarrassment.

"Doesn't mean we-"

"Don't finish that thought,"Bucky went red as he cut Sam off from finishing another flirty comment. 

"Besides you need to take me on a date."

"We. Are. Married."

"I. Don't. Remember. Anything-well bits and pieces,"Bucky said with an equal amount of joking and seriousness,"Plus your not gonna say no are you?"

"No,"Sam said defeatedly.

"Great, when we go home, I want to get ice-cream."

So off Sam and Bucky went to fall in love with each other once again.

So off Sam and Bucky went to fall in love with each other once again

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This was shorttt uhhh I have been busy sorreu.

Any requests???

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