Love Hurts

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Keith was the man for you. You knew it from the start. The moment you saw him, you knew it.

He wore a red and blue collared shirt, something Keith would never wear in the present. It was tucked. He smiled and waved at you. At the time, you were Mick's new 'lady', at least that's what he told everybody. Keith was the one who stuck out to you. Mick was just a friend. However, he didn't feel that way.

That fact caused a huge controversy when you admitted your attraction to Keith. It was during a band practice that Mick had invited you to. Everyone was taking a break, even the driven Brian Jones. It was Brian who had the wise idea of making a joke about you and Keith being together.

"You can just tell by the way she looks at him" he laughed.

"Guys, y/n doesn't see him in that way" Mick said confidently.

"Well... he's not ugly, definitely not ugly" you said trying not to smile.

Keith's eyes widened at your statement, a smirk across his face. Brian cackled. Mick, however, didn't find it as amusing as Brian. Rather, he raised an eyebrow and went back to practicing.

That experience began your romance with Keith.

The budding relationship did have it's toll on the band, though. Mick ignored and was passive to Keith, no matter how much he tried to reconcile with him. Keith and Brian began getting closer, which bothered Mick as well.

Many fights were fought over Mick between you and Keith. He was both of your friends but you couldn't deny the feelings. Most of the fights ended in tears and sappy apologies.

"Why do you always go to practice with me? Are you just trying to rub it into his face? It's been a year, y/n, he's not over it because of you"

"No, you're my boyfriend, god forbid I support you! It has nothing to do with Mick"

"Whatever, y/n, I'm leaving"


Hours later, you sat on the couch with tear stained eyes, awaiting his arrival home. The cup of tea in your hand had gone cold. It began raining but you didn't notice. You were too busy thinking.

You did notice when the door slammed open, though. Keith walked in soaking wet with his guitar case in hand. You looked for a moment but looked away as soon as his brown eyes met yours.

Keith shoved his jacket off and walked towards you slowly.

"Are you breaking up with m-"

He stopped you with a kiss and shook his head.

"Will you marry me Y/n?"

No matter how many struggles you may have had, there was no doubt in your mind that he was the one.

You bit your lip and nodded yes.

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