Keg King

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*WARNING- Underage drinking. Im legally obligated to say don't drink til you're 21 and when you do please drink responsibly *

-A few days later on the night of the party-

"I dunno Nancy. I thought itd be a cool costume but now that I have it on it seems a bit... much." Francine sighed holding the phone to her ear as she examined herself in her full body mirror. She was currently dressed up as The iconic singer Blondie. Nancy came over after school and had helped her make the costume and adjust it so it wasn't as revealing as the actual outfit. It still felt foreign for Francine to wear something so exposing. "It is a cool costume Francine! No other girl is gonna be wearing something that good." Nancy reassured. Francine sighed sitting down at the edge of her bed holding the phone between her ear and shoulder so she could put on her heels. "Or this revealing." She stated. Nancy rolled her eyes. "Its not revealing. The first time you tried it on it looked good. I even let you borrow those black gym shorts I had so you didn't have to walk around in literal underwear." Nancy stated and got into her own costume. Francine groaned getting up and walking over to her vanity desk. "God I hope this party isn't a disaster." She mumbled putting on her makeup. Nancy chuckled shaking her head and finished getting ready after hearing Steve's car horn. "It wont be. Oh! Steves here! I gotta go Francine. See you at the party!" She hummed and hung up on her friend. Francine sighed fixing her hair and begrudgingly put on her blonde wig staring at herself in the mirror. There was a knock on her door. "Hey Francine theres a boy at the door waiting for you. Something bout a party?" Francine's uncle Dan grumbled. He had just awoken from a drunken slumber to answer the door so he was in a piss poor mood. "Oh yeah! Sorry I didn't mention the party to you. I never really had a chance cause you've been working." Francine stated and stood up gathering her jacket. She wanted to send him some snide comment about him not doing enough but she knew better than to disrespect her uncle. Dan just grunted, seemingly not caring that she was even going to a party. Before he left he noticed her costume. "You're going out to a party like that? You look like the $5 whore your father got engaged to." He huffed crossing his arms. Francine's throat tightened at the mention of her father and his new fiancée. She swallowed hard and quickly came up with a lie. "My um friend picked it out. The party isn't really a party its actually just a small hangout with a group of girls I know from school." She said rather quickly. Dan raised his eyebrow not fully believing her story. "What about the random boy at my damn doorstep?" He asked. Francine gulped and put on her jacket. "He's uh my friend's brother! Yeah and he is just taking me to her place then leaving to an actual party."  She stated. "Oh well have fun." He hummed not caring. She felt proud of herself for coming up with a decent lie. "Okay well I'll be going. Um I'll see you tomorrow. Connor's friends are gonna stop by to take him trick or treating with him so you'll have the house to yourself. Ill put out a bowl of candy so no one rings the doorbell too." She stated and made her way downstairs to the door. Dan grumbled again and headed back to his room. Once downstairs Francine grabbed a large bowl and filled it to the top with candy, made a 'take one' sign, and set it on a small table on the porch. Jonathan stood there waiting patiently. "Ready?" Francine sighed softly. Jonathan nodded and made his way to the drivers side. Once Francine got in the car she noticed he wasn't wearing a costume. "You know this is a costume party right? It is Halloween after all." She teased. Jonathan chuckled, starting the car and backing out of the driveway. "I um dont do costumes." He stated. Francine rolled her eyes. "You're gonna be the only one not dressed up." She said. Jonathan just shook his head and chuckled. "Im fine with that." He smiled. She let out a small laugh and shook her head looking out the window. "Hey um hows Will?" She asked. Jonathan shrugged. "He's been better. I think today could be a break for him. No doctor visits, no testing. Just him and his friends hanging out like normal kids." He sighed. Francine nodded. "I hope he gets better." She said softly. Jonathan glanced at her noticing the concern on her face. He just hummed and kept driving.

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