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Billy and Francine grabbed their things and got up from their seats. Francine quickly wrote her number on a piece of paper and handing it to him. He smiled and tucked it into his jacket pocket. "See you later Hargrove." She said flashing him an innocent smile as she walked out of the class and heading onto the next one. Billy felt like he could melt right then and there. Billy couldn't believe how his body was reacting to her. He was hoping that the strange gut feeling would go away as soon as he was nice to her and became her friend but in all honesty it only got worse. He hated it, he truly did. Now he was stuck with her. He was becoming more and more conflicted with himself. He wasn't used to the warmth nor the kindness this girl brought. It reminded him of his mother in a way. He pushed the thought of his mother out of his head. She is nothing like her. He thought to himself. As he was walking out of the class and out to the crowded hall a girl, who's name he didn't remember or cared to remember, stopped him in his tracks. "Hey Billy! Ive been looking for you." She smiled up at him mischievously. "What for?" Billy asked eyeing her up and down with a confused expression. She hummed pushing out her chest a bit as she spoke. "I was just wondering if maybe you could give me a ride home or maybe we could hang out at your place?" The girl asked batting her mascara coated eyelashes. Billy stared at her for a second not sure what to say. He didn't have anything to do tonight, Neil would be home late, and he couldn't stop thinking about Francine. There was nothing special about her yet the second he saw her he was in a trance and he desperately needed a distraction. This will work. He put on his infamous smirk and leaned down towards the girl. "Sure. Ill meet you at your locker at the last bell." He hummed. She rubbed her hand on his chest for a second and giggled playfully. "Cant wait." She whispered seductively. She gave a quick kiss on his jaw and pulled away walking to her next class.

The rest of the day was slow. Steve and Francine had their last class together and as soon as the bell rang they got up and left together walking through the halls to wait for Nancy at her locker. "Whats the deal with you and the new asshole?" Steve asked. His face scrunching up in disgust. Billy was always trying to get under Steve's skin and it pissed him off to no end. Francine scrunched up her face in confusion and turned to the boy. "What are you talking about?" She asked innocently. She genuinely didn't get what Steve was insinuating. Steve crossed his arms and leaned against the locker. "You and that Billy kid. Ive seen you two talking a few times." Steve hummed. Francine let out a small laugh. Steves face twisted at her response. She shook her head. "You're seriously concerned about my relationship with mullet boy cause you saw us talk a few times? Why so paranoid Steve?" She joked. Steve shook his head. "Im not paranoid. I just know that the guy is an asshole and Im confused as to why you're talking to him in the first place." He explained. Francine hummed waving goodbye to a few people she knew. "Settle down Lassie. Yeah we talk. He just wanted to make friends. The guy isn't half bad once you know him a little." Francine hummed thinking about how Billy made her laugh and genuinely seemed to enjoy the small conversations with her. Steve groaned. "Oh please! Didnt he almost hit you with his car?" He asked giving Francine a stern look. It was her turn to groan. Of course Nancy told Steve everything Francine told her.  "God I forgot how much of a big mouth Nancy is. Yes but he apologized and we're on good terms now. In fact we're friends." She huffed crossing her arms. Steve let out a dry chuckle. "Francine... its been one day. The dude is probably trying to get in your pants." Steve hummed. Francine raised a brow at him and caught a glance of familiar caramel colored curls in the small sea of teens trying to leave the school. "Get in my pants huh?" Francine questioned with an amused smirk. Steve sighed thinking she finally understood his warning. "Yes." He said. "Well if he is so desperate to get in mine then why is he going to get in Stacy's right now?" Francine asked and nodded her head to the blonde following Billy and applying red lipstick. Steve turned to where she nodded and sure enough Billy was leading Stacy to his car. Nancy interrupted the two's staring. "Hey guys. Whats up?" She hummed. Francine smiled and patted Steve's back. "Oh nothing. Steve is just trying to play mom and warn me about the bad boy." She joked. Steve rolled his eyes while Nancy giggled. "Oh. Well hey I wanted to meet you to ask if you wanted to come with Steve and I to Barbs place and have dinner with her parents tonight?" She asked grabbing her stuff from her locker and followed the two outside. Francine felt a lump in her throat at the mention of her late friend. Steve gave Nancy a look. To which Nancy shrugged off. "Um no I shouldn't. I don't think her parents would really welcome me back with open arms." Francine said trying to forget what happened. She felt like it was her fault. She wasn't there for the Hollands when Barb went missing. She was still isolating herself and being selfish. Hell, the year before her disappearance she hurt Barbs feelings by cutting off communication with her. Same with Nancy. But Nancy wasn't to bothered by it like Barb was. Nancy seemed to forget about the whole incident and continued pushing her friend. "Of course they would Francine! You were Barbs best friend too! All of us were best friends. They would understand-." Nancy began but Francine suddenly snapped. "I said no Nancy." She clenched her fists trying to stay calm. Nancy stared at her with wide eyes shocked at her friends sudden outburst. "Alright... jeez. Sorry I asked." Nancy said feeling offended and stormed off to Steve's car. Steve gave Francine an apologetic look. "See you tomorrow France." He said softly. Francine just nodded him off. She sighed sitting on the bench to wait for her little brother. Billy watched the whole scene from afar. Sat in his Camaro with a lit cigarette as he reluctantly waited for Max. The girl in his passenger seat twirled her hair feeling bored of just sitting in the car. "Where's this sister of yours?" She asked as she watched the middle schoolers get let out. Billy huffed, flicking his cigarette out the window and taking his eyes off of Francines sad form, to look at the crowd of kids. "She's not my sister." He grumbled. Stacy nodded feeling bad that she upset Billy and played with the hem of her blouse. Billy growled beginning to feel agitated and started the car. "The little shit can just skate home." He mumbled pulling out of the parking lot and sped off.

Connor walked up to his sister, who was stood up from the bench. "Is uncle Danny picking us up today?" He asked adjusting his backpack. Francine shook her head. "No. He works late again." She explained. Connor sighed sadly. "I cant wait till you have a car. I hate walking." He grumbled. She chuckled patting his shoulder. "If it makes you feel any better I think I saved up enough money for some cool Halloween costumes!" She exclaimed hoping to excite her younger brother. He gave her a worried expression. "France... you haven't dressed up for Halloween since mom died." He said. Francine swallowed hard. She was about to respond but was interrupted by Billy's step sister. "Excuse me?" Max asked politely. Francine and Connor turned towards the girl. "Sorry to interrupt but did you happen to see Billy? My stepdad said Billy was gonna give me a ride to get a costume." She asked and began looking around the parking lot that was beginning to empty. Francine frowned. "Sorry sweetheart. He left with Stacy a few minutes ago. I figured he would've called your guys parents and let them know he couldn't pick you up." Francine wondered. It didn't cross her mind that Billy would deliberately leave his sister just to go with some girl. Max shook her head. "No my mom works late and so does my step dad. Thats why they made Billy do it. Its fine I'll just skate to the nearest store." She sighed setting her skateboard down and started making her way to the road. Francine jogged towards the girl with her brother in tow. "Wait! We can come along with you!" She yelled out. Max stopped her board and raised a brow at the girl. "I'll be fine on my own." She hummed. Francine shook her head as she caught up with the girl. "I know but its nice to have some company. Besides Connor and I are gonna go shopping too ." Francine smiled and nodded toward her brother who seemed unsure. Max thought it over for a second and nodded smiling. "Okay." She hummed. Francine smiled. "Cool! But we have to stop by our uncles house first so I can get some money." She explained. Max nodded flipping her board into her arms and began walking with the two siblings. Watching as they made small talk with another. Max felt a pang in her chest as she saw the way the girl treated her brother. She didn't know what the feeling was but she fucking hated it. It made her feel weak in a way. Francine turned around noticing that Max was a bit behind and seemed to be spacing out. "You alright hon?" She asked sweetly. Max shook herself back to reality. "Um yeah I'm fine. Sorry." Max said brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear and catching up to the two making their way to the neighborhood.

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