something damning

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About a week after I had to give that dreaded tour to Billy Hargrove, he didn't come to class. He missed his work for that day, and since he didn't have any friends really, it was my job to get it to him. Mr. Fitz completely disregarded the fact that it was weird as hell that I was just going to show up at his doorstep, but he didn't much care. I was far from his favorite student anyway, so he didn't mind putting me out. After school, since Steve was my only ride and needed the car, I asked him to drive me to the address Mr. Fitz had given me before going to Nancy's. "Whose house is this?" Steve asked once we arrived, but I simply gathered Billy's papers and hopped out of the car. "I'll just be a minute," I said. 

I walked up to the front door and knocked a few times, hoping one of his parents would come to the door so I wouldn't have to talk to him. Unfortunately, but as expected, Billy came to the door. He was wearing a white muscle tee and was smoking a cigarette. 

"Why didn't you come to class," I said in an exasperated tone. He smirked while exhaling a cloud of smoke into my face. I made a point to take a deep breath while he did that. "You miss me?" He asked cockily, and I shook my head with a slight chuckle. "Don't wet yourself, I'm only here to-" "Yeah, I know. Give me my books? The school called the house to let me know that one Jamie Harrington would be stopping by with some schoolwork," He said after cutting me off. I cringed at the way he said my name. "I guess our little game is over, huh?" I joked, referencing the fact that he knew my full name now. Billy's smirk turned from a smirk to a frown, looking past me. "What's that jerk-off doing here?" He asked dangerously. After realizing he was looking at Steve, I pushed his books into his chest, forcing him to hold them, "Steve's my ride. Listen, I gotta go, but this was fun," I said sarcastically as I walked back to the car. 

"We're at Billy Hargrove's house?" Steve asked, astonished, as I sat down in the passenger's seat. I nodded and turned the radio up when I heard a good song playing. I noticed Billy still at his front door, books in hand, just staring us down. "That creep's certainly enjoying the show, isn't he?" Steve joked and I chuckled, slapping his arm lightly. "Don't be mean, he's disabled," I said, causing Steve to laugh harder as we peeled away from Billy's house. 

Once Steve dropped me off at home, he took off towards Nancy's house and I was home alone, as per usual. Our parents were constantly working, so they were never home. Every week was a new business trip, but I wasn't complaining too much, Steve and I threw killer parties when they were gone. I went upstairs to my room and changed into sweatpants and a tank top. After going back downstairs, I watched a movie for two hours until it got dark, then got up to get a snack. I grabbed a banana from my kitchen counter and began unpeeling and eating it when I heard a rapid tapping on the large glass doors looking out to my backyard. I walked over to the door and, surprisingly, saw Billy standing there. I slid it open when I saw him about to knock again. "You know we have a front door, right?" I said, stunned that he even knew where I lived. 

"This was easier," He said gruffly, but I shook my head. "Hopping the fence was easier than ringing the doorbell?" I asked rhetorically. "I wasn't sure if Steve or your parents were home," He admitted and I shrugged it off. "Nope, home alone. Do you need something, Hargrove?" I persisted, wondering why he was here. "Well, for starters, you eating that banana like that is really doing something to me," He purred seductively. I lightly snorted and threw the peel in the trash behind me, "What's it doing? Making you realize you have a potassium deficiency?" I chortled, not getting a laugh out of him at all. "Listen, I came here to see if you wanted to come to a party with me tonight," He said after a while. "Really? Why me?" I asked, confused as to why I was his choice for a party partner. 

"Believe it or not, Harrington, but you're the closest thing to a friend I have in Hawkins," He said slowly. "You didn't even know my name until two hours ago," I mentioned. "Yeah, but that's only because you wouldn't tell me it. Look, are you coming or not?" He pushed. I shrugged and agreed to go with him, "I have to get changed first." I walked up to my room, Billy trailing behind me, and went towards my closet. "It's, uh, a costume party," He mentioned, flopping onto my bed. I look back at him and scoff, "And that's your costume?" He wore a leather jacket open, showing his abs, and was pleased with himself. "Yeah, it's hot right?" He asked, smirking. I looked down to the glistening muscles on his stomach and rolled my eyes again, "I'm not sure what you're going for, but I guess it works for you." He let out a hearty laugh, something I hadn't yet heard from him, and I blushed slightly. I always got a kick out of people finding me funny. 

I pulled out a tight black leather skirt, dark grey tube top, and a matching leather jacket along with a pair of black high heels. "Billy, you're gonna have to turn around unless you want to see me naked," I said jokingly, but really wanting him to evade his glance from me. "Who says I don't want to see you naked?" He said, a devilish smirk forming on his face. I felt my face grow hot and rushed into the bathroom connected to my room. I changed and came back out to see Billy looking around my room, specifically of a picture of me, Libby, and Decker. We were all in bathing suits at the beach, Libby and Decker holding me up as I held my arms up, smiling brightly. "Damn," I heard him mutter. He put the picture down and turned towards the bathroom, finally realizing I was standing there. Billy let out a wolf whistle and looked me up and down hungrily, "Well, shit, Jamie." "Don't go over-inflating my ego now, let's just go!" I said, finally ready to party. 

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