rip him to shreds

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As I pushed my way through the crowd of people, I hoped to find a drink somewhere. Billy trailed behind me, probably hoping for the same, but also trying to talk to me. "Jamie, wait," He started, but I stuck my middle finger up and said what was on my mind. "Fuck off, Hargrove," I scoffed. "Nice manners, babe!" He yelled from behind me. I kept walking, seeing a crowd gathered on the lawn and I walked over to them. Billy soon caught up and stood next to me, looking at the keg positioned in the middle of everyone. I found some spiked punch and began to guzzle that, hoping to get drunk fast. Billy seemed more interested in the keg, however, and went over to do his own keg stand. He stayed up for more than a minute while my freshly drunk ass stood by, watching, becoming more and more amused by it. He finally got down and the crowd applauded, screamed, and cheered for the new "keg king".

A dripping wet Billy walked over to me, smirking, "How'd you like the look of that?" He had a certain swagger about him that needed little explanation. He seemed very proud of himself, to say the least, so I pushed my cup into his hand. "Put that down and make sure my skirt doesn't go up, I don't need the entire student body seeing my student body," I said, motioning for Billy to put my cup on the table. "Huh?" He said, confused.

I walked to the keg, shot Tommy H. a wink and mounted the keg. Tommy H. and a few other boys held my legs up while Billy did as instructed, holding my hips and making sure my skirt didn't move. His hands seemed to wander through and I felt them going closer and closer to my- "ASS! That's my ass! Are you dented? I said skirt! Watch your fucking hands or you'll lose one!" I shouted up to him before putting the spigot into my mouth. "DRINK! DRINK! DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!" I heard chants from all around me as I began to drink, squeezing my eyes shut at the same time. Billy's hand moved nearer and nearer to parts I didn't want him touching, but I had had to stick it out to beat his record. Once I beat his record by ten seconds, I hopped down, almost stumbling, but falling onto Billy's chest. Everyone stared at me for a second until I threw my hands into the air, "HELL FUCKING YEAH!" The entire crowd erupted and I beamed, walking over to Billy again. He slung his arm around me and I drunkenly smiled. "To the new keg king and queen!" Tommy H. shouted into the crowd, granting a shit ton of screams and shouts.

"I'll take that title," I said, looking up at a very drunk Billy who had just polished off a few cups of the "punch". "I want to kiss you right now, so fucking bad," He admitted, but I pushed away from him, almost tripping over my feet multiple times. "You're gonna have to catch me!" I said, laughing hysterically at nothing as I attempted to run away from him. I turned the corner and crashed into another body, causing me to fall on my ass in front of them. "Hey, hey, hey, what the hell are you doing here, squirt?" Steve, the human blockade, said to me, extending his hand to help me up. I rose to my feet with his help and brushed myself off. "I'm partying!" I slurred, sarcastically pretending to cheer, "WoOoOoOoOo!" "Seriously, what're you doing here," He started, his eyes widening when he saw Billy come up from behind me, snagging my cup from my hand, ", especially with him?!" "Oh, don't worry Steve Wonder-" "Try again, not blind." "Steve Rogers-" "Not a superhero." "Steve... HARRINGTON! Steve Harrington, my darling brother," I said excitedly.

"I'm here to have fun, silly," I said, poking his cheek. Nancy, standing next to him, took another large gulp of her drink and I cocked my head. "You're both wasted anyways. So, what's the haps?" I asked. They both looked very awkward with each other, Nancy looking more mad then awkward, but they were just dancing together, so maybe it was my presence causing the funk. Suddenly, Nancy took off in a sprint, holding a hand over her mouth which could only mean one thing. "Oopsie! Upchuck alert!" I drunkenly giggled. Steve rolled his eyes and ran after her as I took their spot on the dance floor.

As I danced wildly, I saw out of the corner of my eye a guy dancing along with me. I drunkenly danced in sync with him and moved to the rhythm of the music. Soon, his hands were somewhere they shouldn't be, but I went along with it for a few minutes. I didn't know the guy behind me; he must've gone to another school. Suddenly, he put one of his hands on my ass, but when I pulled away, he took my wrist in his hand and pulled me back. I swatted at his hands, trying to get him to loosen his grip on me, but with every struggle, he only seemed to grow stronger against me. "Hey, bucko, get the hell off of me," I said, still trying to break free of his grasp. He used his other hand to feel me up as the music blared. I jerked my hand once more, finally getting out of his grasp, but not before a very angry Billy showed up behind me. "Caught 'cha," He said, a frown planting itself firmly upon his face. "Oh, now is not the time to get all aggressive, Hargrove," I groaned, already annoyed by his antics. "Besides," I muttered, "He's a cheap shot." I rubbed my wrist and took another look at the stunned boy behind me. I shot him a fake smile before sending a punch directly at his nose. "See? Cheap shot," I said, rubbing my knuckles for even a hint of comfort while I winced at the fresh pain.

"Jamie, are you out of your freaking mind?" He asked, his eye wide with shock. "Whaddaya mean?" I asked, smiling at him. "Hey, I get that you can take care of yourself, but you don't have to prove it," Billy said, grabbing my hand roughly and examining it. "Let me get you cleaned up, alright?" He said, guiding me towards the nearest bathroom. We went inside and saw a very trashed looking Nancy standing over the sink with a large red stain all over her shirt. "Hey, Nance, you alright?" I asked, just as drunk as she was, but I got no response. She simply stumbled out of the bathroom after I had entered and disappeared back into the party. Billy slammed the door behind us and picked up a washcloth from the side of the sink, dampening it and pressing it onto my knuckles as a makeshift ice-pack. "Does that feel better?" He asked, looking down at my hands.

I looked up at his face and fully analyzed his features, his eyes, his long hair, his stubble, his lips. His lips. We locked eyes and I looked back down at my hand quickly. There was a slight bruise forming on my knuckles, but I certainly looked better than the other guy. "You'll be okay," He said, chuckling as he noticed my lax stare from earlier. If it hadn't been for my tipsiness, I would've snapped out of it sooner, but of course, I didn't this time. He noticed too, that was the problem.

"Like what you see?" He said, half smirking, but still looking a little concerned. "Yeah, I do," I said sleepily. Billy looked at me with a tinge of sadness in his eyes. Soon, he scooped me up and carried me to his car, laying me down in the back seat. Soon enough, I was laying in a soft bed, dozing off again after being woken up slightly. I woke up a little after I felt Billy lift me up and carry me inside an unfamiliar house. As soon and I was in bed though, I stopped think so much and fell into a deep sleep.

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