Chapter 11: Thomas Anderson

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"Lauren Goddamn Wilson." Parker began as we were leaving the Anderson & Partners office. "Where does she play into all of this? Rachel Walker's confidant and Thomas Anderson's secret lover."

"What now?" I asked.

"I'm getting really tired of being jerked around. We need to bring her in and get to the bottom of this."

We pulled up to the Wilson residence that afternoon and knocked on the door. Mr. Wilson answered it.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"Police, Mr. Wilson. We've got a few questions for your wife."

"What is this about?" he asked.

"That's between us and her, Mr. Wilson."

"Tell me what this is about, you can't just go knocking on people's door demanding to see their-."

Parker slammed his fist on the wall beside the door.

"Listen, Wilson. I don't have time for this! Now get your wife or I'm bringing you both down to the station in handcuffs!"

Mr. Wilson hurriedly went and got his wife and the four of us rode to the station. When we arrived, Lauren Wilson was placed in an interrogation room.

"Where is our lawyer?" Mr. Wilson asked.

"She's not a suspect, Mr. Wilson." Lloyd said. "We just want to ask her a few questions. Your lawyer can be present for this but I'm not sure if you are going to want him to be."

"What is that supposed to mean?" he asked but Lloyd gave him no response.

Parker and I entered the room.

"Mrs. Wilson, I'm getting really tired of this run around," Parker started before even sitting down. "Now, you're going to be completely truthful with me or you're going to be going to jail."

"Where is Thomas?" she asked, looking around nervously.

Parker and I sat across from her.

"That's what this is about, Mrs. Wilson. I'm sure you understand why he isn't here. We need you to fill in a few gaps for us. Can you do that?"

Lauren Wilson nodded. She was shaking.

"I'll get right to the point. Mrs. Wilson, were you with Thomas Anderson between the hours of 3 am and 5 am two nights ago?"

"Was she what?!" we heard yelled from behind the mirror.

"I thought these were soundproof," I whispered to Parker.

"Get him out of here!" Parker shouted back to the mirror.

Mr. Wilson was escorted out of the interrogation room hallway, fuming.

"Answer the question, Mrs. Wilson."

"Yes, I was with him."

"Where were the two of you?"

"We were at his place."

"Did he leave for any reason, even briefly, during those times?"


"Where was your husband during this time?"

"He was away for a couple of days on business."

"Mrs. Wilson, how long have you been seeing Mr. Anderson?"

Lauren Wilson started to sweat.

"Almost f-f-four years now."

"Four years, that's a long time," Parker said trying to sound sweet.

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