sharp and sudden

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My hand shook slightly while I applied my mascara. I dusted sheer eyeshadow over my eyelids and tousled up my hair. I was almost done getting ready for prom, and I was thrilled. I had been excited all week, but on the actual day of prom, I was beyond ecstatic. Everything was playing out exactly how I had imagined in middle school: I was going with my long-time crush, I was wearing a beautiful dress, and I was going to be with my amazing group of friends. I was pretty sure Sam and I were nominated for prom king and queen, as well.

My parents were away on business, as usual, and Steve and I were left to get ready for the prom on our own. Steve was going with a girl from one of his classes, someone nice, and we were all going in a limousine together: Decker, Libby, Oliver, their dates, Steve, his date, Sam, and I. Soon, I was ready to leave, and I waited for Steve at the bottom of the stairs. I heard the limo pull into our driveway, and I was anxious to get going.

"Hey, stud! Let's get a move on, huh?" I shouted to the top of the stairs, encouraging Steve to put some pep in his step. "Shut up, I'm coming!" He yelled back to me. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the front door. "I'm going to the limo!" I shouted and heard him groan as I was no longer waiting for him. As I swung the door open, however, Sam was standing there, about to knock, and I smiled widely. "Damn, you clean up nice," I said to him, and I noticed him staring at me, so I did a little twirl for him. "You're not too bad yourself," He said in a sultry tone, getting closer to me. He leaned in, cupping my face in his hand, and kissed me gently. My cheeks burned a bright pink, and I made little effort to hide it.

"Hey, hey, hey, get your grubby hands off of my sister," Steve joked, clapping his hands as he walked towards us in his suit. "You look nice," I said, observing his attire, and he took a slight bow. "Is that a compliment I just heard?" He asked, and I punched him in the arm. "Don't take it to heart, dick-head," I said. "Oh, how I wish I had siblings," Sam said jokingly after witnesses the carelessness and ease of the bickering Steve and I so often did. "This one's free," I said, pointing to Steve. He scoffed and put two hands on his hips, "I'm gonna come over there and fuck up your hair if you keep it up." I inched away from him, knowing he might just do it. "You wouldn't," I said, testing him. Sam, looking thoroughly entertained, began to chuckle a little bit at our antics. "Alright, Hair-ingtons, if we don't get a move on, we're gonna miss the whole prom," He said, and we realized that we should probably get a move on.

All three of us piled into the limousine and I greeted Libby, Decker, Libby's date Ellie, Decker's date Katrina, and Steve's date Molly. "We're the last ones, huh?" I asked rhetorically, and we all nodded, slowly creating an awkward silence between everyone. We slowly began to talk and get more comfortable with everyone, making a more relaxed environment. We began to joke and laugh, and soon, we were at school. Hawkins High was lit up with lights very clearly hung up inside. We were all excited to go inside, but now I was really looking forward to it. Sam took my hand and we went inside the gymnasium. We handed our tickets to my Chemistry teacher from last year, Mr. Apelinsky, and we went straight to the dance floor.

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