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"Oi nerd, is your foot ok?" Katsuki asked softly, feeling Izuku nuzzle his face in his neck. "Well sorta, I mean it still hurts like hell but besides that yeah I'd say it's fine." Katsuki carefully hoisted Izuku on his back, the younger readjusting his gentle grip around him.

   "Kacchan...do you think I fractured my ankle?" Izuku asked softer than a whisper. Katsuki sighed softly. "You could've, with a fall like that you could've broke your whole foot."

    Now wait, let's rewind a little.

  Izuku, the curious male, didn't know how a magic bull ride worked. So when the four of them, Uraraka, Iida, Katsuki, and Izuku saw such a contraption at the mall for a limited time only, Izuku wanted to try it out.

     But wait there's more.

  When the freckled male went on the bull he was at first sitting down, enjoying the ride to its fullest. But just like In tv, he started to stand which he managed to maintain that position for longer than anyone has before. With a giggly smile, Izuku went flying of the bull at such speeds, his ankle twisted in such a way that Izuku didn't even feel pain.

   However now, all Izuku felt was agony.

   "Kacchan am I gonna die?" Izuku asked timidly, his breath tickling Katsuki's ear. "No dumbass, you're gonna be fine. Why would you stand up on a mechanical bull anyway?!" Katsuki began to scold.

   "B-Because the people on tv do it..." Katsuki sighed in disappointment again. "Tv isn't always real Deku." Katsuki grumbled. Izuku just buried his head in Katsuki's neck and sighed. "Now I have to apologize to Uraraka and Iida...I'm glad I was able to convince them to stay at the mall and have fun though." Izuku murmured causing a sly smirk to fall on Katsuki's lips.

    "Why? So you could spend more time with me?" The freckled male turned red as he slightly lifted his body off Katsuki's back. "W-Well no...it's just that I-I..-"

    "You what? It's ok Deku I'll keep it a secret." Katsuki prodded causing Izuku to turn more red. "Never mind you big goblin." It was Izuku's turn to smirk as Katsuki playfully gasped. "Did you just call me a goblin!?" Izuku laughed as he poked Katsuki's cheeks. "Yes, yes I did. You're a ugly one too." Katsuki began to chuckle as well.

     "Well I guess this big ugly goblin is dating a small green pervert." Izuku puffed his cheeks as Katsuki began to laugh to his fullest extent. "You're a mean asshole you know that?" Izuku mumbled out.
    "I thought the pervert only cursed online."

    "And I thought the goblin was nicer offline." Izuku pouted as Katsuki began to laugh his ass off. "I am nice in general." Izuku laughed in disbelief as he placed his chin on Katsuki's shoulder. "Whatever you believe in partner."


    The wind chill began to pick up just as Katsuki made it back to the dorms with Izuku on his back. Just as they relished they faint warmth, a voice called out to them from the common room couch. "Sup Bakugo. See you caught yourself a good one." Kaminari said slyly as the two walked in. "Shut it dunce face, I'm just taking a fellow dummy up the stairs because he decided to sprain his ankle." Izuku gasped, smacking Katsuki upside his head. "So rude Kacchan!" Izuku exclaimed.

    "Hey since the both of you are idiots do you guys speak the same language?" Katsuki snickered out again, getting multiple hits on top his head. "So mean Bakugo!" Kaminari whined as he sunk into the couch.

    Katsuki smirked and began walking up the stairs nice and slowly. "Did you have fun today?" Izuku puffed out his cheeks, refusing to talk. "Are you ignoring me now?" Katsuki whispered softly. The freckled male nodded, laying his head on his back. Katsuki sighed stopping halfway up the stairs. "Is it because I jokingly called you a idiot?"

     Izuku kept his cheeks puffed causing Katsuki to pout slightly. "I'm sorry baby, I'll make it up to you ok?" Izuku felt his heart pitter patter as his stomach filled with lovey dovey butterflies. "D-Don't do that...you'll make my heart stop." Katsuki was perplexed as he kept walking up the stairs again. "Do what?" Katsuki mumbled softly.

   "Call me b-baby! You'll kill me." Katsuki laughed, getting to Izuku's dorm room door. "Too bad. You're lucky I can't see your expression right now." Izuku hid his face in Katsuki's back and fumed in embarrassment. The ash blonde on the other hand, dug in Izuku's pocket the best way he could and got out his key so he could open the door.

    The two walked in, Katsuki carefully placing Izuku on his bed. "Do you have any ice packs? Or just a first aid kit in general?" Katsuki asked. Izuku pointed to his closet and there Katsuki went.

    Izuku always kept a first aid kit with him just in case something happened to him in his very own room. Izuku was very protective of himself.

     Katsuki dug in Izuku's closet until he came across a small plastic kit. He took it out and went back to Izuku, kneeling down towards his foot. "Can you move it at all?" Katsuki asked which in response he got a head shake. "Not surprised Mr, "I seen them do it on fucking tv." Izuku pouted which got mixed with a gentle laugh.

    The ash blonde opened the kit and took out some bandages and those self freezing ice packs. "Ok, tell me if it's too tight or if it hurts." Izuku nodded watching as Katsuki gently wrapped the bandages around his ankle. He then bent the ice pack before placing it on Izuku's ankle then wrapped more bandages around it.

     "There. Lay down and go to sleep or count the fucking sheep I don't care. You just need to lay down." Katsuki said standing up. He helped Izuku lay down as he tucked him in the covers. The ash blonde turned on his heel, ready to say goodnight and head to his room only for Izuku to call out to him.

    "Can you...spend the night here?" His freckles were covered in a blanket of red blush as Katsuki wore a small smile. "You just can't get enough of me huh?" Izuku began to stammer over his words as Katsuki laughed at him softly. "Yeah I'll stay here, I'm sleeping on the floor though, don't want to hurt your ankle while you're sleeping or anything." Izuku nodded, watching as Katsuki rummaged around Izuku's closet for blankets.

    The freckled male smiled before closing his eyes, drifting off into the world of dreams.


*drives to you in a car*

Get in we're robbing a bank

Get in we're robbing a bank

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