totally major

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As Billy and I walked out to his car, which was not-so-expertly parked in my driveway, I took out a cigarette and lit it, putting it into my mouth. "Let me drive," I said, exhaling the smoke. "Not a chance," Billy scoffed, and I frowned, "I'm serious, I'm a good driver!" He took my cigarette out of my mouth and took a puff before placing it back in between my lips. He tasted good. I stepped a little closer to him, putting my hand onto his bare chest and blowing a cloud of smoke into his face, "Please?" I made sure to make my tone sultry and smooth to 'convince' him further. He looked down at where I was pressed against him, which was straight down my cleavage. I crossed my arms to push them up a little bit more and watched him lick his lips. "So...? I'm an excellent driver," I softly pleaded and he rolled his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek as he thought about it.

"Alright," He finally said, motioning the keys towards me. "Look, this car is my baby, okay? You total it and I'll total you. Got it?" He explained, and I nodded, reaching out to grab the keys. Before I could get a hold of them, though, he pulled them away a little bit and I fell onto his chest. "What are the magic words, princess?" He muttered, smirking again. "Get in, we're gonna be late," I said as I forcefully snatched the keys from his grasp. I walked over to the driver seat and got in, adjusting the seat due to our height difference. "Problem?" Billy said. I didn't have to turn to sense the smirk painted on his face that was so obviously there. I continued to struggle with the shitty lever that would adjust the seat if it would only work. "No, it's just that this lever won't even fucking budge. Your car's a piece of shit, Hargrove," I frustratingly commented. "It's not a piece of shit," He hissed, ", you're just doing it wrong." He reached over my legs, pressing a button on my left, which allowed the lever to move. "Oh," I said, admitting I was wrong. I finally fixed the seat and we took off towards the party.

I flew down the countless streets we had to turn down to get there, all while Billy was clutching his safety handle fiercely. "Would you relax? We're almost there, anyway, don't shit your pants," I said, trying to calm him down. For a guy who prided himself on being tough, he looked tweaked out of his mind at my driving. "YOU'RE DRIVING LIKE A FUCKING LUNATIC, HARRINGTON!" He screamed, distracting me. I swerved on the road slightly and cleared my throat once I regained control of the wheel, "WILL YOU STOP ACTING LIKE A FUCKING GIRL SCOUT AND LET ME DRIVE? SHUT THE HELL UP OR YOU'LL GET US KILLED!" He seemed to shut his mouth after that, allowing me to semi-safely get us to the house party that was raging that night.

I parked the car on the side of the road and turned to see a panting Billy, still holding on tightly to the side of his seat. "Well?" I asked expectantly, awaiting feedback. "I'm never letting you drive again, psycho," He stated, out of breath. "Yeah, I don't have my license," I chuckled, making his face contort in horror further. "WHAT?!" "Why do you think Steve's always carting me around? For fun?" I asked. He shook his head and began fixing his outfit and his hair in the pull-down mirror. I pulled a small tin box from my jacket pocket and began to roll a joint while he obsessed over his curly mullet. "You're getting high?" He asked, almost in disbelief. "Yeah, why? I can't deal with these people sober," I told him. "Want a hit?" I asked, after taking a few puffs for myself. "Uh, hell yeah, I do," He answered, and I handed him the rolled-up joint. He took some puffs and rolled his eyes back, taking it all in. I smiled to myself and looked out the window at the countless people running into the party. I saw Libby and Decker making their way to the front of the house and, as they ran past the car, I honked the horn, scaring them.

"What the fuck?!" Libby shouted, slamming her hands down on the hood of the car. "Darling, you made it!" Decker shouted in his charming accent: something I always adored about him. I pulled the joint from Billy's mouth and hung it back in my own, getting out of the car. "I guess so," I said. "This mongrel found me and asked me to go with him," I told them, and they nodded. "Come on inside soon, okay?" Decker said, taking a hit from my joint, Libby doing the same. "Yeah, I will, moochers. Get your own green," I joked, taking the weed back for myself. Libby walked inside, talking about getting a drink, and Decker motioned to the car behind me, "Why're you here with the new kid? I thought you didn't like him," He said, making a fair point. "Yeah, well, it's hard to say no to someone who hops your fence and stands in your backyard like a freak to ask if you want to go to a party with him," I answered. Decker began to laugh at that, and I poked him in the chest, giggling as well. "Did he actually?" He asked, still laughing. I nodded and he got a little closer to my face, "He's, uh, staring at us. Does he have a thing for you, or something, because he looks rather jealous, love." I looked back at the car and saw Billy slowly getting out of his seat and walking towards Decker and me. "Need something?" He asked in an unfamiliar tone. "Do I need someth- No, I'm talking to my friend, is that an issue?" Decker began, followed by cutting himself off.

Billy crossed his arms from close behind me and I could hear his leather jacket tighten. Decker, with an amused look on his face, got close to my ear to tell me something out of the earshot of Billy. "He's looking quite predatory right now," He whispered and I bat his cupped hand away from the side of my head. I smiled once more at him, telling him to drop it, and he shrugged and went inside. I turned around to face Billy, having to look up due to our closeness and his height. "Will you cool it, macho?" I said accusingly as I poked his chest, hard. He looked down on me, arms still crossed, and a frown firmly planted on his face. "I don't like that guy. I don't like that he's here," He said. "You'll be wasted in ten minutes, you'll be fine," I said angrily. "Don't get mad at me, baby girl," He purred, trying to get me more on his side. I shook my head and went inside to find my friends, leaving Billy behind me.

If there was one thing I needed that night, it was a drink.

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