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Kiri 💕: Kat

Kiri 💕: Kat I have a question

Boom💥: Hey, What is it?

Kiri 💕: Are you seeing other people?

Boom💥: Hah?

Kiri 💕: It's just...you've been so into your phone lately, texting someone and I haven't seen you as much as I used to

Kiri 💕: I don't want to be dating a cheater

Boom💥: Why would I do that Kiri? I know I can be difficult to understand at times but even I have my limits

Kiri 💕: I don't know...you've just been distant

Boom💥: I promise you I'm not cheating on you Kiri! You know I wouldn't do that!

Kiri 💕: ok...

Kiri 💕: Anyway! Are you free this Friday? Mina invited Sero, Kaminari, and I to karaoke and I wanted to see if you wanted to tag along, get out the dorms for a bit?

Boom💥: I guess, although I won't do anything

Kiri 💕: And Why is that?

Boom💥: I hate singing

Kiri 💕: Come oooon

Kiri 💕: You can sing with me

Boom💥: Seriously, I'm not the singing type

Kiri 💕: Fine, you don't have to sing

Boom💥: Thank god

Kiri 💕: But you have to sing to me once

Boom💥: Hell no

Kiri 💕: Oh wow, it's just gonna be me in the room Kat

Boom💥: I wouldn't even sing for my mom

Kiri 💕: Bet you'd sing for your online boyfriend

Boom💥: Woah wtf? I don't have a secondary boyfriend Kiri

Boom💥: Why won't you believe me?

Kiri 💕: I just can't

Boom💥: So I'm untrustworthy now? After who knows how long I've kept our relationship a secret??

Kiri 💕: I dunno maybe you did tell the class behind my back!

Boom💥: If I did tell the class behind your back then rumors about us would spread around.

Boom💥: Anyway can we go back to talking about karaoke

Kiri 💕: No

Kiri 💕: You're lying to me about something

Boom💥: No the fuck I'm not! Why are you acting this way towards me?! Just because I have a explosive temper or can be a fucking dickwad doesn't mean I'll date someone behind your back or tell the whole class!

Boom💥: I say we should tell the class about our relationship but you always have a problem with it! Kiri it's almost been a year we know how this school works we know our classmates work, you know me!

Kiri 💕: it's hard to understand what people think about Bi people! Or let alone the whole lgbt community! Just by you saying that doesn't mean that's actually what people think. And how do I know you're not doing anything shady behind my back?

Boom💥: Istg, is this what you think every time you don't see me? You think I'd cheat on you with someone else and tell the class behind your back? What do you wanna do, place a camera on me everywhere I go? I can't believe you can't trust your own boyfriend Kirishima!

Kiri 💕: You know what? Maybe I don't trust you Kat! I think that it's time for us to just stop this. It's time for us to take a big fat break from one another because I can't with you anymore!

Boom💥: Me fucking neither! Since you can't trust your own boyfriend!

Kiri 💕: Ok BYE Katsuki



Call the janitor, someone spilt tea on the floor for the fifth time this week

Call the janitor, someone spilt tea on the floor for the fifth time this week

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