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come in your prettiest swimsuit, cutie~


And thats when the red lipped girl closed her eyes, slowly moving away from Jungkook with an irritated look. Jungkook looked away, his dark bangs covering his eyes as his lips were stained red.

"Woah- moving quickly," Taehyung broke the silence, looking displeased at Jungkook that didnt dare look back up at the elder. Soojin just smiled, turning her head towards you as she stood up from the table. She glared at you. She looked like a fierce lion eyeing down their prey.

"So this is what you meant by going out with a friend, did you," you pursed your lips a little feeling slightly awkward. You did just walk in on your friends sharing a kiss-

"Oh hey Eunhae," Soojin rolled her eyes, licking her lips from her encounter earlier, "way to ruin a moment," she crossed her eyebrows in frustration before looking at Jungkook who was covering his lips with one of his hands in embarrassment.

"O-oh- yeah im sorry- why dont we go Tae," you shone a small, guilt filled smile at him. Jungkooks eyes then slowly traveled to your figure then to Taehyungs, noticing how impeccably close both of you were standing. He wanted to get up and join you but he couldnt-

"God. Im getting so tired of you Eunhae," Soojin suddenly snapped, "yeah just go and act like you didnt ruin a perfectly good moment!" she balled up her fists as her face scrunched in irritation. Your eyes widened in the slightest bit, the rest of the tables in the room turning to face the angry woman shouting at some poor girl.

"I s-said i was sorry- come on t-tae lets just go-" you couldnt believe your ears. Soojin, the usual calm girl of your friend group is now a red enraged mess. Taehyung clenched his jaw, moving towards Soojin and furrowing his eyebrows.

Now you knew what Yerim was
talking about

And how you wished she was
here right now

"Hey can you get over it. She already feels bad enough," Taehyung scolded towards Soojin angrily, exhaling and turning to face you instead. You averted your gaze from him to the dark brown wood floor. Soojin's chest heaved down slowly as she nibbled her bottom lip with frustration, softening while she glanced at Jungkook.

Your eyebrows curled downwards as you slowly walked towards the exit of the restaurant, taehyung following behind with an offended expression.


There you were, laying on your tummy on your bed once again. It was like nothing had ever even happened.

You sniffled once.

and sniffled again

before tears rolled down one of your flustered cheeks. Soojin's words cut deeper than you thought but the blood that dripped from it was worse.

You clutched one of your white fluffy pillows and hugged it tightly, your face dig into it. Whimpering softly, you leaned over to your lamp and turned it off.

| 11:00pm

"Eunhae... were you crying last night?" Yerim asked sweetly, her eyebrows curling downwards in concern. You gulped nervously before looking away from her and shaking your head, "..Eunhae."

You blinked a few times, thinking of what to say to her, "maybe.."

"Oh Eunhae, what happened?" the brunette nibbled at her bottom lip in slight distress. she needed to know. She swore whoever made Eunhae cry would pay.

"Its nothing," you giggled with a fake tone. It was only you and Yerim sitting at a lunch table. Soojin hadnt sat with you for the past couple days. Yerim's eyes burned into yours as she squinted at you; wanting an answer.

"Okay fine... Soojin was on a date with Jungkook and i accidentally ruined a moment between the both of them," you cautiously answered before whining softly and laying your head on the lunch table.

"And you cried because of that?"

"...not entirely- Soojin got so upset with me, she yelled," you sniffled, head still buried in your arms. Yerim shook her head with a tsk.

"See, somethings up with her. Lately she... she hasnt been her," Yerim added with a sigh, "i wonder what happened. Not to mention how clingy she is to Jungkook."

"I agree," you muttered, remembering the sight of both their lips pressed together. You whined once more at the image- feeling dirty you watched it happen, "aish... i really need a day off or something-"

"Eunhae! Hey!" the soothing voice of a certain blonde male echoed behind you, resulting in you turning to face him with a small smile, "I kinda eavesdropped- forgive me but-" he turned to Namjoon and some black haired male before looking back at you, "why dont you go to the beach with us? Yerim, you too!"

You inhaled sharply before a sort of sparkle shone in your eyes, your hands clapping in excitement, "oh my! Thatd be so much fun!" you beamed happily, side eyeing Yerim for her reaction which she just nodded to.

"Yeah? Awesome! Ill text you the details okay?" Taehyung winked playfully sending the male with black hair to roll his eyes with a small smile. Then, he walked off but a certain dimpled male stayed behind with his arms crossed against his chest an even bigger smile on his face.

"Oh and, the beach is totally private. Its my dad's. So..." the silver haired male leaned towards you, his dark orbs full of mischief, "come in your prettiest swimsuit, cutie~"

You hiccup, flustered extremely sending your face redder than a tomato per say. Namjoon chuckled flirtatiously, standing back up straight before his whole body was bent backwards by some powerful force.

and that powerful force

was yerim.

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