different shit, same stink.

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Patrick Dempsey as Freddie Price

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Patrick Dempsey as Freddie Price


Kim Walker as Britt Price

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Kim Walker as Britt Price


On Monday morning, I walked into the area of the town pool that the day-camp was located. Another counselor, Freddie Price, a new friend of mine, was there already getting set up for the day. Freddie was one of the funniest guys I had ever met, and his sister Britt was the biggest bitch. It was hard for me to believe they were even related. 

Britt was a lifeguard, much to my dismay, which meant she worked closely with Billy. This was a little bit tough for me, but I dealt with it. 

As for major differences between the two, Freddie was funny, bubbly, and such a cutie, but Britt was mean, spiteful, and a cold-hearted witch. I speak from experience, I wasn't just pulling everyone's dick. One time, Britt pushed me in the pool because I was "too far in her personal bubble". She was a total nightmare, not to mention how much she flirted with Billy. 

That was like her daily cardio, I swear. She'd walk over to his chair to tell him that his shift was over, and once he came down, she'd make sure he saw her climbing up to sit in his place. She also tended not to wear the shorts that were given to her when she was hired. 

Anyway, Freddie and I started opening up umbrellas and laying out coloring pages for the kids to do once they started pouring in. It was early, so we still had close to an hour of downtime. As we sat and waited for the kids, Freddie and I began to chat like we usually did. 

"Why did Britt lifeguard and you became a counselor?" I asked, picking at my pointer fingernail, seriously doubting my choice of nail polish color. "Well, Britt obviously wanted to show off her ass to anyone that will look, and I don't like swimming," Freddie answered. "You don't like swimming?" I asked, reiterating what he had previously said, "How does someone just not like swimming?" 

"I don't know, I just don't," Freddie said with a chuckle. We laughed a little, and I saw Billy glance over at us. I gave him a small wave, and he waved back, smiling to himself. He was friends with Freddie and Britt, more Freddie than Britt, of course, they were from some private school outside of town, and we all decided to get to know them better. Britt became fast friends with Carol, Tommy H., and Sam, while Freddie fit right in with our group. 

"I'm pushing you in the pool at least once this summer," I said to him, crossing my arms. "I swear, if you do that, I'm making you come to a family dinner with Britt. That's hell on Earth, you don't want that," He threatened back. I laughed, "God, no, anything but that!" I exclaimed dramatically, waving my arms in the air wildly. 

Britt walked up from the locker room and leaned over the fence that divided the camp from the poolside. "What are you dipshits laughing about?" She said, wearing a sour face. "You never were a morning person, were you?" Freddie asked rhetorically. "There's nothing to do over by the lifeguard stations and Billy isn't exactly the friendliest sometimes," Britt admitted, and I smiled to myself. "When are the snot-noses supposed to get here?" She asked, and I checked my watch. "Not for a while. Maybe 45 minutes if Sally's mom drops her off early again," I said, rolling my eyes. Sally Fisher's mother was not exactly the best with kids. She always dropped little Sally off earlier than everyone else because she wanted some quiet time without her screaming brat. 

I understood why though, Sally was a pain in the ass. She was cute sometimes though, so it wasn't all bad. She was really only cute when she was sleeping though. You can't annoy someone when you're sleeping, so maybe that's why it wasn't terrible. Regardless, Britt shook her head at what I said. 

"Hey, we have enough time, want to go into town for coffee really quick?" I offered to Freddie. He smiled and made a sign of the cross as a joke, "You know it." I grabbed my keys from my locker and we headed out to my car. I knew that lifeguards couldn't leave because their boss was always there at the ass-crack of dawn, but the head day-camp counselor was always late, and she was a super sweet lady anyway. I made a mental note to grab something for Billy, I had memorized his coffee order, and I'd grab him a donut to be nice. 

As I walked into the coffee shop with Freddie by my side, I saw a familiar face in the corner of the shop. Nancy Wheeler was struggling with multiple coffees in one tray and a bag of sandwiches dangling off her hip. I waved slightly, I wasn't sure how to act around her anymore after she and Steve broke up. I didn't think I was still taking sides, so I decided to be more open. 

When she waved back, I asked Freddie to order the coffees and passed him a twenty from my wallet. I walked over to Nancy and held the bag for her, leading to a smile creeping onto her face. "Thanks, Jamie," She said, and I smiled. "No problem," I offered, nodding. "So, how are things? How's... uh... everyone?" Nancy asked, and I could clearly tell she was beating around the bush. "Steve's good, Nance," I said, and she smiled bashfully, a slight blush forming on her cheeks. 

"I guess I still feel bad about how things ended," She said, fidgeting a little. "I know. Things were a little up and down for him for a little while, especially after he had realized that you and Jonathan were together. He's a little better now though, he's working in the new mall across town," I told Nancy as she nodded. 

"Do you know if he has his eye on anyone at the moment?" She asked me shyly, and I chuckled. "I don't think so," I answered, shaking my head. Freddie came up from behind me and tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see him carrying three coffees and I nodded, "Thank you so much." "Want me to wait in the car?" He offered, and I nodded, "I'll be like five minutes." He fake-saluted me and headed outside, and I turned back to Nancy. 

"Is that Freddie Price?" Nancy asked, and I nodded. "Are you and him... like... a thing?" She asked, and I laughed out loud. "No! Oh my god, no. Freddie's sweet but we're just friends. I'm still with Billy,"  I told her and she affirmed this with a nod. 

We chit-chatted for a little while, and soon I realized I had to leave. We said goodbye and I walked back out to the parking lot towards my car. As I got into the car, Freddie chuckled. "What's so funny?" I asked, plopping down in the passenger's seat as Freddie had made it clear he was driving back. "Little miss popular's talking to all of her friends," He joked and I chuckled. "That was my brother's ex-girlfriend," I said and he covered his mouth with his hand, a laugh still escaping. "Shit," He said, stifling chuckles. I laughed too and soon we were back at the pool for our shift. 

Once we parked, we heard another car roar into the lot. I looked over my shoulder and saw the driver, making us walk a little faster. "Sally's mom," I confirmed, and Freddie groaned. "And the day begins," He said. 

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