No problem, Shortcake

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I hummed getting my lunch and walking over to an empty table. I set my stuff down and sat. A couple tables across from me sat the new kid, who I now know as Billy Hargrove, with groups of people surrounding him like he was a celebrity. I had quite a few classes with him and found out that not only is he a perverted jerk but he is also the annoying class clown. An overall asshole. An attractive asshole at that. Girls surrounded him and giggled at whatever story he was telling. I scrunched up my face in disgust as I watched the scene unfold only a few feet in front of me. Once he finished telling his story there were howls of laughter from the small group of guys he was talking to. The girls giggling along. I groaned rolling my eyes pushing my food to the side and pulling out my history papers. "Francine! Just the girl I wanted to see!" I heard Nancy's voice from behind me. I turned to look at her. My eyes following her every move as she sat down in front of me blocking the view of Billy and his cult. "What'd you need Nance?" I hummed looking back at my papers. "I was hoping that maybe since we have the same history class we could work on this project together at my place? Also I figured maybe we could hang out like we used to before...Um..." She began. She stopped herself when she realized what she was gonna say. Her big doe eyes were suddenly glazed over with sympathy. I shook my head. "Its okay Nance. Yeah Id love to. I just need to check with my uncle first and make sure Connor can go to a friends or something." I said. Nancy nodded. "Okay cool! I can have Steve drop you off at your place if you'd like? I saw you walk all the way here." She hummed softly. I smiled. "Thanks. My legs have been sore all day." I joked. We both let out a small giggle. The bell rung and she gave me a small hug and headed to class. I hummed throwing away my uneaten food and gathered my stuff to leave.

-Time Skip-

School eventually let out and I made my way to the edge if the parking lot where Connor and I always met up. Nancy told me last period that her and Steve would wait for me at the far end of the parking lot so I could let Connor know I'm going to study at her place. I looked around noticing he wasn't there. I stood next to a lamp post searching through the sea of middle schoolers for that familiar face. When I didn't see him I began to panic. He's always here first. He's never late. Ever. Fear and anxiety overtook my brain as I tugged on my jacket nervously. "Looking for someone?" A voice behind me hummed. I whipped around to see Billy leaning against his car with a cigarette between his lips. I bit my lip nervously and nodded. "Um.. y-yeah. My little brother." I said softly. Panic evident in my voice. He seemed to notice and raised his brow. He hummed blowing out the last of his smoke, flicking the cigarette butt and closing his car door walking towards me. "Alright what does the kid look like?" He asked softly looking through the sea of kids with me. "Umm about this tall, brown hair, small scar on his eyebrow." I began to describe Connor and nervously fidgeting with my hands. Billy nodded as he listened and patted my back comfortingly. "Well dont freak out alright? Look Ill ask my step sister." He hummed as the girl from this morning came over. Both of them seemed tense as they interacted with each other. "Maxine! Finally you're here. We need your help with something." Billy said through a clenched jaw. She nervously looked between him and I. "What do you need?" She asked cautiously. He explained to her the situation and gave her a description of my brother. She shook her head looking at me. "Sorry I havent seen him." She apologized. She frowned noticing how fidgety I was. I nodded sadly and pouted continuing to search through the slowly dispersing crowd of students. Maxine looked up at Billy and he nodded his head towards the car. She headed over to the passenger side and getting in putting her board in the back. I felt my eyes began to water. What if something happened to him? I wouldnt be able to live with myself. "Hey wait a second... is that him? With the bike?" I heard Billy say. I snapped my head to where Billys ring clad finger pointed. Sure enough Connor was with his group of friends walking his bike towards where I stood. I let out a laugh of relief. A tear escaping my eye. "Connor! Where were you?" I asked hugging him. He groaned trying to push me off of him. "France... I cant... breathe." He said through choked breathes. His friends laughed as they watched us. I giggled letting him go wiping my eyes. "Sorry." I said softly and smiled at him. His eyes widened at my tears. "You were... crying?" He asks shocked. "She nearly had a panic attack kid." Billy hummed lighting another cigarette. My cheeks flared up with embarrassment. Connor frowned. "Im sorry France. I really am. Tim was showing us this rocket he made in science and we lost track of time cause he wanted to try it out." He explained. His friends nodded. I smiled patting his shoulder and letting out a shaky breath. "Its okay. You're okay and thats all that matters. But please give me a heads up." I said ruffling his hair. He nodded smiling. "Is it okay if he sleeps over at my place?" His friend Tim asked. "He has an Atari!" Connor said excitedly. I chuckled nodding. "Yeah its okay. Ill let Dan know. I have to go to Nancy's to study anyways so if you need anything call the Wheelers alright?" I hummed. The boys nodded excitedly and got on their bikes peddling away from the school as fast as they could. I sighed running a hand through my hair and turned to see Billy still standing behind me. "Sorry for getting all worked up and wasting your time. Im sure you had somewhere to be." I said softly. He chuckled shaking his head. "Don't be sorry. You didnt waste my time. Glad I could help." He hummed putting his hands in his pockets. I nodded walking up to him nervously. "I um... thanks." I say and wrapped my arms around him. He tensed up at the hug before relaxing. "No problem Shortcake." He said softly patting my back. I coughed awkwardly pulling away. My cheeks flaring up. "Uh. Bye." I said and began walking to Steves car. I waved goodbye to a shocked Maxine who slowly waved back and headed to Steves car, getting in the backseat. "What took you so long?" Steve asked. "Was that the new guy?" Nancy asked looking at the frozen form of Billy shrink as we drove off. The redness of my cheeks never left my face as I kept thinking about how warm he was. How his cigarette and mint smell was intoxicating. How good it felt.

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