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Tour was always apart of a bands life. Some girls would pack up their stuff and follow their man around. That wasn't an option for you. Your son's needs came first. You trusted Charlie anyway. He wasn't the groupie type man, unlike some his band mates. He was just there for the music. 

It was always your mission to make his return special. A nice, warm, home-cooked meal with the family would surely do but this time you thought bigger; 

A picnic for him and the boys.

You started preparing a week in advance. Pies, cookies, etc. Christopher made a card with a lolly attached. Charlie would love it. The band would be appreciative. After all, Mick always enthused about your cooking. 

On the day they were due home, you hit the farmers market with Christopher at 5 am sharp. You were home and in the kitchen by 6:30 am. You cut vegetables and fruit, made sandwiches. You even prepared a fresh cake for the rest of the band. Around 11 you finished cooking and started making it look presentable in the basket. You were on track for the most amazing picnic of your life. 

At noon, Charlie called informing you that they had landed and were on their way to the house. You had an hour to shower, pick something to wear and do the same for Chris. It was just bound to stress you out but you kept your composure.


You picked out both of yours and Chris's outfit to surprise Charlie. For you, you picked a white and grey dress with knitted knee-highs. As for Christopher, you picked our the most darling blue set. He looked precious.


Christopher's shower was finished and over with so you put him down for a nap in your bed. Next was your shower. It would take much longer for you to get dolled up, a quick shower would have to do, you thought.


You finish showering and immediately head for your vanity. You pick a simple beige with a hint of pink for your eyes, rosy blush, and sheer sparkly gloss. You applied it quickly but remained diligent, you didn't want to mess this up. Meanwhile, Chris started crying. You took the three year old into your arms and cooed at him. His hair surely needed brushing, as well as a little drool control but he looked adorable. The spitting image of his father. Looking at him, you hoped he'd grow up to be like him too. 

You turned your head to look at the clock. It read '12:45'. You rushed to the bed and sat the boy down and you combed your hair. Finishing touches, you called it. Christopher just sat and babbled. A few 'papa''s escaping his lips. He smiled up at you when you approached him with the comb.

"Can you come your own hair, darling?"

"Ya'" he said lunging for said brush. You Laughed.

Surely enough, he combed his hair and wiped his face off. He couldn't do that before Charlie left. It saddened you to know he missed out on these small achievements, this was his first and only born child. 

At around 12:50, you heard a little disturbance coming from outside. You peeked your head out the window a little to see the five boys joking around with each other as they walked for the door. Grabbing Christopher, you stood in front of the door with the boy on your hip. Anticipation was eating at you. You could tell Chris was excited too. 

"I'm home" he shouted, seemingly expecting you to be upstairs. 

"I'm right here, Charlie" 

He smiled warmly before wrapping his arms around your torso, kissing the young boys head.

"I'm so happy to be home, I missed you and Chris a lot" he admitted.

"Cut the sappy shite" Brian joked, resting a hand on your shoulder.

"I smell food, did you cook food?" Mick asked in awe.

"Indeed I did" you cooed "Follow me".

You led the boys to the back yard and pointed to the tree. Earlier in the day you had laid a red gingham blanket down and brought the stereo and  picnic basket out. It looked perfect, you thought. 

Charlie kissed your cheek, "It looks beautiful, love".

You smiled, "Well, go dig in" you enthused.

Mick ran, sprinted almost. The others polity thanked you and walked. Charlie wrap his hand around your waist and ushered for you to follow him. Christopher just beamed.

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