Costume shopping

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The three of them arrived at the house is no time. The small talk at the start of their walk turned into a full blown conversation of each others interests. Francine interrupted the two preteens who were currently talking about their favorite arcade games. "This will only take a second so can you guys wait here?" She hummed. Max and Connor nodded their heads. She smiled unlocking the door and headed to her room to get her stash of money. She took small simple jobs like babysitting and dog walking to earn the cash. She went through her underwear drawer and pulled out a small box and opening it taking out a decent bundle and putting everything away. She made her way back downstairs stuffing the money in her back pocket. She made sure as she exited the house to re-lock the door. "Lets go!" She smiled at the two preteens.

They arrived at a small clothing store in town. "Go nuts you guys." Francine hummed walking over to the women's costumes. Connor immediately ran over to the boys costumes leaving the girls behind. Max looked at teen next to her. "What are you gonna be for Halloween?" Max asked looking around the store. Francine shrugged looking over at the girl. "I dunno yet. Im going to a party this weekend and I already know that almost every girl there will be dressed as some sexy cat or madonna." She hummed. Max nodded. "What about you? What do you wanna be for Halloween?" Francine hummed keeping an eye on Connor, who was currently trying on a Chewbacca mask that was a bit too big for him, Francine giggled shaking her head. Max thought about it for a minute and smiled when she saw a familiar pale faced mask. "Michael Myers!" She ran over to the mask and taking it off the rack. Francine smiled. "Halloween! Classic! My second favorite horror movie." She smiled and ruffled Max's hair. Max looked up at her with a surprised look on her face. "You like horror?"  She asked. Francine nodded walking over to the boy's costumes and pulling out a mechanic suit in what looked to be the girls size and handing it to Max. "Its my favorite movie genre. Besides romantic comedies." Francine giggled. Max beamed. "Wow. You dont seem like the type of girl to enjoy horror movies. You're officially the coolest girl I know." She hummed cheerfully. Francine giggled. "Wow I feel honored." She smiled and went over to her younger brother.
"Find something bud?" She asked. Connor nodded excitedly. "Yep!" He exclaimed holding up a packaged Indiana Jones outfit. Francine nodded patting the kids backs and was about to head to the cashier but was stopped by Max. "Wait, you haven't found a costume yet. You said you were going to a party right? You cant show up in normal clothes. Even my stupid step brother is dressing up." The girl said rolling her eyes. Francine's eyes widened. Billy was going to the party and dressing up? She wasnt that surprised about him going to the party considering he is the most popular guy in school and constantly talks up a big game about how much alcohol he can drink. She was surprised that he is actually dressing up though. Francine thought for a second and got an idea. "Don't worry about me I have an idea." She smiled and paid for both the kid's costumes.

On the way back Connor decided to stay at home and watch Tv while Francine offered to take Max home. "Thanks so much for buying my costume. Are you sure you don't want me to pay you back?" Max asked combing the hair of the mask with her nails. Francine smiled as she held the bag containing Max's costume. "No problem kiddo and I'm positive. You can just pay me back by having a horror movie marathon with me." She said happily. Max beamed. She never felt so wanted before. Especially by another girl. With her brother being a dick as usual and the 'party' ,as the boys called it, was keeping secrets from her she felt a sense of relief that someone genuinely wanted to hang out with her. Max smile faltered as she saw Billy's Camaro parked in the driveway. She mumbled a quick 'asshole.' Before turning to Francine once she got to the doorstep. "Thanks for taking me out and walking me back home." She hummed. Francine smiled. "Of course hon! Im happy to help. Whatever you need, you know where I live." She smiled handing her the bag containing her mechanic suit. "Hey can I get your number too? We can plan out our horror movie marathon!" Max exclaimed. Francine chuckled nodding. "Billy has it so you can ask him." She stated. Max scrunched up her face in disgust. "Why does he have it?" She asked appalled. Before Francine could answer Billy opened the door about to yell at Max for being late but immediately stopped once he saw Francine. Her face turned a bright shade of pink at the sight in front of her. Billy was standing there shirtless with a pair of sweatpants that seemed to have been lazily put on considering they hung a bit below his hips and showed off a bit of his boxers. Billy smirked at the sight of her stunned and embarrassed face. "Francine what are you doing here?" He hummed teasingly and crossing his arms, flexing his biceps on purpose. Max looked between the two teens and groaned shaking her head. "I'll just go get a pen and paper." She huffed and pushed past Billy to get inside. Francine cleared her throat and held her hands behind her back innocently. "I was just walking Max back home after costume shopping. Which was your job to do apparently." She huffed now crossing her arms. Billy just chuckled eyeing her up and down. "I was busy. Plus she has her own money and is fine on her own." He hummed taking the cigarette from behind his ear and grabbing the lighter from his pocket and lighting it. Francine rolled her eyes and laughed. "You call fucking the cheer captain busy? Well if thats the case then half the school was busy. And where is she anyways? Did you not satisfy? Its okay buddy some people don't mind if it lasts 3 seconds." She joked. Billy let out a laugh. "Trust me doll, I satisfy and I can last a hell of a lot longer than that." He smirked letting out a cloud of smoke. Francine rolled her eyes and prevented herself from blushing at another one of his nicknames. Max came back with a pen and paper. "Here, write it down anyways just in case he forgets."  Max mumbled knowing full well Billy wouldn't give her Francines number. Francine nodded taking the pen and paper quickly writing it down and handing it back to the red head. Max happily took it and pushed her way back inside with a glare from Billy. "You know... being nice to your step sister would really help you get friendship brownie points." Francine snickered. Billy shook his head flicking his cigarette to the ground. "I'll work on it." He huffed. She smiled hoping he kept his word. "See you at the party." She hummed giving him a small wave and began heading home. Billy smiled and turned to go back in but stopped in his tracks and turned to her direction. "Hey Francine?" Billy hummed. Francine turned around humming expectedly. "About our early conversation..." He began. "What about it?" She asked confused. What about the earlier conversation? All he did was boast about how he was good in bed. Supposedly. He sent her a smirk. "Ladies come first... if you know what I mean." He teased sending her a wink. She could feel her face heat up. Once Billy saw her whole face go red he howled with laughter and went inside closing the door. Francine yelled out, embarrassed by his comment. The blush never left her face as she got home. Connor bombarded her with questions as to why she was so red but quickly shut up once Francine changed the subject and offered to watch TV with him.

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