New Kid

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A/N   These next few chapters are unedited and pretty uninteresting but I assure you it gets better around chapter 5 "friends?" So I encourage you to keep reading. I was figuring out my writing style and found something I liked. I'll redo these first chapters when the book is done. Anyways enjoy!

The ringing of my alarm clock startled me awake. I reached over and lazily smacked the top of it, managing to stop the small clock from it's annoying ring. I slowly sat up giving me a minute to fully wake up. I swung my feet over the bed letting them dangle. I stood up stretching and feeling my fuzzy rug in between my toes. I hummed pulling out my clothes for today. I laid out my jeans and tank top on my bed. I went to my bathroom and started getting ready for the day. After a quick shower, drying off, and brushing my teeth I came back into my bedroom getting dressed. I tucked my top into my pants and put a belt on. I checked myself out in the mirror for a minute before putting my shoes on. I checked the time on my clock. An hour until we leave. Thats good. I left my room and walked across the hall to my brothers room. I knocked on the door. "Cmon Connor. Get ready for school." I said. I heard a mumbled 'okay' on the other side of the door. I walked up to the door next to Connor's. I hesitantly knocked. "Uncle Dan?" I said waiting for a response. When I got none I walked back to my room and opened my curtains looking out the window to see that his car was gone. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and headed to my bathroom to finish getting ready. I blow dried my soft brown locks and pulled the top part of my hair into a scrunchy. I brushed my bangs out and studied myself in the mirror. Some makeup couldn't hurt. I walked back out sitting in front of my vanity humming. I dabbed some concealer in needed spots, put some light mascara on, and began looking for my lip gloss. Connor opened my door and let out and agitated huff. "Uncle Danny's car is gone." He said. I nodded finding a lipgloss that smelled of strawberries. "I know. I guess he decided to go to work today and he forgot to tell us." I hummed swiping the smooth liquid onto my lips and rubbing my lips together making sure it was spread evenly. "You and I both know thats bullshit." He said shaking his head. "Language." I hummed putting my makeup away and grabbing my bag. He rolled his eyes and followed me out of my bedroom. "How are we going to school?" He asked as we made our way downstairs. I walked to the front door grabbing our jackets and handing him his. "Well I figured you could take your bike. I fixed it for you." I said slipping it on along with my bag and walking out the door with him following suit. Connor nodded and went to the side of the house, taking his bike and following me. "Okay but what about you?" He asked stopping in his tracks to climb on and rode back towards me. I chuckled. "Aw is my widdle baby brother worried about me?" I asked reaching over to pinch his cheek. He cringed and smacked my hand away scrunching up his nose. "Ugh no! Cut it out."He stated. I laughed and shook my head. "I'll be fine walking Connor. I woke us up earlier than usual so you could get breakfast at school. I heard it's pizza bagel day." I hummed. Connor's eyes lit up. "Oh shit! Seriously? I gotta go now then. Bye see you at school!" He yelled peddling away. "Language!" I yelled back a small laugh leaving me as I watched him speed off. My legs are going to hate me.

-Time skip-

I managed to arrive at the parking lot a few minutes before the first bell rang. I panted slightly. My legs already sore. I bent over hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. The faint sound of the Scorpions Rock You Like A Hurricane could be heard from behind me. Sounds like it's getting closer... and fast.I stood up straight, still out of breath, and turned around. Right as I turned around to look, a blue 1979 Camero Z28 sped up to nab the parking spot across from me nearly hitting me in the process. "Watch it jerk!" I yelped. I wasn't even in the middle of the parking lot. I stood next to someones car so I wouldn't be in the way and yet this dude still almost hit me. A young girl with fiery red hair came out of the passenger side giving me a sympathetic look before taking out a skateboard and skating off towards the middle school. Soon after, the drivers door opened and a boot stomped out. I began walking over to his car to start yelling at him but stopped dead in my tracks once the driver fully came out of the car. It was a guy I've never seen before. He had dirty blonde hair styled into a curly mullet, sharp blue eyes that seemed to be staring at me in amusement, a small smirk played at his lips which held an unlit cigarette. He wore matching jeans and jean jacket along with a plain white t-shirt. A car honked at me to move. I waved them off apologizing and continued walking over to him. The closer I got, the more intimidated I felt. He was tall. Well everyone is tall to me. I am only 5'2" but the vibe this guy gave made him seem huge. He could easily kick my ass. Girl or not. He casually leaned agains his car lighting his cigarette. I stood in front of him nervously clearing my throat. He looked down at me, the amused look on his face never leaving him. "Can you watch where you're going next time? You nearly hit me." I said slight annoyance lacing my voice. He took a deep inhale of his cigarette before taking it out of his mouth to quickly exhale. "Sorry didnt see you there shortcake." He said. I felt my face go red with anger. "How did you not see me? I was right next to that car! Out of your way but you swerved and nearly hit me!" I snapped. He just let out a small chuckle, flicking the cigarette butt on the ground. "You were bent over and I got distracted I guess." He joked. What the hell does he mean by distracted? My face twisted slightly as I tried to understand what he meant. My eyes widened with realization. Oh. He howled with laughter seeing my face change as I understood what he meant. "Took you a minute." He said stifling his laughter. My face heated up in anger and embarrassment. God this dude was annoying. The first bell rung. Finally. "Shut up! Just watch it next time will you?" I huffed walking around him and heading to the front doors of the highschool. "Dont worry shortcake! I'll be watching it alright!" He joked again. I pulled the bottom of my jacket down slightly covering my butt. Perv. I opened the front doors and made my way through the crowds of students. I said a few hellos while passing people I knew and headed to my locker. I quickly put away my stuff and grabbed the book I needed before making my way to class.

Ride or Die -Billy Hargrove-Where stories live. Discover now