A Drive Home

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A/N I don't usually do authors notes but i just wanted to apologize for being gone for awhile. To make up for it this is a really long chapter :) also thank you for the votes and the views in general. I didn't know if anyone would like this book but to see you guys save it in your libraries and to give it votes means everything to me. And please note that i will change up the storyline so future parts might not be spot on to the show. Anyways here you go!

Jonathan took a deep breath and finally decided to make his way inside. He exited his car and made his way up the driveway to the front door. He held his jacket closer to him nervously going inside. Most of the crowd was dancing in the huge living room. The unmistakable sound of Duran Duran blasting through the houses speakers. Jonathan's eyes easily caught sight of Nancy and Steve dancing happily together. His heart tugged at the sight. He also saw Francine singing along as she danced with the new guy and his group of friends. "Nice costume!" A voice called over the music. Jonathan whipped his head around to see a girl in front of him dressed in all black with dark makeup on. Jonathan chuckled at her comment. "Uh thanks. Im dressed as a guy who hates parties." He yelled back so she could hear. She chuckled and smiled at his response. The two were silent for a second before Jonathan spoke up. "Kiss?" He asked her, feeling confused over her costume. Her eyes widened and she raised an eyebrow at him not understanding what he meant. He shook his head nervously realizing his mistake. "Uh Kiss the band? Your makeup." He said quickly clearing things up. The girl just laughed and began explaining her costume to him. Across the room Francine quickly caught sight of a nervous looking Jonathan talking to a girl dressed as Siouxsie Sioux. "Heyyy! I know him!" Francine slurred drunkenly tugging Billy's leather jacket for him to pay attention. She finished her rum and coke earlier and the effects of all the alcohol immediately hit her like a freight train once the cup was empty. Billy noticed Francine's excited tugs at his jacket and leaned down to hear what she was saying while holding her hips to steady her. "Look! Its Jonathan! He never comes to parties either! But here he is! Like me!" She giggled drunkenly. Billy chuckled shaking his head. "Did you wanna go say hi?" He hummed into her ear making sure she could hear him. She shook her head. "No its okayyy! I like dancing with you!" She giggled up at him. He smirked and pulled her slightly closer. "Well good cause I like dancing with you." He hummed leaning down so only she could hear. She laughed and smacked his bare chest before going back to swaying to the music, Billy following along. As the song was ending though Francine stopped once she caught sight of Nancy and Steve seemingly arguing in the kitchen. Billy was about to ask her if she was alright but stopped when the crowd let out a shocked gasp as did Francine. Billy looked over and saw Nancy covered in punch. Steve wore a shocked and apologetic expression. Nancy quickly ran off to the bathroom with Steve in tow. As soon as the couple were gone everyone went back to normal. Francine twirled around and continued dancing with Billy and his friends that she didn't know or care to know. She spun around with her back facing Billy's chest. Billy smiled swaying with her. His hands rested on the sides of her stomach so he wasn't crossing a line and making her uncomfortable. Francine was too distracted to even notice his large warm hands on her skin. She watched carefully as Steve came rushing out of the restroom a few minutes later looking like he was trying not to cry. He quickly shoved past Jonathan and left the party. Jonathan made his way to the bathroom where Nancy still was. Billy spun her back around. "You alright doll?" He asked raising a brow in concern. She nodded looking back behind her and seeing that Jonathan left with Nancy. She felt her face scrunch up and anger rise up in her chest. "I need some air." She huffed pushing past Billy and through the crowd to the back yard. Billy was gonna ask her if she was okay but Francine had already left at that point. He went to follow after her but was stopped by some girl he didn't recognize. "Hey Billy! Ive been trying to get your attention all night. You should come to the guest room with me." She hummed drunkenly and put her hands on his chest. He scrunched up his face in disgust and pulled her hands off of him. "Sorry I'm kinda busy right now." He said rolling his eyes pushing past her. He didn't feel like being with any random girl right now. He didn't know why but he just wanted to be with Francine and make sure she was alright. She groaned taking the hint and walked off to another guy. He made his way to the back yard and found Francine pacing back and forth. She managed to grab her jacket on the way out so she could keep herself warm as she stood outside in Indiana's cold fall weather. Francine grumbled drunkenly, deep in thought. "Whats got you so worked up shortcake?" Billy asked getting a cigarette out of his jacket pocket and holding it to his lips, carefully lighting it. "Nancy." Francine said, her voice slightly slurred. Billy hummed puffing his cigarette. "What did she do?" He asked with a raised brow. "She gets everything she has ever wanted yet she is so ungrateful. She makes a fool of herself and then complains to me about how shitty her life is and how something is ruined." Francine nearly yelled out. Thankfully everyone who was previously in the backyard had left inside leaving just the two of them. Billys eyes widened at her sudden outburst. Francine actually looked to be on the verge of tears. She turned to face Billy and let out a dry laugh. "She has no fucking clue on how good her life is. She has a perfect family, perfect house, perfect boyfriend. She has it all. She is so fucking lucky. Yet she doesn't appreciate what she has. I mean sure she lost Barb but so did I. Barb wasn't just her friend you know?" Francine ranted. Billy stayed quiet and carefully listened to her. It was silent the next few minutes until Francine spoke up again. "What I wouldn't give to have what she has... again." Francine slurred softly before taking a seat in an empty lawn chair. Billy slowly took a seat in the chair next to her. The silence coming back. Billy puffed his cigarette looking straight ahead of him. "Me too." He said softly. His voice barely above a whisper. Francine picked up her head at the sound of pain in his voice. "Huh?" She looked at him surprised by his words. With her drunken state she wasn't completely sure she heard him right. Billy avoided her confused gaze and stared at his cigarette. He flicked off the excess ash. "What I wouldn't give for a life like that." He stated bringing the cancer stick back to his lips. "You want a perfect boyfriend too?" Francine joked trying to lighten the situation. He sent her a glare. "Thats not what I meant jackass." He said rolling his eyes playfully. Francine giggled at his attempt of name calling her. "I know." She hummed softly and looked over at him. His focus somewhere else. His usual flirtatious egotistical demeanor changed to a more sad and quiet one. Francine knew better than to push someone for more information on a sensitive topic. She figured Billy had a pretty good life but then again she didn't actually know anything about his life. She's known him for a week and the most she knows about him is that he moved from California, he's the biggest player in town, and that Maxine is most definitely not his sister. But with the way he couldn't look her in the eye, and the slight pain in his soft voice made her heart ache. She looked down at his free hand that hung over the side of his chair. She contemplated on touching him. She felt like he needed comfort for something he wouldn't talk about. He kept his eyes straight ahead, staring into nothing. She slowly reached her hand over to his, carefully intertwining her fingers with his. The action took Billy by surprise. He couldn't remember the last time he held someones hand. It felt... comforting. He looked down at her small soft hand wrapped around his. He let out a small puff of smoke before holding her hand in return. He gave it a soft squeeze as a way to say thank you. He finished his cigarette and flicked the butt away.Francine smiled softly and looked up at him. He returned her gaze letting a small smile form on his lips. "Billy?" Francine whispered softly taking notice that they both inched closer to each other. Faces so utterly close. His breath caught in his throat. The way his name rolled off her tongue so easily. Her voice was like warm honey. Smooth and sweet. A comforting sound. He felt like melting. "Yeah?" He breathed softly and staring at her lips. His eyes gazed back up and met hers. She knew he was staring. "Could you take me home?" She asked quietly trying to control her frantic mind. The overwhelming smell of his cologne and cigarette smoke was driving her insane. The way he looked at her felt overwhelming. It wasn't his usual cocky glare. It was something deeper. Soft even. His ocean blue eyes were gazing into her soul. She couldn't deny that she liked it. The warmth of his hand holding hers made her blush. She blamed it all on the alcohol in her system. Every interaction with him was just as intoxicating as the rum and coke he made her earlier. She knows Billy's reputation with girls and she knows better than to become one of those girls on a 'hit it and quit it' type of list. He wanted to be friends and Francine plans to keep it that way. He just nodded getting up, her hand still intertwined with his. Francine got up from her chair rather quickly. Once she stood up she wobbled drunkenly for a second, the sudden movement making her realize how intoxicated she truly was. The feeling hit her like a freight train. Her free hand reaching and grabbing Billy's bicep for balance. "You alright?" Billy asked with concern watching her stumble. Francine just nodded taking a second to try and think straight. "Yeah just... mmm... really drunk. Moved fast. Not good." She grunted, trying to form a simple sentence, squeezing her eyes shut and keeping a death grip on Billy's arm. He didn't mind. He held her hand trying to help steady her. "Yeah dont move so quickly it makes it worse. Need me to carry you?" He asked and rubbed his thumb over her hand that he was holding. She pouted suddenly feeling overwhelmed by how drunk she was.  She quickly shook her head. "Nonono. I'll walk. I dont wanna embarrass myself and I dont want your friends making fun of you for carrying me." She whined. Billy rolled  his eyes at her ridiculous statement but helped her make her way inside and made their way to the front door and out to where the Camaro was parked. Billy opened the passenger door for her and carefully helped her get in and sit down. Francine let out a laugh as she watched Billy struggle to buckle her in. He raised a brow at her as he tried to figure out the busted seat belt. Max had accidentally busted it trying to get out of the car during one of their fights when Billy dropped her off at the arcade. Billy refused to acknowledge his step sisters presence for 3 days after that incident. His car was his baby after all. The one real good thing in his life in his opinion. "Whats so funny doll face?" He huffed feeling frustrated with the belt since it wouldn't click shut. "I feel like a little girl." She giggled drunkenly. Billy chuckled finally clicking the seatbelt shut and smirking at her. "You gonna start calling me daddy now?" He teased watching her reaction. Her face turned a bright red and she scrunched up her nose. "Oh my god no. Not in your wildest dreams Hargrove." She groaned Billy laughed shutting the passenger door and walking around to the driver side, getting in, and buckling himself in. "You're such a perv." She slurred crossing her arms, watching as he turned around to look for something in the back seat. He let out a laugh and turned back around handing her a water bottle. "And you're so easily flustered. Here drink this you'll feel better and sober up a little." He hummed. She took it, giving him a small thanks, and opened it up taking a sip. Billy quickly started the car and pulled out from between the other cars parked near him. "You always have water bottles in your car?" Francine asked looking at the bottle. Billy nodded. "Yeah. I have a whole case in here for after Basketball." He hummed. She nodded and sipped on her water. It was quiet for a bit before Francine spoke up. "Thank you." She hummed softly. Billy glanced over at the drunk brunette next to him. "For what? The water?" He asked looking back to the road. She hummed looking out the window. "For everything. You're actually a better friend than Nancy." She chuckled. "How so?" He asked looking over at her when he reached a stop sign. "Well you stuck with me at the party. She didn't. She invited me to that party where I didn't exactly know anyone and she knew today was tough for me and she fucking ditched me so she can go act like an idiot. You were the one that kept an eye on me and made sure I was okay. You chased off that creep that tried to grab up on me while dancing," Francine giggled at memory. "You even introduced me to some people. Ive known you for a week and you've treated me more like a friend than my actual best friend who I've known for my whole life." She said looking down at her hands which were laid down on her lap. Billy's heart tugged at her words. He couldn't believe that she was being so thankful for him. That the sweet innocent quiet girl of Hawkins was so happy to be friends with the new douche bag of Hawkins High. He felt like he didn't deserve to be her friend. He let a genuine smile decorate his lips as he continued driving. "You don't have to say thank you for me being a decent human being Francine." He hummed. She smiled drinking the rest of her water. "Who knew that I'd be friends with the new cocky golden boy of Hawkins High." She hummed glancing over and the dirty blonde. He rolled his eyes. "Don't call me that. Im in no way a golden boy." He huffed. "Oh come on Billy! You're like... the epitome of a golden boy. Everyone admires you. You're surprisingly a straight A student. Girls would kill to even sit next to you. Hell even your skin looks golden. Your hair is golden! You are literally a golden boy!" Francine exclaimed with dramatic hand gestures. Billy smirked upon hearing her compliments. "Keep boosting my ego like that sweetheart I might have to pull this car over." He teased reaching over resting a free hand on her thigh. He wasn't being serious. He just enjoyed making her all red, embarrassed, and flustered but he couldn't deny how good it felt to rest his large calloused hand upon her pale silky soft thigh. Francines eyes immediately went wide. Her face a tomato red as she glared at him in shock. "Oh my god Billy! You are seriously a perv!" She squeaked smacking his hand away. "Aww come on Franny I was just kidding. You're so easy to tease its cute." He laughed. Francine crossed her arms, her blush never leaving her face. "Shut up!" She groaned turning her body away from him. He let out another chuckle and continued to drive. The car grew silent for a few minutes before Billy decided to speak up. "Hey um... Why is today a tough day for you?" He asked cautiously. Francine tensed up and looked back over at him. "What? What are you talking about?" She asked. Her voice was slightly quiet and shaky. Billy slowly pulled up to her house and stopped the car to look at her. "Well earlier when you were saying thank you, you mentioned that Nancy knew today was tough for you. I don't mean to cross a line or anything I was just curious." He hummed. Francine bit her lip shaking her head. "Oh yeah.. um sorry I forgot I said that... well um.." She stopped herself for a second and thought about what to say. The thought of telling Billy her problem with Halloween terrified the shit out of her. He'd probably think she is being dramatic. He'd probably laugh or treat her the same as Nancy does. Or how everyone else does. Thousands of thoughts ran through her head. Her anxiety began to set in as she was worried for his reaction. She sighed and looked back down at her hands on her lap. "I don't want to talk about it. Im sorry." She stated, her voice barley above a whisper and trembling. She peeked over at him through her eyelashes expecting him to be annoyed that she wouldn't tell him. Instead she saw Billy nod in understanding. "Okay no worries doll. You'll talk when you're ready." He hummed sending her a soft smile. She felt like she could melt right there. She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that the Billy Hargrove was so kind, soft, and sweet to her. The boy was known for picking fights, acting tough, and just being a dick. He was the complete opposite around her and she couldn't help but adore the soft side of him. She sent him a sweet smile. She took a second to look at her house in front of her and then back at the boy next to her. She did the only thing she could think of in her semi drunk state. She leaned over and wrapped her arms around curly haired boy. "Thanks for the ride home. Golden boy." She hummed against his ear. Billy got chills at the sound of her velvet voice right in his ear. He couldn't help his body's reaction to how she was touching him. Her arms wrapped around his neck. Her cheek against his. Her plump pink lips practically on his earlobe. His body tensed for a second at the sudden action of the hug but easily relaxed and he hugged her back. "No problem." He mumbled trying to think of something distracting so he wouldn't pop a boner at how intimate the hug felt. How can one small action get him so worked up? He couldn't believe what this girl did to him. He didn't understand why she was so special to him. After what felt like an eternity she finally pulled away, which felt too soon for Billy. She sent him another innocently sweet smile and exited the car slowly walking up to her front door. Billy stayed in the driveway to make sure she got in safely. He got a cigarette from his jacket pocket and lit it. He watched as she reached into her jacket pocket, pull out a key and unlocking the door. Before going inside she sent Billy a small wave. Billy smiled waving back and putting his car in reverse after seeing her go inside. Once he was back on the road he took a long drag of his cancer stick. He just couldn't understand what she did to him. She'd definitely be the death of him

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