How it Began| 1

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Midoriya's POV:

"You know there might be another way" Kacchan says turning his head in my direction, "Just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building." He says with a slight chuckle, his two minions agreeing.

"Fine then." I say, turning around clenching my fists. Kacchan visibly freezes, a look of shock spreads throughout his face. I push past him, brushing our shoulders ever so slightly. 'He did this, this is going to be his responsibility.'

I couldn't think straight, I was angry. As I climbed each step my breathing became heavier. I was going to do it. I was going to jump.

Before I knew it I was standing right on the ledge. I could see my hero analysis Notebook in the fish pond from here, the one Kacchan burnt and threw out the window not even 5 minutes ago. I chuckled, how insane must I have been to actually believe a quirkless nobody like me could become a hero?

The screeching of the the rooftop door breaks me out of my thoughts and out of the corner of my eye I make out the angry blonde figure. 'He wanted this, maybe for once I could give him something' I tell my myself and continue focusing on the hard cement down below.

5 floors high; if I'm lucky, I can make it out with a broken back and couple of fractured ribs. I wait.

After about 10 minutes of complete silence from the both of us, I turn my body around so I can look at Kacchan directly. With tears threatening to spill, I voice five words, five words that would make him accountable for this.

"Just remember, YOU did this." I take a step back and feel my body plunging towards the ground. I close my eyes, this is it. The last thing I hear before everything goes dark is the loud bang of the rooftop door and someone dashing straight for the front gates.

Short chapter I know 😢
Sincerely, Kay ❤️🙂

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