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Katsuki showed up ten minutes later, loving the small smile Izuku wore on his face. The two began to dig into their food together, having small conversation with each other. Katsuki couldn't lie, he did have a good time so far.

Soon after Katsuki helped Izuku clean his house although it wasn't dirty to begin with. It wasn't until they finished Katsuki realized he'd have to go back to the dorms soon.

"Damn it really took us all day huh?" Katsuki chuckled out, slumping on the couch. Izuku sighed, washing his hands in the kitchen sink. "Are you still down for a movie? I have popcorn!" Izuku chimed, popping his face over Katsuki's. "Sure." Katsuki replied without much hesitation. Izuku giggled, going to the kitchen to make some popcorn.

"You pick a movie!" Izuku exclaimed from the Kitchen. Katsuki hopped up from the couch and searched for where Izuku kept his movies. Of course they were on the shelves next to the tv. Katsuki browser through the possible selections, from scary to fantasy to romance and finally to action.

The crimson eyes scanned every title until his fingers landed on a action comedy. In the distance, Katsuki heard a faint beeping assuming that Izuku finished cooking the popcorn.

The ash blonde teen took the movie disc out of it's case and slide it into the DVD player below the tv. "Let me get a blanket." Izuku mumbled softly, climbing up the ladder to his room. Katsuki just went to the kitchen and placed the popcorn in a bowl then grabbed some orange Fanta from Izuku's fridge with two cups.

He walked back to the couch while Izuku was climbing back down the ladder. The freckled teen waltzed over to the lights and flicked them off before joining Katsuki on the couch. "I didn't have two clean blankets so I hope you don't mind if we share this?"

"Not at all nerd." Izuku pouted at the name making Katsuki smirk. The red white and blue blanket laid neatly on their shoulders. Katsuki placed the popcorn on his lap while the Fanta and two cups stayed on the floor neatly.

The movie began to play, the two getting intrigued in it immediately. Yet soon, the movie to Katsuki soon became mediocre, the jokes getting old and the acting getting sloppier and sloppier. Yet Izuku on the other hand loved it. His body swaying back and forth with the characters movement. His tiny giggles that would fall out during the corny jokes.

He loved every second of it.

Katsuki found himself getting hooked on Izuku's movement's, focusing more on him then the movie itself. Katsuki smirked at the freckled teen before slyly moving his body closer to his, making it look like a complete accident. Izuku felt his face flush as he looked at the ash blonde.

     Yet he didn't move away.

     Instead he moved closer to him, a smirk plastered on his lips. Katsuki snickered quietly, wrapping his arm around Izuku's waist quickly.  Izuku looked up at Katsuki with a pout, watching as his crimson eyes landed on his. "What? Are we out of popcorn or something." Katsuki mumbled, acting as if he didn't know.

   Izuku just sighed and looked back at the tv screen making Katsuki smile sheepishly, to himself of course. However, Izuku wasn't done yet. He carefully leaned his head on Katsuki's shoulder, snuggling into his side. Izuku wore a toothy grin as he continued watching me movie like he was before.

    Katsuki on the other hand sighed in defeat, knowing they couldn't get any closer. But, Katsuki could embarrass him since he didn't have anything else to do. "Y'know." Katsuki whispered softly, eyes still on the movie. "If you wanted to cuddle with me, you could've just asked." The ash blonde finished, watching as Izuku's face turned red.

      "I would've said yes y'know." Izuku looked up at the teen, his heart thumping in his chest rapidly. "And if you wanted to get closer to me...you could've asked too." Katsuki commented once more. Izuku began to stutter on his words as his face turned a bright red.

   "O-Ok so what if I asked you about...starting a r-relationship...? Then what would you say?" Izuku stuttered out, much to Katsuki surprise. Izuku's heart began to pound since this had been on his mind since Katsuki left his dorm room.

     What were they?

     "I'd say yeah." Katsuki whispered with a grin. Izuku felt his insides twist and turn as he tried to find the words again. Katsuki looked at Izuku with a smug expression, brushing his green curls back.

"So what did you want to ask me?" The ash blonde asked, his voice caressing Izuku's eardrums. "Well um...I wanted to know if you wanted to start a relationship since well uh...we never really spoke much about it and it's been bugging me since then." Izuku rambled out, his face getting so red that his ears turned red as well.

    "If it's with you I don't mind." Katsuki softly replied, a sly smirk on his face. "How can you be so calm about this? I'm literally having a gay panic attack!" Katsuki chuckled, placing his head on top of Izuku's. "Because I already told you my feelings so...I was actually prepared for the worse." The ash blonde mumbled.

    Izuku smiled to himself before leaning his head back on Katsuki's shoulder. "This means I can say the L word now right?" Katsuki commented, giving a sideways glance to Izuku. "What's the L word?" Izuku asked softly, snuggling more into Katsuki's shoulder since he was able to without worry.

    "I love you." Katsuki whispered, kissing Izuku's head softly. The freckled teen froze, his heart and soul leaving his poor body.


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Wattpad is being a big fat meanie today  :(

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