Goodbye Class 2014

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Hey Guys! Ok this is a new story that I will be writing. Alot of you's will recognise this story because it belonged to @masterofunicornmikey and sadly she didnt want to finish it but I asked her if I could continue the story so im really happy she said yes :) The first 3 chapters weren't written by me but were written by @masterofunicornmikey. I hope you enjoy it and hopefully I could complete this story the best I can.


Chapter 1:

Summer was approaching fast one more day and the kids and myself would be free for the next three months on summer vaction, I had mixed emotions about that while I love the warm weather and freedom of sleeping in I would miss all of my students that I taught here in this old highschool. Another senior class would be leaving me again as the juniors would be taking their place, I would miss them all so much I had gotten close to this years seniors. I looked out of the my classroom window watching as all the kids tiredly got off the bus or out of there cars making their slow steps into the school, usually they would be more lively than this but today was a Monday and everyone knew that Monday's were the wrost day of the week even for me but that was why the invented Coffee. I smiled to myself as I took a sip, they would be in here soon so I stood up from my chair flattening my out my dress as I did so to get out all of the wrinkles. I made my way over the door opening it up stepping out standing and waiting to greet everyone to walk inside, this was my morning routine. My smile only grew as they all started to come down the hall with their backpacks hanging off their shoulders some even dragging them from behind.

"Mr. Davis please carry your bag like a normal human being." I said to one of my students as he passed by.

"No problem Miss E." Ryan Davis said with a smile picking up his bag tossing it over his shoulder and walking over to his locker.

I smiled over at him happy that he actually listened, Ryan was the class clown of my senior class as well as the trouble maker, he was a very smart kid if he actually decided to do his work. Some of my class started to make their way into my room each giving me a smile and a hello as they walked passed, I was pleased that they finally learned some manors. A few more mintues past as the bell for the day begin, I closed my door making my way into the room, everyone was there, I didn't see a single empty seat which was rare.

"Ah Mr. Davis you finally decided now not to get a tardy in my class?" I asked smirking over at him.

He smirked back. "Well this is my last week in school I thought now I should try to be the good student." He said back leaning back on his seat.

"You picked a great time to start that, now why couldn't you of started that in your freshmen year?" I asked him taking a seat in front of my computer to take attendance.

"That would of been a long four year if I did it that way Ms. Evans." He told me keeping the smirk.

"Yes but it would of been easier for everyone else." I said sending the office my attendance list.

"I had to make things interesting." He said this time smiling fully at me.

"You did a good job at that," I said letting out a laugh,

"Alright down to business we only got a week left with each other and I just thought what would be a better farewell than a fun one day project!"I said clapping my hands only to have groans come from everyone else.

"Hey! It's not that bad I promise you and since you're still in my class you have to do what I say, okay so this project is probably something you have done before, I want you all to get a piece of paper and write your name on it first and last than I want you all to pass your paper around to everyone in the room and that person has to write one nice thing or goodbye on that paper at the end of class you will pick three things to read a loud to all of us, I'll even do it with you." I said smiling writing my name on some paper.

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