trust issues

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After work, I knew I had to go to Scoops Ahoy, so I started to collect my things from my staff locker. Freddie and I had spent the morning pretty much alone considering it was pouring rain and none of the kids came to the camp today. We found ways to entertain ourselves, like playing finger football over and over again until we physically couldn't do it anymore. It became so frustrating that I eventually took the paper triangle and chucked it into the trash can. 

Once I had collected my stuff, I walked over to the office where Billy was sitting on a swivel chair, reading a magazine. "Hey," I said, adjusting the bag that I had over my shoulder. Billy looked up and flashed me a flirtatious smile, "Hey baby." I raised my eyebrows slightly and looked at Billy with surprise. "Baby?" I asked, interested in the new nickname. He laughed and got up, walking towards me. He reached up to hold the right side of my face, kissing me gently. I smiled into the kiss and before I could pull away, he put his hands on my hips, pulling me flush against him. 

"Woah, someone's getting eager," I said with a smile, not sure I wanted the moment to actually end. "I can't seem to control my self around you, I don't know why," He said, and I laughed. "I don't know either, but listen-" 

"Maybe it's because you're so hot, it just makes you hard to resist," Billy said in a deep voice. "Billy, listen to me," I said, cutting off his flirty advances. "Hmm?" He hummed to signal I should tell him what I needed to. "I have to go to Scoops Ahoy to meet with Steve for a bit," I said. "Want me to come?" He asked, and I shook my head. "Nah, it's okay. It's gonna be boring anyway," I answered, and he nodded in agreement. "Where are you really going?" He asked, crossing his arms, and I took a step back. "What?" 

"You heard me, I asked where you were really going? You expect me to believe you're going to spend your free time in an ice cream shop with your brother?" He asked and I scoffed. I couldn't believe he was acting like this, it was so unexpected. "Yes? Is that so crazy? We have something to talk about, that's all," I answered, still surprised I was even having to explain myself to Billy. He was supposed to trust me and he simply wasn't at this moment. It wasn't like I had given him any reason to not trust me, but here we were. "You went somewhere yesterday too, and you didn't even tell me you were leaving," He said, his crossed arms tightening. I began to actually get worried. Not scared, but definitely worried. 

"Billy, you have to realize you sound insane right now," I said with a nervous chuckle. His eyes widened slightly and he smirked. His eyes were dark, deep, and I couldn't seem to see them the way I had before. "Insane?" He asked in a dangerously low tone of voice. I rolled my eyes, fed up with the lack of sense this conversation made, and I attempted to turn around to walk to my car. However, I felt a hand tighten around my forearm, pulling me back. The somewhat terrifying Billy Hargrove pulled me flush against him and I sucked in a breath as I got closer to him. "I'll see you later, yeah?" He asked, and I looked at him warily. "Yeah, I guess so," I said. "You guess s-" Billy started, but I cut him off quickly with a dismissive wave of my hand, "Yes. I'll come to your house later, okay?" He nodded and I noticed he was still holding my arm, so I subtly shoved him away from me. 

"See you later," He said, turning from me and walking away. I took a deep breath, I wasn't sure what the hell had gotten into him, but he was clearly being a douche-bag today. I didn't know what brought the episode on, maybe his father was being rough with him or Max was just bothering him today, but either way, I didn't like the way he questioned me one bit. He asked me where I was going as if I was on my way to cheat on him, which wasn't at all true. I thought he should know that I'm not that type of person. In all honesty, Billy's never done anything like this before, so this is surprising. 

He does get really jealous, but this doesn't seem like the same thing at all. He seemed different today, he seemed angry and cold. I shook off the confusing thoughts and got in the car, turning the key in the ignition. I blasted the radio and sped off to Starcourt Mall to meet up with Steve, Dustin, and Robin again to decode the message. Once I got there, they were already sitting down in a booth after, apparently, having scared everyone in the store off. I sat down beside Robin and waited for someone to say something. "Hello? Ideas, anyone?" I asked expectantly, but Steve shook his head. "Robin's the only one who's been able to even remotely figure any of this shit out, and she's at a stalemate," He said matter-of-factly. I sighed and crossed my arms. "That's okay, she just needs some time. It's not like we have a deadline or anything, so we're fine for the time being," I said and Dustin suddenly slammed his fist on the table. 

"No! We don't have a deadline, but who knows when those crazy Russians will come bursting through the Scoops doors to kill us? We know too much, Jamie. You don't know what that could mean for us!" The boy exclaimed, and I rolled my eyes. "Do not raise your voice at me short-stack. I'm trying to help, and all you're doing is freaking the hell out. That's not doing anything for us, so unless you and Steve want to go track down a Russian spy, I would keep your criticisms to yourself," I huffed. Dustin and Steve suddenly looked at each other with identical looks of realization on their faces. "What's with them?" Robin asked, and I shrugged dumbly, not sure what the two bone-heads were thinking about. 

"Tomorrow, we'll look for Russians," Steve announced. I looked at them quizzically and Dustin raised his hand above his head. "If I may," He started, putting his hand down when he was 'called on'. I nodded and he put his hands on the table, fingers intertwined. "Russians look a certain way. We're looking for a tall, buff, macho dude with blonde hair and black clothes," He said. "So we're looking for a valley-girl Terminator?" I asked, and Dustin's eyes lit up. "I loved that movie!" He exclaimed and I shot him a pointed look, not really interested in film chit-chat. 

"But... in theory, yes. A blonde Terminator-looking guy," Dustin finished. I sighed, "Okay. As long as you guys don't get killed or whatever, yeah, it's not a bad idea. I can hang back here and try to crack the code with Robin while you two do that." Robin handed me a small book and I tried to read the title but found it difficult. "It's a Russian dictionary. I would give it to Steve, but... uh..." She started, both of us looking at Dustin tossing sunflower seeds into Steve's mouth and Steve missing every single one. "Yeah, no, makes sense," I confirmed, and I saw Robin nod her head in the corner of my eye. 

Not exactly the way I thought I'd spend my summer, but sure, Russian hunting could be fun. 

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