Girl Talk

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The ride to my house was comfortably quiet with the occasional small talk. Steve parked the car on the curb. "I'll be quick." I hummed getting out and heading to the front door. I carefully unlocked it and came inside. The sound of the tv playing softly in the background indicated that Dan was in the living room. I quietly made my way over only to see him passed out on the couch with a few empty beer cans. I sighed picking up the trash and throwing it away. I walked over to the tv and turning the old western that was playing off. I looked over at my snoring uncle frowning. I shook my head taking a note pad and pencil from the coffee table and writing him a note telling him where Connor and I would be so he wouldnt wake up angry. I walked around to the back of the couch and laying a blanket over him. I sighed and left, locking the door behind me. I got back in the car. "Everything good?" Steve asked as he began driving. I nodded. "Yep. All good." I hummed. The drive to the Wheelers only took a few minutes. Steve parked in the driveway. "Here we are ladies. See you tomorrow." He smiled lovingly at Nancy. "See you tomorrow." She repeated his words  kissing his cheek goodbye and got out of the car. I thanked him for the ride and got out giving him a small wave and headed inside. Nancy in tow. "Hey Francine! So good to see you. Its been awhile huh?" Mrs.Wheeler greeted from the kitchen. My lips curled into a small smile. "Yeah. Three Years is awhile." I joked. Karen laughed shaking her head as she pulled cookies out of the oven. "We'll be upstairs studying mom." Nancy hummed not giving her mother a second glance before running upstairs with her book bag. I gave Karen an apologetic smile and followed Nancy up to her room closing the door behind me. "Lets get started." She smiled taking a seat on her bed and pulling out her note cards. I hummed pulling out my papers and books, taking a seat across from her.

-Time Skip-

"Oh my god. You lost your virginity to Steve 'the hair' Harrington." I giggled. Nancy and I finished our homework a couple hours ago and decided to talk and catch up on things with each other since I decided to spend the night. Nancy rolled her eyes and laid back on the bed. "Dont call him that. His hair isn't that astounding." She defended. "Oh please! Its so big and poofy! I bet he uses Farrah Fawcett's hairspray." I teased flipping through a cosmo magazine. "Theres no way he uses that shit. He just blowdries it weird." Nancy said. I gave her a look. "Do you even believe that?" I giggled. She stared at me for a second before breaking into a fit of giggles. "Okay okay. You're probably right. Hey what about you though?" She asked sitting up again and looking at me with curiosity. I raised my brow at her and tossed the magazine aside. "Do I use Farrah's Hairspray?" I asked confused. She let out a laugh, her eyes rolling again. "No silly. Did you lose your virginity yet?" She asked wiggling her brows. I bursted out laughing. She frowned at my reaction. "No. No god no. I haven't dated anyone since Wes Reynolds dumped me freshman year." I laughed getting up from the bed. "Oh yeah I remember that. That guy was an ass. I cant believe he did that in front of everyone and at the spring dance!" She huffed recalling the event. I chuckled and began walking around looking at the photos hanging on the wall. "Yeah I couldnt stop crying. I even ditched school for a week remember?" I hummed running my fingertips over the polaroids. Pictures of Nancy,Barb, and I when we were younger. Halloweens, Birthday Parties, and sleepovers. We were inseparable. That was until I stopped hanging out with them. With everyone. I frowned remembering. "Yeah how could I forget? Barb and I would come by after school and eat ice cream with you and watch all kinds of cheesy rom-coms until you felt better." Nancy smiled at the memory. "You were too good for Wes anyways." She added shaking her head. I smiled walking back to the bed and laying next to her. "Yeah well no guy at Hawkins High even bats an eye at me so does that mean Im too good for everyone?" I joked. She smacked my arm. "Oh shut up! What about Jonathan? Or the new kid? They seem to like you." She piped up. I shook my head, my cheeks immediately heating up at the thought of the curly haired bad boy. "No way! Jonathan and I talked only a couple times. Besides Im pretty sure he has a thing for you." I said rolling my eyes. Nancy shook her head. "Okay well what about new guy? You were hugging him earlier." She hummed bumping her shoulder with mine. "Billy? God no. The dudes a total asshole." I stated shrugging her off me. She giggled at my reaction. "Billy's his name huh? Well if he is such an ass why did you hug him today?" She pressed on and poked at my cheek. I groaned smacking her hand away. "Cut it out would you? I only hugged him as thanks cause I nearly had a panic attack I thought I lost Connor." I huffed crossing my arms over my chest. "Well that was sweet! That doesnt sound like an asshole to me." She hummed. "He also nearly hit me with his car this morning because he was staring at my ass and wanted to swerve into me." I added and looked at her. "There it is." She chuckled. "What a jerk! Im sure you'll find someone. Ohhh what about the Halloween party thats happening this weekend? You could meet some people there." She asked excitedly. I stared at her blankly. "Nance... This weekend is Halloween." I said softly. She nods. "I know but come on I haven't talked to you or hung out with you in 3 years! This could be a good opportunity for you. Its been 3 years since she died. I just want you happy again." She frowned. I sighed thinking about it. Nancy was right. This could be a good opportunity to finally be myself again. Ever since my mom died I became a completely different person. I used to be so bubbly and charismatic. I made friends with anyone I could. But now I've become so isolated and reserved. Only talking to people if I had to. 3 years of that. 3 years of being quiet and reserved. I lost all my friends. This weekend was gonna change that. Im determined to be happy this year. "Alright. Ill go." I said smiling slightly. Nancy squealed and pulled me into a hug. "Ooh this is so exciting! First Halloween in 3 years that you'll be out of your house and interacting with people." She joked. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah very funny." I hummed. "Oh! Heres the address." She said and rummaged through her book bag handing me the flyer with the address on it. "Lets get sheet- faced?" I scrunched up my face looking at the crude drawing of a ghost drinking beer. She shrugged. "Im sure it wont be that crazy." I frowned at her words. "God I hope your right."

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