first day(ch.1)

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"Come on,come on, get up" I hear as my eyes slowing crack open "huh what, Wait"I say as I shoot up from my bed "what's wrong" my sister Bella asks while looking concerned "Wait so if today is Monday, that means,.. it's the first day of school"I say as I fly out of my bed , forgetting that I'm in my boxers and my little sisters in the room "geez cover up your junk, and yea I know ,me and mom made you a big breakfast"she says as she started laughing."yeah yeah so funny, I'll be down stairs in just a minute"I say as I'm throwing some jeans and a t-shirt on. I scurried to the bathroom to spiffy up my hair and throw on my glasses.If you wanted to know i ONLY take showers at night I hate morning showers I don't know why but I just do and I always have. "Alex get down here before your food gets cold" my mom yells from the downstairs kitchen "ok coming" I yell back ,I jogged down the stairs and right as I hit the bottom step, the smell of nice greasy bacon, eggs and hash browns hits my nose "well stop standing there and get over here and eat"mom says with a slight giggle "I gladly will" I say running to the table , I fly into my seat and dig in to the food. The taste of the bacon and hash browns had me remembering The good times with my dad but ever since I came out as gay to my family he got really abusive to me and my mom ,so they got a divorce and we moved away, I'm horrified to meet new people and hopefully friends but we will see were the future takes us. I grabbed my plate , headed over to the sink and washed my dishes "you have a good day sweetie" my mom says waving " yeah don't get into any fights" belle says " ok,ok I won't , by guys"I say as I walked out the door. I'm finally 17 so I already have my drivers license and I have my own car , I have a small white Nissan and it's fairly new I hop into the drivers seat and head out the driveway, we live in a cute little neighborhood , pretty new houses and even some apartments. I drive for about 10 minutes until my favorite song on the radio started playing. I have a fascination with music so I joined the marching band , people also say that I can sing but I don't think so I grabbed the volume nozzle and cranked it to full blast.

Play song
There gos my heart beeting

Cause you are the reason

I'm loosing my sleep

Please come back now

And there gos my mind racing

And you are the reason

That I'm still breathing

I'm hopeless now

I'd climb every mountain

And swim every ocean

Just to be with you

And fix what I've broken

Oh cause i need you to see

That you ar......

I sing until my car comes to a stop , I sigh as I grab my trumpet case and book bag and head into the building.
I push open the big black doors and walk through the black and gold hallways. I have only been here once before getting a tour of the place but at this point I've done forgotten mostly everything they said. At this point I'm by my locker trying to figure it out "oh shit, I can't figure out this fucking locker" as I finish talking to my self, I start to hear other lockers closing so I start to panic "shit ,shit, shit I'm gonna be l...." I say before I get cut off " Hey do you need any help" my head jerked to the side to see a tall dark haired well built, probably on the football team man
"" "what's your locker combination"he said nealing down to get to my locker "uh 28,14,26" I said watching in put it in.geez I knew I was gay but I didn't know I was this gay.
" well there you go" he said standing up "my name is Lewis Clark by the way" "o.ok , I'm Alex" "nice to meet you, see ya around school" Lewis said walking off.i looked at my watch and realized I had 30 seconds to get to class.
      The first few classes were not that bad,I mean we just sat there and listened , but that's it. As I slowly fall in and out of sleep I here the lunch bell go off, so we all got up and headed to lunch as everyone entered to lunchroom I headed to the band room to eat my Lunch , my lunch was pretty good , I mean my mom did make so I didnt expect it to be bad I got up and headed to class I walk through the halls , I ram into something big I look up to see a tall guy glaring at me "what the fuck man watch out" he says as I look down fiddleing with my fingers "look at me when I'm talking to you, you bitch"
I look up to see him with a glare sharp enough to kill someone "come on James back off" I hear someone say from behind me , the voice sounds so familiar, I tern my head to see who it was , and it's........woah it's him. "Don't make me kick you off the team dude for getting into fights" Lewis says
Damn he's hot and the football team captain, I'm so gay.
"Fine, this is not over shit head" he shoots his head at me , Then turns around and walks away.

"You ,ok" Lewis said "y.yeah" I say studdering on my words, "well get to class see you around" as he pats me on the back and walks away.
What did y'all think of the first chapter please comment and give me feedback!!!!!!!

Toodles 🖤

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