Another Day

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A/N Long ass chapter since its been awhile

Francine awoke to sound of faint knocking on her door. She groaned feeling immediate pain in her head as she sat up. "France? You up yet? We got school soon." Connor's soft voice called from the other end of the door. Francine rubbed her eyes, trying to fully wake up. "Yeah Im up. Sorry." Francine spoke and carefully got up from her bed. "Who the hell has a party on a Sunday night?" Francine grumbled to herself. After a second of stretching she walked over to her closet and picked out a random sweater and jeans. The pounding in her head almost became too much as she undressed. She threw her costume in the laundry pile after getting dressed and made her way to the bathroom. She wiped her makeup off as best she could and brushed her hair. After she was done she heard another knock on her door. "You almost ready? Uncle Dan is getting agitated. You know he hates driving us late to school." Connors voice called out as he let himself into Francine's room. Francine peeked her head from the bathroom doorway to see Connor sitting on her bed. "He hates driving us to school period. Why is he even doing it today? I thought he had work." Francine grumbled turning her sink on and beginning to brush her teeth. Connor hummed laying back on his sisters bed. "He said the lab changed his schedule again. So now he only works nights instead of mornings. Meaning he'll be taking us to school for awhile.." Connor answered looking around the almost empty looking room. It was almost eerie how there were no photos, posters, not even shelves with nicknacks upon them. Unlike Connors room, which had almost too much stuff in it, Francine's room was practically empty. As if she had just recently moved in. Plain white walls, a small white vanity with barely any makeup on it, a plain white wooden chair in the corner, and a plain white lamp. The only pop of color in the room seemed to be the lavender duvet she had and the small Kermit the Frog plush on her nightstand. But even they seemed dull and plain. It wasn't because Francine didn't have things to decorate her room with, cause she did. She had so many posters and photos that she could probably fill the room with them. Connor never understood why she kept her things in boxes in her closet. Francine turned the sink off and walked out of the bathroom slipping on some shoes and grabbing her book bag. "Alright dork lets go before Dan drinks himself back to sleep." Francine chuckled. Connor giggled and stood up looking at his sister. "Woah you look like shit. Rough night last night?" He snickered following her out the door. Francine rolled her eyes walking down the stairs. "Language Connor. And its none of your business. I just hung out with Nancy and her friends." Francine lied opening the front door for him. Dan was already outside waiting in the car. Connor snorted walking past her. "Sure you did." He mumbled getting into the car. Francine rolled her eyes locking the door behind her, making her way to the car and sat in the passenger side. Dan grumbled a "took you long enough." Before backing out of the driveway.

The ride was quiet and tense. Francine was just grateful they made it. Surprisingly early too. Once the kids got out of the car Dan left without so much as a goodbye. Connor and Francine stood and watched him leave. "He's pissed isnt he?" Francine asked clutching her book bag tightly. Connor glanced at her before nodding sadly. "Yep." He hummed turning around heading to a near picnic bench before sitting down. Francine turned around following him and taking a seat next to him. They had a few minutes to kill before class started. "Great." Francine huffed before resting her head on the wooden table. She was still trying to ignore the pounding in her head and the sudden nausea. So this is a hangover. She definitely overdid it with the drinking last night. She hoped to god she could make it through the school day without throwing up or feeling more sick. "Francine?!" A familiar voice yelled out in excitement. The teen perked her head up and looked around. "Francine!" Another familiar voice yelled. She turned her head around and immediately caught sight of Dustin and Lucas. They jumped and waved in excitement. Francine giggled waving back at them and calling them over. The boys began to run over. Almost tripping a few times. Will and Mike walking awkwardly behind them. Connor laughed at his two friends. "God they are so dumb and so obviously in love with you." He said watching them push and shove as they made their way over to the table. "Shut up." Francine laughed. "We haven't seen you in forever! We missed you." Lucas exclaimed panting. Dustin ran up to Francine hugging her. "Yeah we really missed you." He hummed. She smiled hugging him back tightly. "Aw I missed you guys too. Dustin you have front teeth!" She giggled. "Oh yeah you like these pearls?" He smiled and did some weird growl. She ruffled his hair with a laugh. "Lets not do that." She joked and hugged each boy individually. Mike seemed too deep in thought to hug back. "Geez guys its not like she left the country. You could've just asked to see her." Connor hummed. "Yeah but with everything that happened to the party and everything that happened to you two its kinda been... weird. I guess." Lucas said. Mike glared at Lucas as he spoke. Francine raised a brow and decided to break the tension. "So... um what have you boys been up to? Connor tended to keep me in the dark." She hummed. The boys looked at one another as if deciding what to say. Will surprisingly spoke up first. "We've been going to the arcade a lot." He hummed. Francine smiled. "Oh yeah?" She hummed resting her chin on her hand. Dustin nodded. "Yeah! We found out that someone named MadMax beat all my high scores!" He huffed. "Oh and thats not even the craziest part!" Lucas chimed in. Francine raised a brow. "Oh it gets crazier?" She said with a playful smile. Lucas and Dustin nodded excitedly. "Yeah turns out that MadMax is actually the new girl." Lucas smiled. "She came here from California. She's really cool. Her brother is a senior like you." Dustin chimed in. Mike seemed to be agitated by the conversation while Will was staring off into space. "Oh yeah I know Max. Im friends with her and her brother." Francine hummed. "Seriously? What the hell Connor? Why didn't you tell us?" Dustin snapped. Connor shrugged. "You guys are weird and probably weird her out. Plus Mike isn't that nice to her." He hummed looking at his friend that sat next to him. "Yeah he was an absolute asshole yesterday. He was upset we invited her to trick or treat with us." Dustin hummed. Mike looked at him with disgust. "All I said was I don't want her in the party." He defended. His face screwed up in annoyance. "Why Don't you want her in the party Mike? What'd she do to you?" Francine asked. Mike groaned rolling his eyes. "Nothing okay? Look, our party is full. We don't need anyone else in it. Besides Lucas has a big mouth and told her shit she doesn't need to know about." He snapped. Lucas groaned. "I just told her the public knowledge of what happened to Will!" He defended. Mike glared at him. "She didn't need to know! Who cares if its public knowledge. Besides you only want her in the party cause you and Dustin have a crush on her!" Mike snapped. "Yeah? Well you don't want her in the party cause your still sad about El!" Lucas yelled. Mike looked back at him offended. "Wait who's El?" Francine asked. Connor immediately answered. "Uh foreign exchange student. We were all close with her but she moved. Plus Mike kinda liked her." He said. "And apparently she is the only girl allowed in the party. Only cause Mike liked her." Dustin mumbled. Mike quickly got defensive again. "Shut up Dustin! I just don't want anymore members in the party. We dont need anymore members alright? So shut up." Mike said angrily. Francine glared at Mike. "Hey! Watch the attitude Wheeler. Don't take out your problems on your friends. Its not even your choice on who's allowed into the party! Its a group vote. Besides Max is a really cool girl and doesn't deserve to be treated like shit just cause you don't want her in your party alright? Now quit acting like a drama queen and at least try to be nice to her. And be nice to each other damnit. Don't let some girl that moved away ruin your friendship. I understand you feel like you've lost someone Mike but seriously... dont take it out on others okay?" She sighed pinching the bridge of her nose. Everyone was silent for a moment. "Whatever." Mike groaned getting up and heading into the school. "It was nice seeing you Francine." Will said giving an apologetic smile before getting up and following him. "See ya later Francine." Lucas hummed hugging her, getting up and following his two friends inside. Dustin sighed staying a minute. A strange sound came from his backpack which caused Connor and Francine to look at him. "Uhh whats that?" Francine asked with a raised brow. Dustin's eyes widened as if he remembered something important. "Shit! Oh um its nothing just one of my action figures. Connor AV club meeting at lunch lets go!" Dustin said scrambling to get his stuff running inside. Connor immediately got up and left with him. Francine watched the two boys leave feeling very confused. Being too focused on the entrance of the middle school she didn't notice a familiar small red head stand behind her. "What are they in a hurry for?" Max spoked up. Francine nearly jumped out of her skin. "Jesus!" She yelped turning to see the preteen behind her. Max giggled. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." She said adjusting her skateboard under her arm. Francine smiled waving her off and slowly got up. "Its fine and Im not sure. Something about AV club meeting." Francine hummed gathering things. Max nodded about to head into the school building but Francine stopped her. "Hey Max?" She hummed softly. "Hmm?" Max turned around expectedly. "Let me know if the party gives you any trouble alright? Especially let me know if Mike gives you any trouble." Francine said rubbing her shoulder. Max's eyes widened for a moment. Her heart swelled at the thought of someone really looking out for her. She immediately smiled and nodded. Feeling ever so grateful for Francine's kindness. "Have fun in class. I'll see you later." Francine smiled ruffling her hair before heading to the highschool entrance.

Once she was inside and sorting out her things in her locker she was greeted by the familiar smell of cigarette smoke and cologne. "How you feelin' Franny?" Billy hummed leaning against the lockers. After seeing how much she drank last night he just knew she had a killer hangover. Francine grabbed her english book and slammed her locker shut before looking at the curly haired boy next to her. "Honestly? Pretty shitty. Thanks for asking." She hummed back. Billy chuckled running a ring clad hand through his hair. "Yeah I probably shouldn't have encouraged you to drink more. Especially since you've never drank before." He said. Francine waved him off. "Billy its fine. You didn't encourage shit. I was actually having a good time. It was my decision to continue drinking and today I'm suffering the consequences of that decision." Francine stated letting out a small sigh but kept her smile. "You could've stayed home and called in sick you know." Billy stated pushing himself off the lockers once the bell rang. Francine shook her head holding her text book tightly against her chest and began heading to class. Billy by her side. "Not really. My uncle is pretty strict so I cant really miss a day of school. He'll chew my head off. He was already pissed this morning. Pretty sure he figured out I drank last night." Francine vented. As she passed herds of students she noticed a few of them whispering while staring at her and billy. She raised an eyebrow in confusion. Unsure of why people were looking at her and Billy. Some of them even pointed and giggled. "Shit. I understand the struggle though. My dad is pretty strict too. He'd have my head if I didn't keep my grades up." He hummed remembering the time in California when he came home with an F on his report card. Francine nodded completely oblivious to Billy's pained face. "So that explains the golden boy act then." She smirked playfully. Billy rolled his eyes. "Shut up with that will ya?" He groaned. Francine shook her head trying to ignore more stares from other students. "You love it." She giggled. Billy smiled stopping at a classroom door. Francine smiled up at him. "Thanks for walking me to class. Which you didn't have to do by the way. Im sure Carol and Tommy are livid." She hummed. Billy rolled his eyes again. "They'll live. Hey um I got practice after school...would you mind coming to watch me? I'll take you for lunch after and we can talk more." He asked shoving his hands in his pockets. Francine smiled. "Yeah Id love too." She hummed as the second bell rang signaling that she should be in class already. "Alright. I'll let you go to class. See you later doll." Billy hummed walking to his first period class. Francine gave him a small wave and turned around going into the classroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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