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    Izuku gulped as the black car pulled up to his driveway.

   Honestly, this was the first time Izuku seen Mitsuki. So it was nerve racking. The car came to a stop and the window began to roll down.

   "Izuku! Wow have you grown up!" The voice boomed. Izuku couldn't help but smile a little as he walked towards the figure.

    "H-Hi Mrs. Mitsuki!" Izuku chirped as the car door opened. "You've gotten so tall! I remember when you were only four!" Izuku couldn't help the shyness that creeped up on him as he hugged Mitsuki.

   "It feels nice...to hug someone again..." The freckled male mumbled more to himself then to the women in front of him.

   The young male hugged harder as tears fell down his cheeks slowly. "I-Izuku?" The male immediately pulled away to wipe his tears.

   "A-Ah sorry its just that I-"

  "-I know...anyway let's go get you registered and maybe some frozen yogurt on the way!" Mitsuki cooed as she hopped in the drivers seat. Izuku nodded and hopped in the back even though he could've sat in the passengers seat.

   Yet Mitsuki didn't question it.

    "So how's it been? Have you eaten properly?" Mitsuki question, starting to drive off in the busy streets. "Um...Yeah! I have...I forget to go to the supermarket sometimes though which means I have to eat ramen for dinner..." Izuku chuckled yet got a concerned glance from the ash blonde women.

    "Izuku eating ramen for dinner isn't good. Ramen isn't filling which means you go to bed on a empty stomach on those nights." Izuku shyly scratched his neck as he looked out the window.

"Well I don't want you to worry about me too much so eating ramen for dinner every once in a while isn't much of a problem...besides last night I had a bowl of Mac and cheese."

Mitsuki cocked a brow.

"Did it have cheese?" Izuku flinched. "E-Eh no...I forgot to pick it up...I sworn I did though." The freckled male laughed out.

Mitsuki laughed too.

    "Seems like something you'd do, always forgetting things." Mitsuki said, her voice bubbly.

    Izuku chuckled and looked out the window.

    It felt nice to have a motherly figure with him once in a while.


I'm bored :(

I'm bored :(

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