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| 9:42am

"Now, for this next group project, youll be paired with the student behind you!" the teacher cooed, eyes turned upwards in upside down crescent shapes. You subtly blinked a few times, you actually didnt take notice of who was behind you. Turning slowly, you could recognise the person already.

Dark brown hair, doe eyes piercing into yours ferociously and uneven pink lips being licked in thought. Not to mention the fact this male forgot to pull out his shirts collar before going to school.

"Oh! Hi, i guess im partners with you. Taehyung, right?" a polite greeting smile formed on your face as you turned all the way around to face the male, your legs on either side of the wooden chair. The males face scrunched up, almost in disgust.

"Uh, no. Its actually jungkook."




"...ahaha, right..." an awkward squeal left your lips as you turned back around to face the teacher with a face as glum and straight as a rock. The male behind you must have been laughing because you swore you couldve heard some sort of snicker behind.

"This will be a history project, the both of will be researching an issue from a country that occurred in the 1800's," the teacher went on, walking up to the white board and pulling out a marker to write, "does anyone have any issues they know about from that time period?"


"Listen, chic, i dont think you know what youre getting yourself into. You want... me to come over to your house?" the bunny toothed male cocked his head to the side with a puzzled expression.

"Mhm, if youre okay with that. Unless you want to go to your house then thatd be fine as well," You continued to smile a little. Even with a reputation as bad as his, you had to at least be nice. Even if he didnt return the expressions.

"Uhh. Well, you see... im in this uh, league- i mean- group, i go to it after school with my friend taehyung," Jungkook nervously went on, "its a fightin- f... fishing! Group."

"Fishing? Oh i see! I didnt think you were the type to do something such as that!" You obliviously nodded your head, putting your full attention to the man.

"What the hel- heck do you mean by that?"

"Its kinda like, youre too cool to do such sentimental hobbies such as fishing."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, one of the corners of his lips started to twitch upwards although he refused to smile at such a remark like that.

"Ah- really? Thanks, i guess?" Jungkook looked away before scoffing, "so basically, i cant work on it at home, sorry."

"Oh no worries, i dont blame you. Here," you stood up, dusting off your skirt as you went off to find an untouched white sheet of paper, ripping out a rectangular piece to write your phone number on.

"What are you doing? Get back her-"

"There, if you ever get the opportunity, you can call me!"

Thats when seagull_jk felt a sudden feeling in his gut for lying about some fishing group.

| 3:32pm

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