Part 30: Talking (Part 7).

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~The Next Day~

[Sun. August 19th 2018]


[Still] ~ My Pov:

Once he says this I look up at him and look into his eyes.

Me: "What do you mean you should know what's going on with me."

Tae: "What that you're pregnant I get that but why was you trying to attack NamJoon?"

Me: "Because he obviously wants this bachelor party to happen because of him it always has to be about him and I'm sick of it not everything revolves around him."

Tae: "I don't think he meant it like that baby I think he just wants me to have fun while I'm here."

Me: "I get that but that's the 2nd time he has asked about the bachelor party."

Tae: "So do you not want me to have this bachelor party?"

Tae: "I didn't say that."

Tae: "Then what are you saying because it seems like you are having a hard time with this."

Me: "I am.."

Tae: "But why though?"

Me: "Because.."

Tae: "Because why baby?"

Me: "Because I don't want NamJoon and the others to get you super messed up and miss our wedding day."

Tae: "Baby that's not going to happen."

Me: "How do you know that?"

Tae: "Because I know if this bachelor party does happen I will be sure to watch what I drink so I don't get too messed up."

Me: "Do you want this bachelor party to happen?"

Tae: "Do you want it to happen?"

Me: "It's not about me the party is about you so you can have fun."

Tae: "I know but I don't want to do the bachelor party if you don't want me too."

Me: "It can't happen like that."

Tae: "What do you mean by that baby?"

Me: "This bachelor party isn't about me it's about you it's about what you want."

Tae: "But I want to know what you want."

Me: "What I want is for us to have dinner together and end the night with just the two of us as I lay in your arms all night."

Me: "That's what you want baby?"

Me: "Yes that's what I want I don't want you leaving me I don't want to be here alone all night."

The time I was in love with him now I'm married to him.Where stories live. Discover now