point of view

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I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and very little idea of where I was. I looked around and saw none other than Billy Hargrove sleeping next to me shirtless. I noticed quickly that I was only in my bra and panties, so naturally, I frantically began trying to cover up with the blanket strewn over me.

"Fuck!" I cursed as I fumbled around, also trying not to wake Billy. He stirred, however, looking over at my almost bare chest as I clutched the sheet, looking around the room for clothing of any kind. "Good morning," He said gruffly from the side of me, clearly hungover too. "Billy, we didn't..." I started, but he scoffed, rolling onto his back. "I may be an asshole, but I'm no rapist. You were drunk out of your fuckin' mind last night," He reminded me as if I had somehow forgotten how smashed I had gotten.

"Oh. Then where are my clothes?" I asked. "Well, your costume was covered in beer and stunk of tobacco so I decided to just take them off you and let you sleep like that," He said, motioning to my body. I looked down and briefly thanked him, still uncomfortable with the fact that he had seen me half-naked. "Are we at your house?" I asked, getting my priorities straightened out and trying to figure out where the hell I was. "Yeah, I forgot your address and you passed out in my back seat," He said. "Oh, yeah, I meant to ask you how you even got my address." Billy shook his head, chuckling to himself, so I punched him lightly in the arm. "Come on, spit it out," I urged. "I'm not telling you," He said, clearly not wanting to admit how he got it. "You got it from the office at school, didn't you, stalker?" I asked, amused by his efforts to keep the truth from me. When he didn't respond, I knew I had my answer. I chuckled for a bit, the chuckled turning into laughs that got louder and louder. Suddenly, Billy reached over me, clasping a hand over my mouth to silence me, leaning on top of me in the process. It put us in quite the awkward situation, that was for sure and certain. "Would you be quiet," He hissed, ", my old man's home."

I removed his hand from my mouth and looked up at his face, dangerously close to mine. "Aren't you a notorious playboy? Shouldn't pops be used to this sort of behavior by now, even if that's not what we did?" I asked jokingly but becoming more curious when his face didn't get any less serious. "He'd kill me if he knew I had a girl in here," He said, looking behind him at the door. Apart of me wanted to ask more, to dig deeper into his personal life, but the more sensible part of me knew to stay out of it. "I should probably get going then," I offered, to which he nodded his head slowly, climbing off of me.

"I'll drive you home, just climb out my window and get into my car. Just duck so nobody sees you, okay?" He asked, and I nodded quickly. "I'm... sorry. It's just that my dad, he's tough," He explained, but I shook my head. "You don't need to explain yourself to me. We barely know each other, anyway," I said, trying to make it easier for him, but it only seemed to make him slightly angry. "Fine," He huffed, standing up and throwing a t-shirt and his jean jacket on. "Car. Now," He demanded, and I stood up too, still holding the sheet. "I need clothes, Billy," I said, as he looked at my body once more. He licked his lips, which repulsed me but eventually, he threw me my old clothes and a shirt and a pair of basketball shorts of his own, which I put on immediately. I tried to ignore that Billy was staring at me changing, trying to just get into his clothes as fast as possible. "It's nothing I haven't seen before," He said with an obvious smirk. "Don't be gross, I was wasted last night," I argued. The last thing I was going to do was allow him to stand there and degrade me. 

Once I was completely ready to go, Billy opened his window and motioned for me to climb out of it. I did so, my clothes from the night before tucked neatly under my arm, and hopped out of his first-floor bedroom onto the soft grass below. I heard his window shut and went over to his car, hopping in the passenger seat, and watching the front door as I waited for him to come outside. I heard faint yelling coming from inside the home, so I ducked down to not be discovered by anyone. Billy soon came stomping out of the house looking extremely pissed off. He got into the front seat and took out a cigarette, lighting it aggressively and taking a few puffs. "What happened?" I asked warily, recognizing how angry he had become while just passing through his house to get outside. "Nothing, what's your address?" He asked back gruffly. I recognized that I was getting nowhere and simply told him where I lived. The car ride back was tense, to say the least. When we finally got to my house, Billy abruptly stopped the car, keeping his hands tightly clenched around the wheel. "Thank you for everything, Billy, honestly," I said, looking over at him in hopes of seeing any facial change. When he said nothing, I opened the door on my right side and began to get out. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my arm and I looked back towards the source. Billy was still looking forward, not towards me, but he was holding me back. "You're welcome," He quickly replied before realizing what he was doing and letting go of me. 

I left the car completely and began walking to my front door when I heard his engine roar and Billy speed off. I walked inside and went directly to the kitchen in search of something to eat when I was stopped by my twin. Steve was sitting in the living room, fire in his eyes, and stood up quickly when I tried walking past him. "Where have you been, Jamie?!" He asked frantically, running a hand through his hair. "I had to tell Dad that you were staying over at Libby's, but that's sure as hell not where you were!" I took a deep breath and crossed my arms, "Are you going to listen to me or are you going to continue with your little temper tantrum?" Steve, finally slightly cooled off, shrugged, giving me the signal to explain myself.

 "I got really drunk last night at the party, some perv was being all gross with me, and my friend helped me out. I stayed at his house last night, but nothing happened," I said. Steve scoffed, "Whose clothes are those?" "My friend's," I explained. "Decker?" "No, someone else," I told him. "Who?" Steve asked, getting more persistent, "Wait, don't tell me. Don't even tell me. It was Billy Hargrove, wasn't it? You two have been getting a little too close for comfort lately. Oh, and spare me the bullshit. Billy Hargrove doesn't just let a girl stay over without doing anything with her," He said. I rolled my eyes and held out my little finger, "I Harrington Twin pinky promise nothing happened. I don't even like him like that." Steve looked at my extended pinky, up at my eyes, then back at my pinky before hesitantly intertwining it with his own. "Fine, but next time you're in a pinch like this, don't expect me to bend over backward to cover for you," He told me. I chuckled and shoved him lightly, "Sure, shithead, I'll just go ahead and tell Dad allllll about your little 'get-togethers' here." Steve groaned and rolled his eyes, "Fuck you, fine." I smiled and went to the refrigerator to grab a snack, already mentally preparing for the next day at school. 

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