Fixed up

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I flinched as her dainty hands made their way onto my painted with red hand, she sighed then let go of my hand turning and fetching some white cloth. I bared my teeth as she neared me with it and she huffed and held it out for me to sniff. It had no chemical scent on it so I was glad, but she set it aside. 

I watched as she took a bowl of water and soaked another cloth in it. Allowing me to sniff the substance again I nodded in approval for her to continue although she was clearly fed up.

She wiped the cloth around my cut and I hissed as it stung, she looked at me a bit wearily before turning and grabbing the cloth once more and wrapping my hand in it. I flexed my hand a bit before hopping off of the bench like a platform flat on my feet. "Don't dig your claws into your hands or I will cut them off" she snapped and I grunted in disproval when Feya quickly stood between us. 

she held up her hands in front of me signaling for me to turn back around and I tentatively did so, leaving the healer with an icy glare and more force in my step. The sounds of clatter and chatting had long ceased by now and the moonlight shone through onto the halls very prominently now, I itched for a run.

I still looked around and sniffed the air as we walked ignoring the glances Feya gave me often possibly out of weariness. But she should fear me, I could gut her very easily and tear out her hear with bare teeth. Although this palace tended to be heavily guarded so i avoided that option for now at least with anyone.

She leads me down another familiar corridor and back to Prince Lokis chambers "I will fetch you a meal m'lady" she murmured and with that turned on her heel and darted down the dimly lit halls.

I watched as her shadow faded, I stopped before turning the door handle upon hearing pacing. I listened intently as it continued back and forth in the room before me, I braced myself before turning the handle and pushing one of the large doors open. I saw Loki stop in his tracks and look at me wide-eyed "There you are! where have you been?" he scolded. I simply looked at him and didn't even mumble a reply. 

He sighed and put his head in his hands "I have been worried sick!" he exclaimed and at this, I tilted my head and furrowed my brows he glanced up and stuttered "I uh- I mean- You could have been harmed! many people are after you!" he hurried out covering up his previous words. He then glanced to my hand and furrowed his brows knit in confusion "what happened?" again I spoke nothing.

he sighed and stormed over causing me to tense and step back baring my teeth and glaring. He realized his mistake and rose his hands in mock surrender "it's alright, I won't hurt you I promise" attempting to sound reassuring.

It wasn't however and I shifted as a golden glow encased me and I was on all fours once again as I darted back under my desk locking my jaw tensely as I stood on my sore paw. 

"have you eaten?" I only looked down as I lay under the comfort of the wooden like cave.

Soon a knock sounded at the door and my ears perked up and I lifted my head toward the door smelling the air. I smelt a slice of strong beefy meat dripping with hot juices with another flavor marinating the air. He rose an eyebrow at me but I ignored it and he went to the door to greet Feya clutching the plate of meat. "My prince, my apologizes for the late hour I hope I have not disturbed you but she has not yet eaten" Feya said and Loki nodded stepping aside. 

He watched intently from the door frame as Feya made her way over to the desk and crouched down to my level. 

I sniffed the food plate in her hands and she smiled and whispered "its just some meat, it's cooked" and lowered the plate before me. I looked up at her grateful and nuzzled my face into her palm. She smiled and pet my head gently then gracefully stood and nodded to the prince as she stepped out of the room.

I smelt the meat before me and began to eat from the plate enjoying every warm bite of the food I could get. I gave up on thinking the food was poisoned a while ago realizing that I had nothing left to lose anyway.

I heard Loki scoff but didn't look up "so food is the only way I could get you to enjoy my company?" he said, he was wrong on that. Feya bet him to it now I would trust her for food. I soon finished my meal.

I lowered my head as I curled into the familiar ball and huffed as I heard him sigh and watched him sit on his bed with a book. He read for a good while before laying back and blowing out the flickering candle illuminating the room. I heard him mumble in the dark  "we are to be wed not long from now, my mother will instruct you on our way of things". "I am only doing this to protect you" he finished and with that the darkness and silence consumed us both.

Feral //  Loki Laufeyson x Wolf reader COMPLETED Editing!Where stories live. Discover now