Chapter 17: Forgiveness

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"Dear Diary,

I still haven't forgiven Leon for what had happened yesterday. He keeps calling me but I refuse to answer. I'm not sure if I can ever forgive him"

I sigh and put away my diary. I get that Leon is upset by his dad's death but I just wish he didn't take his frustration out on me. I bury my face as I hear my phone ring for the billionth time. I listen as Leon leaves a voice message.

"Hey, uhhhh it's me again. I just wanted to say I'm really sorry about what happened it's just i'm really upset but that doesn't excuse my recent actions. Could we please just talk?" he says before I hear the beep cutting him off.  I sigh as I pick up my phone and dial Leon's number.

"Vilu?" Leon says, sounding surprised. I guess  he was surprised that I had actually called him back this time. I pause for a moment while debating whether I should hang up or not.

"Maybe this was a mistake" I sigh.

"No, Vilu, I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me" he pleads, I had never heard him sound so desperate.

"Leon, I...." I couldn't finish my sentence, I had no idea what to say.

"I can't lose you too..." he says quietly. I open my mouth to respond but get interrupted by a knocking on my door.

"I'll talk to you later" I say as I hang up. I walk across the room and open the door to see Angie standing there.

"Hey, how are you?" she asks. I shrug and gesture for her to come in. She smiles and steps inside.

"Have you spoken to Leon?" she asks as she takes a seat on the chair sat in front of my desk.

"Yeah, he wants me to forgive him."  I sigh.

"Why don't you?" Angie asks.

"You know why!" I say.

"Come on, Vilu. He's going through a rough time, he doesn't know how to feel" Angie says.

 "So are you going to forgive him?" Diego asks as we walk through the park together.

"Can we talk about something you and Fran?" I smirk as I nudge him with my elbow.

"Stop" he rolls his eyes. It was obvious that Diego and Francesca had some sort of feelings for each other but for some reason they refuse to go out.

"Ha, and you say my love life's complicated" I joke.

After Diego and I had finished mindlessly walking through the park, Diego dropped me off at Leon's house. I walked up to the front door and rang the door bell.

"Hey, Violetta. Come in." Lucas says. I walk inside and look around. I'm still not over how beautiful his house is.

"Is Leon here?" I ask.

"He's in his room, go on up" Lucas says. I smile and walk up the stairs and knock on Leon's door.After a few seconds Leon opens the door, looking surprised to see me. He instantly hugs me.

"I'm so sorry, I'm such an idiot" he says.

"It's okay" I say.


There's only a few more chapters left in this story but there will be a sequel. What do you guys want to happen in the second book?

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