|44| A day at the park

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Sam x Bucky

  Bucky wasn't okay, he never was, when Steve came back and was wrinkled and worn his heart broke.  Steve told all about their life, and how they lived, what they did, where they went on dates. The last date, it was to a carnival which was very different from the theme park Steve was trying to convince Sam and him to go to. As much as he didnt want to, he didn't know Sam and it scared him to say the least. Sam was Steve's best friend just like he was, he couldn't help, but agree with Steve; Bucky couldn't say no to Steve, he didn't think he could do it without yelling at him. So when he said yes, he surprised himself as well as Steve and Sam. Neither of them expected him to say yes quickly, but rather after being coaxed over a period of time. 

Sam was hesitant, he was wary of Bucky and didn't trust him fully yet. He hoped that would change since he too also wanted Steve's validation, and so on a sunny day with minimal clouds and a light breeze, they went off to the theme park. 


  Bucky acted like a toddler at the dentist, pouting and on the edge of throwing a tantrum. He did not want to be alone with Sam, he tried to come up with a plan to leave last minute, or at least convince both Sam and Steve that he had something to do. Obviously that wasn't going to happen, Steve had looked so happy when he saw them together before they left, backpacks on both of them to avoid buying overpriced water and snacks. Like a grandfather saying goodbye to his grandchildren, Steve wave enthusiastically at them through the screen door. Bucky grumbled to himself, it was more awkward if anything. 


"So, anything you wanna do in particular?"

Bucky looked over, Sam turned at him for a few seconds before turning his eyes back to the road. Bucky felt warm, Sam was acting nicer than he expected. He didn't know how to answer, the last time he went to anything remotely similar was a carnival, but even now he still couldn't quite remember what it was like. 

"Uhh, I don't know,"Bucky sighed, staring out the window, a wave of sadness washing over him. Luckily, it didn't last long, going away once he focussed on trying to have fun, and talk to Sam. He turned in the seat slightly, he pulled at the seatbelt,"S-..Sam,"he clears his throat,"I..I haven't been to a theme park, you know, brainwashing and all that jazz."

"Jesus Christ..Sorry, sorry I forgot, but in that case I'll, uh, show you 'round, you'll like it,"Sam said sincerely, he tried to suppress a smile too, all that jazz. Bucky seemed to notice,"Are you laughing at me?"

"What, No. It's just..,"Sam chuckled,"what you before, all that jazz, seemed funny to me."

Bucky blushed,"oh."

Sam glanced at Bucky, he couldn't help but smile, Bucky looked genuinely content. He just hoped he would be like that for the rest of the day.


"And we have arrived,"Sam turned the keys and the truck turned off, the jingles of the keys catching Bucky's attention. He was still a little nervous, but Sam helped ease him. They stayed close as they walked to the booth for their wristbands, and just as Sam expected, Bucky got moody.

"This line is too long,"Bucky complained, they had been waiting for about ten minutes. 

"Well, if you had gotten up when I said, we wouldn't have had this problem,"Sam gripped at him. Bucky turned and faced away from him, Sam sighed, this was going to be a long day.

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